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vrx_2022 gymkhana_task
M1chaelM edited this page Aug 3, 2021
13 revisions
Coming soon
Summary : This is a combination of the first three basic tasks. In the first portion, the vehicle traverses a channel marked by pairs of colored buoys, to arrive at a gate. The vehicle then passes through the gate to enter the second portion. In the second portion, the vehicle searches for an underwater acoustic pinger marking the location of a black box. The vehicle navigates to the pinger and holds station as close as possible to the pinger.
- Start the example:
roslaunch vrx_gazebo gymkhana.launch
- Subscribe to the task-specific topics provided by the gymkhana scoring plugin:
- Top-level task status has the timeout and final score
rostopic echo /vrx/task/info
[FIX: Does not exist right now] - Note that even though the
portions each has its owntask/info
topics, the final timeout and score go by the top-level topic.
- The navigation channel portion has no specific topics. However, Gazebo messages such as
[Msg] New gate crossed!
and[Msg] Course completed!
will be printed to the terminal, if you launch the task with argumentextra_gazebo_args:=--verbose
- The black box acoustic pinger publishes a distance and two angles, with noise
- You should use the acoustic pinger to find the position of the blackbox
- Though the station-keeping scoring plugin publishes the absolute goal pose, you should not use this for localization. Use the acoustic pinger instead.
- You should not use the ground truth goal, though it is published by the scoring plugin (as a geographic_msgs/GeoPoseStamped message):
rostopic echo /vorc/gymkhana_blackbox/goal
- Pose error:
rostopic echo /vrx/gymkhana_blackbox/pose_error
- Root mean square error:
rostopic echo /vrx/gymkhana_blackbox/rms_error
- You should not use the ground truth goal, though it is published by the scoring plugin (as a geographic_msgs/GeoPoseStamped message):
- Top-level task status has the timeout and final score