diff --git a/subt_example/CMakeLists.txt b/subt_example/CMakeLists.txt
index 898ac882..37d4ae0c 100644
--- a/subt_example/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/subt_example/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ add_executable(teleop_node src/teleop_node.cc)
add_dependencies(teleop_node ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
target_link_libraries(teleop_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
-# add_subdirectory(src/truth_controller)
## Tests ##
diff --git a/subt_ign/CMakeLists.txt b/subt_ign/CMakeLists.txt
index 5aecdab0..014e5c3c 100644
--- a/subt_ign/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/subt_ign/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -343,6 +343,35 @@ install(TARGETS ${gas_emitter_detector_plugin_name}
+# Create the libPlaybackEventRecorder.so library.
+set(playback_event_recorder_name PlaybackEventRecorder)
+add_library(${playback_event_recorder_name} SHARED
+ src/PlaybackEventRecorder.cc
+ src/PlaybackEventRecorder.cc
+ ignition-gazebo${IGN_GAZEBO_VER}::core
+ ignition-common3::ignition-common3
+ ignition-launch4::ignition-launch4
+ ignition-math6::ignition-math6
+ ignition-msgs7::ignition-msgs7
+ ignition-plugin1::loader
+ ignition-transport9::ignition-transport9
+ sdformat10::sdformat10
+ ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
+install(TARGETS ${playback_event_recorder_name}
# Create log_checker executable.
add_executable(log_checker src/LogChecker.cc)
diff --git a/subt_ign/launch/path_tracer.ign b/subt_ign/launch/path_tracer.ign
index d2454945..3043127f 100644
--- a/subt_ign/launch/path_tracer.ign
+++ b/subt_ign/launch/path_tracer.ign
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
<% elsif $worldName.include?('urban_circuit_') &&
!$worldName.include?('practice') %>
urban_circuit/<%= worldNumber %>/<%= $worldName %>.sdf
+ <% elsif $worldName.include?('cave_circuit_') &&
+ !$worldName.include?('practice') %>
+ cave_circuit/<%= worldNumber %>/<%= $worldName %>.sdf
<% else %>
<%= $worldName %>.sdf
<% end %>
diff --git a/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/README.md b/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cccfd8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Playback Event Recorder
+The playback event recorder creates videos for events that are stored in the
+events.yml log file in the state log directory.
+Here are the events being recorded and their associated camera mode:
+* robots exiting staging area: static camera above staging area looking down at angle
+* rock fall: static camera above dynamic rocks model looking directly downward
+* marsupial vehicle detaching child robot: camera follows the child robot
+* artifact proximity: camera follows the robot
+* region of interest (decision, vertical, elevation): camera follows the robot
+## Running the demo
+To create event videos for a subt log, run:
+bash record_playback_events.bash
+The script launches ign gazebo in playback mode and creates videos using the
+GUI camera video recording feature. For each event, it seeks playback to some
+time before the event, moves the camera to the desired location (either in
+follow mode or moves to a static pose), and starts recording until some time
+after the event. After recording all events, ign-gazebo will exit on its own
+and you can find the recorded videos in a timestamped directory inside the
+directory where the bash script is run.
+## Video recorder settings
+By default, the video recorder plugin records videos based on real time and
+in lower quality than desired. In order to produce smooth high quality videos
+with accurate timing, we need to specify a few video recorder
+configurations in the `gui.config` file. The config file should be located in
+`$HOME/.ignition/gazebo`. Find the 3D Scene plugin and add the following
+`` settings:
+ 3D View
+ false
+ docked
+ ogre2
+ scene
+ 0.4 0.4 0.4
+ 0.8 0.8 0.8
+ 6 0 6 0 0.5 3.14
+ true
+ true
+ 8000000
+This makes sure the video recording is done in lock step with simulation
+state updates so that we do not miss any frames during encoding. Additionally
+sim time is used as timestamp so that the generated video length is unaffected
+by the speed at which log playback is running in. For example, it may take
+up to several hours to playback an event in a subt log due to low RTF but the
+resulting video should still have a length that matches the specified duration
+of the event.
+## Known issue
+The video recorder configurations are set to produce higher quality videos
+but the encoding process is also more expensive. Since the server and the GUI
+run asynchronously in two separate processes, we usually see that the GUI start
+to lag behind the server after several minutes into recording. Once the ignition
+transport msg queue is full, it starts dropping state msgs, and we would
+notice missing frames in the generated videos. This is currently mitigated by
+using a "catch-up" recording strategy in the playback event recorder, which
+basically pauses the simulation when we detect the the video recorder is lagging
+behind the server above some threshold, and only resumes playing back simulation
+when the lag is within a reasonable amount of time.
diff --git a/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/playback_event_recorder.sdf b/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/playback_event_recorder.sdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..760ee0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/playback_event_recorder.sdf
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ 25
+ tmp_record
+ tmp_record
+ true
+ true
diff --git a/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/record_playback_events.bash b/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/record_playback_events.bash
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3e840d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subt_ign/scripts/playback_event_recorder/record_playback_events.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# The playback event recorder creates videos for events that are stored
+# in the events.yml log file in the state log directory. The script launches
+# ign gazebo in playback mode and creates videos using the gui camera video
+# recording feature. For each event, it seeks playback to some time before the
+# event, moves the camera to the desired location, and starts recording until
+# some time after the event.
+echo "==================================="
+echo "Staring Playback Event Recorder"
+echo "==================================="
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "Usage: bash ./record_playback_events.bash [path_to_log_dir]"
+ exit 0
+if [ ! -d "$logDirPath" ]; then
+ echo "Directory does not exist: $logDirPath"
+ exit 0
+scriptDir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
+echo "Creating tmp dir for recording: $tmpDir"
+if [ -d "$tmpDir" ]; then
+ rm -fr $tmpDir
+ln -s $logDirPath $tmpDir
+echo "Starting log playback and video recording"
+ign gazebo -v 4 "$scriptDir/$sdfName.sdf"
+echo "Video recording ended. Shutting down playback"
+pgrep -f $sdfName | xargs kill -9 &> /dev/null
+videoDir=$(date +%s)
+echo "Moving mp4 videos to dir: $videoDir"
+mkdir $videoDir
+mv *.mp4 $videoDir
+# remove tmp dir
+if [ -d "$tmpDir" ]; then
+ rm -fr $tmpDir
+echo "Done"
diff --git a/subt_ign/src/PlaybackEventRecorder.cc b/subt_ign/src/PlaybackEventRecorder.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61ef73a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subt_ign/src/PlaybackEventRecorder.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1296 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Open Source Robotics Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+#include "PlaybackEventRecorder.hh"
+ subt::PlaybackEventRecorder,
+ ignition::gazebo::System,
+ subt::PlaybackEventRecorder::ISystemConfigure,
+ subt::PlaybackEventRecorder::ISystemPreUpdate,
+ subt::PlaybackEventRecorder::ISystemPostUpdate)
+namespace subt
+ /// \brief Data structure to store event info
+ class Event
+ {
+ public: void GenerateFilename(const std::string &_format)
+ {
+ this->filename = std::to_string(
+ static_cast(this->startRecordTime)) + "-" + this->type;
+ if (!this->detector.empty())
+ this->filename += "-" + this->detector;
+ if (!this->model.empty())
+ this->filename += "-" + this->model;
+ if (!this->extra.empty())
+ this->filename += "-" + this->extra;
+ this->filename += "-" + this->robot +
+ + "-" + std::to_string(this->id) +"." + _format;
+ }
+ /// \brief Event id
+ public: unsigned int id;
+ /// \brief Type of event
+ public: std::string type;
+ /// \brief Time of event in seconds
+ public: double time = 0;
+ /// \brief Robot associated with the event
+ public: std::string robot;
+ /// \brief For "detect" event type only - the detector of the event
+ public: std::string detector;
+ /// \brief For "detect" event type only - the state of the event,
+ /// e.g. enter / exit
+ public: std::string state;
+ /// \brief Model associated with this event
+ public: std::string model;
+ /// \brief Extra typpe info associate with event
+ public: std::string extra;
+ /// \brief Start time for recording video
+ public: double startRecordTime = 0;
+ /// \brief End time for recording video
+ public: double endRecordTime = 0;
+ /// \brief Name of the output file.
+ public: std::string filename;
+ };
+ /// \brief Playback recording state
+ enum State
+ {
+ /// \brief Idle
+ IDLE = 0,
+ /// \brief Seek log to time of event
+ /// \brief Seek log to time before event
+ /// \brief Recording in progress
+ };
+ /// \brief Camera modes when recording
+ enum CameraMode
+ {
+ /// \brief Static camera pose
+ /// \brief Camera follows robot
+ };
+using namespace ignition;
+using namespace gazebo;
+using namespace systems;
+using namespace subt;
+/// \brief Private data class for PlaybackEventRecorder
+class subt::PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate
+ /// \brief Seek to time in log playback
+ /// \param[in] _t Time in sim seconds
+ public: void Seek(double _t);
+ /// \brief Move gui camera to pose
+ /// \param[in] _pose Pose to move to
+ public: void MoveTo(const math::Pose3d &_pose);
+ /// \brief Move gui camera to entity
+ /// \param[in] _entity Entity to move to
+ public: void MoveTo(const std::string &_entity);
+ /// \brief Move gui camera to follow entity
+ /// \param[in] _entity Entity to follow
+ public: void Follow(const std::string &_entity);
+ /// \brief Start/stop video recording
+ /// \param[in] _record True to start, false to stop
+ public: void Record(bool _record);
+ /// \brief Spawn a light
+ public: void SpawnLight();
+ /// \brief Callback for a video recorder stats msg
+ /// \param[in] _msg Message containing video recorder stats
+ public: void OnRecorderStats(const msgs::Time &_msg);
+ /// \brief Recorder stats msg.
+ public: msgs::Time recorderStatsMsg;
+ /// \brief Mutex to protect recorder stats msg.
+ public: std::mutex recorderStatsMutex;
+ /// \brief Ignition Transport node.
+ public: transport::Node node;
+ /// \brief Name of the world stored in the log
+ public: std::string logWorldName;
+ /// \brief True to spawn light on playback
+ public: bool spawnLight = false;
+ /// \brief True to make camera follow robot instead of staying in fixed
+ /// position
+ public: bool cameraFollow = false;
+ /// \brief True if camera is currently following the target
+ public: bool cameraFollowing = false;
+ /// \brief True if entity (that the camera is asked to follow) exists in
+ /// the world
+ public: bool entityExists = false;
+ /// \brief Time when system is loaded
+ public: std::chrono::time_point loadTime;
+ /// \brief If scene has been initialized
+ public: bool started = false;
+ /// \brief Indicate if the system requested to wait for certain amount of
+ /// time (real time) before continuing to the playback recording process.
+ /// This is needed for example to wait until the gui camera has arrived at
+ /// the specified pose
+ public: bool waiting = false;
+ /// \brief Wait for scene to be created on the gui side
+ public: bool waitForScene = false;
+ /// \brief Start of wait time in wall clock time
+ public: std::chrono::time_point waitStartTime;
+ /// \brief Auto exit when log playback recording ends
+ public: bool exitOnFinish = false;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the event manager
+ public: EventManager *eventManager{nullptr};
+ /// \brief current event being recorded.
+ public: Event event;
+ /// \brief Path to the directory containing the state log file
+ public: std::string logPath;
+ /// \brief A list of events to record
+ public: std::list events;
+ /// \brief Move to pose service name
+ public: std::string moveToPoseService;
+ /// \brief Move to service name
+ public: std::string moveToService;
+ /// \brief Move to service name
+ public: std::string followService;
+ /// \brief Seek service name
+ public: std::string seekService;
+ /// \brief Time when video recording stop request is made
+ public: std::chrono::time_point recordStopTime;
+ /// \brief Video record service name
+ public: std::string videoRecordService;
+ /// \brief Video encoding format
+ public: std::string videoFormat{"mp4"};
+ /// \brief Filename of temp video recording
+ public: std::string tmpVideoFilename =
+ "tmp_video_recording." + this->videoFormat;
+ /// \brief Request to stop video recording
+ public: bool recordStopRequested{false};
+ /// \brief Current state of the system
+ public: State state = IDLE;
+ /// \brief A map of event type to its start and end recording time
+ public: std::map> eventRecordDuration;
+ /// \brief A map of event type to the camera mode
+ public: std::map eventCameraMode;
+ /// \brief Unique dynamic rock models
+ public: std::set uniqueRockModels;
+ /// \brief Dynamic rock pose
+ public: std::map rockModelPose;
+ /// \brief A list of unique detectors
+ public: std::set detectors;
+ /// \brief A list of unique robots
+ public: std::set robotNames;
+ /// \brief Number of robots
+ public: unsigned int robotCount = 0;
+ /// \brief total duration of the run in sim time
+ public: unsigned int logEndTime = 0;
+ /// \brief Time when all robots have been spawned
+ public: double robotsSpawnTime = 0;
+ /// \brief Time to append to the end of record time
+ public: double endTimeBuffer = 0;
+ /// \brief True if recorder needs to catch up on recording so it
+ /// does not lag behind too much
+ public: bool catchupOnRecording = false;
+ /// \brief Status log
+ public: std::ofstream statusLog;
+ : dataPtr(new PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate)
+ // set up event types and recording duration:
+ // * robot deployed a marsupial child (follow camera)
+ // * robot deployed a breadcrumb (follow camera)
+ // * robot flipped over (follow camera)
+ // * robot enter proximity of artifact (follow camera)
+ // * robot exited staging area (static camera)
+ // * robot triggered rock fall (static camera)
+ this->dataPtr->eventRecordDuration["detach"] = std::make_pair(60, 120);
+ this->dataPtr->eventRecordDuration["breadcrumb_deploy"] =
+ std::make_pair(60, 120);
+ this->dataPtr->eventRecordDuration["flip"] = std::make_pair(120, 30);
+ this->dataPtr->eventRecordDuration["detect"] = std::make_pair(60, 60);
+ this->dataPtr->eventRecordDuration["rock_fall"] = std::make_pair(60, 120);
+ this->dataPtr->eventCameraMode["detach"] = FOLLOW_CAMERA;
+ this->dataPtr->eventCameraMode["breadcrumb_deploy"] = FOLLOW_CAMERA;
+ this->dataPtr->eventCameraMode["flip"] = FOLLOW_CAMERA;
+ // detect event type - follow for artifacts
+ // There is a special check added later to use static camera for staging area
+ this->dataPtr->eventCameraMode["detect"] = FOLLOW_CAMERA;
+ this->dataPtr->eventCameraMode["rock_fall"] = STATIC_CAMERA;
+ // breadcrumb and flip events no longer needed
+ this->dataPtr->detectors.insert("staging_area");
+ // artifact proximity events no longer needed
+ this->dataPtr->detectors.insert("backpack");
+ this->dataPtr->detectors.insert("phone");
+ this->dataPtr->detectors.insert("rescue_randy");
+ this->dataPtr->detectors.insert("rope");
+ this->dataPtr->detectors.insert("helmet");
+ // region of interest events - decision, vertical, elevation
+ this->dataPtr->detectors.insert("tile");
+void PlaybackEventRecorder::Configure(const ignition::gazebo::Entity &,
+ const std::shared_ptr &_sdf,
+ ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &/*_ecm*/,
+ ignition::gazebo::EventManager &_eventMgr)
+ // Ugly, but needed because the sdf::Element::GetElement is not a const
+ // function and _sdf is a const shared pointer to a const sdf::Element.
+ auto ptr = const_cast(_sdf.get());
+ if (_sdf->HasElement("exit_on_finish"))
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->exitOnFinish = ptr->Get("exit_on_finish");
+ }
+ if (!_sdf->HasElement("log_path"))
+ {
+ ignerr << "Unable to record playback video. "
+ << "Please specify 'log_path'." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_sdf->HasElement("spawn_light"))
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->spawnLight = ptr->Get("spawn_light");
+ }
+ const sdf::ElementPtr logPathElem = ptr->GetElement("log_path");
+ this->dataPtr->logPath = logPathElem->Get();
+ // load run.yml
+ YAML::Node runNode = YAML::LoadFile(
+ common::joinPaths(this->dataPtr->logPath, "run.yml"));
+ // parse number of robots
+ this->dataPtr->robotCount = runNode["robot_count"].as();
+ // get total duration of log
+ std::unique_ptr log =
+ std::make_unique();
+ std::string dbPath =
+ common::joinPaths(this->dataPtr->logPath, "state.tlog");
+ if (!log->Open(dbPath))
+ {
+ ignerr << "Failed to open log file [" << dbPath << "]" << std::endl;
+ }
+ this->dataPtr->logEndTime =
+ std::chrono::duration_cast(
+ log->EndTime()).count();
+ std::string eventFilename = "filtered_events.yaml";
+ if (!common::exists(common::joinPaths(this->dataPtr->logPath, eventFilename)))
+ eventFilename = "events.yml";
+ this->dataPtr->statusLog.open("record_status.log", std::ofstream::app);
+ // load filtered_events.yml
+ YAML::Node node = YAML::LoadFile(
+ common::joinPaths(this->dataPtr->logPath, eventFilename));
+ // staging area event - there should be one in each playback
+ // record video until last robot exists staging area
+ Event stagingAreaEvent;
+ stagingAreaEvent.type = "detect";
+ stagingAreaEvent.detector = "staging_area";
+ stagingAreaEvent.time = 0;
+ stagingAreaEvent.state = "exit";
+ stagingAreaEvent.startRecordTime = 0;
+ stagingAreaEvent.endRecordTime = 60;
+ std::map stagingAreaEventTime;
+ // parse and store the list of events
+ for (const auto &n : node)
+ {
+ std::string type = n["type"].as();
+ auto it = this->dataPtr->eventRecordDuration.find(type);
+ if (it == this->dataPtr->eventRecordDuration.end())
+ continue;
+ Event e;
+ e.type = type;
+ e.time = n["time_sec"].as();
+ // check for detect event type and record videos only for detectors that we
+ // are interested in.
+ // Currently only interested in staging area event
+ if (type == "detect")
+ {
+ std::string detector;
+ std::string state;
+ if (auto detectorParam = n["detector"])
+ {
+ // filter detector events to the list defined in this->dataPtr->detector
+ detector = detectorParam.as();
+ bool validDetector = false;
+ for (const auto &d : this->dataPtr->detectors)
+ {
+ if (detector.find(d) != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ validDetector = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!validDetector)
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ continue;
+ if (auto stateParam = n["state"])
+ {
+ state = stateParam.as();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get the time when the last robot exits the staging area
+ // take into accout that some robots may never leave, in which case
+ // record until the last unique robot exit event
+ if (detector == "staging_area")
+ {
+ if (state == "exit" && stagingAreaEventTime.size() <
+ this->dataPtr->robotCount)
+ {
+ std::string robot = n["robot"].as();
+ double time = n["time_sec"].as();
+ if (stagingAreaEventTime.find(robot) == stagingAreaEventTime.end())
+ {
+ stagingAreaEventTime[robot] = time;
+ if (time > stagingAreaEvent.time)
+ {
+ stagingAreaEvent.time = time;
+ stagingAreaEvent.robot = robot;
+ stagingAreaEvent.endRecordTime = time + it->second.second;
+ stagingAreaEvent.id = n["id"].as();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // continue because we don't need to store every staging area detector
+ // event in the list. There should only be one, which we manually push
+ // into the events list later
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (auto extraParam = n["extra"])
+ {
+ if (auto extraTypeParam = extraParam["type"])
+ {
+ e.extra = extraTypeParam.as();
+ }
+ }
+ e.detector = detector;
+ }
+ // for rock fall events, we need to check the corresponding performer
+ // detector events to get the robot associated with this event
+ if (type == "rock_fall")
+ {
+ std::string model = n["model"].as();
+ std::string suffix = model.substr(model.rfind("_"));
+ for (const auto &ev : node)
+ {
+ if (ev["type"].as() == "detect" &&
+ math::equal(ev["time_sec"].as(), e.time) &&
+ ev["detector"].as().find("rockfall" + suffix)
+ != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ e.robot = ev["robot"].as();
+ e.model = model;
+ this->dataPtr->uniqueRockModels.insert(model);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ e.robot = n["robot"].as();
+ }
+ if (n["id"])
+ e.id = n["id"].as();
+ else
+ e.id = this->dataPtr->events.size();
+ e.startRecordTime = std::max(e.time - it->second.first, 0.0);
+ e.endRecordTime = e.time + it->second.second;
+ e.GenerateFilename(this->dataPtr->videoFormat);
+ if (!ignition::common::exists(this->dataPtr->logPath + "/" + e.filename))
+ this->dataPtr->events.push_back(e);
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << e.filename << " exists, skipping\n";
+ auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ this->dataPtr->statusLog << ignition::math::timePointToString(now)
+ << " " << e.filename << " exists, skipping" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // merge artifact proximity detector events
+ // we don't want to record mulitple videos for each artifact detector event
+ // If mulitple events occurred for the same robot and artifact within some
+ // time period, then merge the events
+ double maxTimeDiff = 60.0;
+ std::set toRemove;
+ for (auto it = this->dataPtr->events.begin();
+ it != this->dataPtr->events.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ auto &e = *it;
+ if (toRemove.find(e.id) != toRemove.end())
+ continue;
+ if (e.type != "detect")
+ continue;
+ // merge current event with other detector events for the same robot
+ // if time difference between the two is less than maxTimeDiff
+ for (auto it2 = std::next(it, 1); it2 != this->dataPtr->events.end();
+ ++it2)
+ {
+ auto &e2 = *it2;
+ if (e2.type == "detect" && e2.robot == e.robot &&
+ e2.detector == e.detector && e2.extra == e.extra)
+ {
+ double dt = e2.startRecordTime - e.startRecordTime;
+ if (dt < maxTimeDiff && dt >= 0)
+ {
+ e.endRecordTime = e2.endRecordTime;
+ toRemove.insert(e2.id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove events that were merged and marked for removal
+ this->dataPtr->events.remove_if(
+ [&toRemove](Event &e) {return toRemove.find(e.id) != toRemove.end();});
+ // append buffer time to the end
+ for (auto &e : this->dataPtr->events)
+ e.endRecordTime += this->dataPtr->endTimeBuffer;
+ stagingAreaEvent.endRecordTime += this->dataPtr->endTimeBuffer;
+ // add the staging area event
+ if (!stagingAreaEventTime.empty())
+ {
+ stagingAreaEvent.GenerateFilename(this->dataPtr->videoFormat);
+ if (!ignition::common::exists(this->dataPtr->logPath + "/" +
+ stagingAreaEvent.filename))
+ {
+ // this->dataPtr->events.push_back(stagingAreaEvent);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << stagingAreaEvent.filename << " exists, skipping\n";
+ auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ this->dataPtr->statusLog << ignition::math::timePointToString(now)
+ << " " << stagingAreaEvent.filename << " exists, skipping" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // don't do anything if there are no events
+ if (this->dataPtr->events.empty())
+ {
+ std::cout << "No events to record: " << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Events to record: " << std::endl;
+ for (const auto &e : this->dataPtr->events)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Event: " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " type: " << e.type << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " robot: " << e.robot << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " time: " << e.time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " detector: " << ((e.detector.empty()) ? "N/A" : e.detector)
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " state: " << ((e.state.empty()) ? "N/A" : e.state)
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " model: " << ((e.model.empty()) ? "N/A" : e.model)
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " extra: " << ((e.extra.empty()) ? "N/A" : e.extra)
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " start time: " << e.startRecordTime << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " end time: " << e.endRecordTime << std::endl;
+ }
+ this->dataPtr->eventManager = &_eventMgr;
+ // For move to service requests
+ this->dataPtr->moveToPoseService = "/gui/move_to/pose";
+ this->dataPtr->moveToService = "/gui/move_to";
+ // For follow service requests
+ this->dataPtr->followService = "/gui/follow";
+ // For video record requests
+ this->dataPtr->videoRecordService = "/gui/record_video";
+ this->dataPtr->node.Subscribe("/gui/record_video/stats",
+ &PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate::OnRecorderStats, this->dataPtr.get());
+ this->dataPtr->loadTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+void PlaybackEventRecorder::PreUpdate(
+ const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &/*_info*/,
+ ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &/*_ecm*/)
+void PlaybackEventRecorder::PostUpdate(
+ const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
+ const ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm)
+ if (this->dataPtr->state == IDLE &&
+ this->dataPtr->events.empty())
+ {
+ if (this->dataPtr->exitOnFinish)
+ exit(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get world name recorded in log
+ if (this->dataPtr->logWorldName.empty())
+ {
+ _ecm.Each(
+ [&](const Entity & /*_entity*/,
+ const components::World *,
+ const components::Name *_name)->bool
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->logWorldName = _name->Data();
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ // Get rock fall model pose.
+ {
+ _ecm.Each(
+ [&](const Entity & /*_entity*/,
+ const components::Model *,
+ const components::Name *_name,
+ const components::Pose *_pose,
+ const components::Static *)->bool
+ {
+ std::string rockName = _name->Data();
+ if (this->dataPtr->rockModelPose.find(rockName)
+ == this->dataPtr->rockModelPose.end() &&
+ rockName.find("dynamic_rocks") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->rockModelPose[rockName] = _pose->Data();
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ // wait for a few seconds before doing anything
+ std::chrono::time_point t =
+ std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ if (t - this->dataPtr->loadTime < std::chrono::seconds(5))
+ return;
+ int64_t s, ns;
+ std::tie(s, ns) = ignition::math::durationToSecNsec(_info.simTime);
+ int64_t rs, rns;
+ std::tie(rs, rns) = ignition::math::durationToSecNsec(_info.realTime);
+ // step the sim for a few seconds for scene to load on gui side
+ if (!this->dataPtr->started)
+ {
+ if (_info.paused)
+ this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(false);
+ // look for robots
+ _ecm.Each(
+ [&](const gazebo::Entity &,
+ const gazebo::components::Sensor *,
+ const gazebo::components::ParentEntity *_parent) -> bool
+ {
+ // Get the model. We are assuming that a sensor is attached to
+ // a link.
+ auto model = _ecm.Component(
+ _parent->Data());
+ if (model)
+ {
+ auto mName =
+ _ecm.Component(model->Data());
+ if (this->dataPtr->robotNames.find(mName->Data()) ==
+ this->dataPtr->robotNames.end())
+ this->dataPtr->robotNames.insert(mName->Data());
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ // wait for robots to spawn
+ if (s < 60 && this->dataPtr->robotNames.size() < this->dataPtr->robotCount)
+ {
+ static bool informed = false;
+ if (!informed)
+ {
+ ignmsg << "Waiting for robots to spawn" << std::endl;
+ informed = true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (this->dataPtr->robotsSpawnTime <= 0)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->robotsSpawnTime = s;
+ }
+ // robots have spawned, now wait for the initial levels to load
+ if (s < this->dataPtr->robotsSpawnTime + 15.0)
+ {
+ static bool informed = false;
+ if (!informed)
+ {
+ ignmsg << "Waiting for levels to load" << std::endl;
+ informed = true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ this->dataPtr->started = true;
+ }
+ // idle state - get next event
+ if (this->dataPtr->state == IDLE)
+ {
+ if (this->dataPtr->events.empty())
+ {
+ if (this->dataPtr->exitOnFinish)
+ exit(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ // get next event to record
+ this->dataPtr->event = this->dataPtr->events.front();
+ this->dataPtr->events.pop_front();
+ auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ this->dataPtr->statusLog << ignition::math::timePointToString(now)
+ << " " << this->dataPtr->event.filename << " starting. "
+ << this->dataPtr->events.size() << " remaining." << std::endl;
+ // set camera mode
+ auto cameraMode = this->dataPtr->eventCameraMode[this->dataPtr->event.type];
+ this->dataPtr->cameraFollow = (cameraMode == FOLLOW_CAMERA) &&
+ (this->dataPtr->event.detector != "staging_area");
+ ignmsg << "Playing event: " << this->dataPtr->event.startRecordTime << " "
+ << this->dataPtr->event.type << " "
+ << (this->dataPtr->event.detector.empty() ?
+ "" : this->dataPtr->event.detector) << " "
+ << (this->dataPtr->event.model.empty() ?
+ "" : this->dataPtr->event.model) << " "
+ << (this->dataPtr->event.extra.empty() ?
+ "" : this->dataPtr->event.extra) << " "
+ << this->dataPtr->event.robot<< std::endl;
+ this->dataPtr->Seek(this->dataPtr->event.startRecordTime);
+ this->dataPtr->state = SEEK_BEGIN;
+ ignmsg << "State: Transitioning to SEEK_BEGIN" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // seek event state - seek to time of event and get robot pose so we can
+ // move camera to a pose where the event occurred
+// if (this->dataPtr->state == SEEK_EVENT)
+// {
+// // time of event - find robot and set up camera
+// if (s == static_cast(this->dataPtr->event.time))
+// {
+// // wait for a few real time seconds after arriving at time of event
+// if (!this->dataPtr->waiting)
+// {
+// this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(true);
+// this->dataPtr->waiting = true;
+// this->dataPtr->waitStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+// return;
+// }
+// else if (t - this->dataPtr->waitStartTime > std::chrono::seconds(5))
+// {
+// this->dataPtr->waiting = false;
+// this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(false);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// return;
+// }
+// // get pose of robot for the current event
+// auto entity = _ecm.EntityByComponents(
+// components::Name(this->dataPtr->event.robot),
+// components::Model());
+// if (entity == kNullEntity)
+// {
+// ignerr << "Unable to record event. Failed to get robot with name: "
+// << this->dataPtr->event.robot << std::endl;
+// this->dataPtr->state = IDLE;
+// return;
+// }
+// auto poseComp = _ecm.Component(entity);
+// if (!poseComp)
+// {
+// ignerr << "Unable to record event. Failed to get pose for robot: "
+// << this->dataPtr->event.robot << std::endl;
+// this->dataPtr->state = IDLE;
+// return;
+// }
+// math::Pose3d pose = poseComp->Data();
+// // rock fall event: move camera to some offset above rock fall model and
+// // orient it to face down
+// if (this->dataPtr->event.type == "rock_fall")
+// {
+// auto it = this->dataPtr->rockModelPose.find(this->dataPtr->event.model);
+// if (it != this->dataPtr->rockModelPose.end())
+// {
+// math::Pose3d p = it->second;
+// p.Pos() += math::Vector3d(-12.5, -12.5, 5.5);
+// p.Rot() = math::Quaterniond(0, 0.4, IGN_PI/4.0);
+// this->dataPtr->MoveTo(p);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// this->dataPtr->MoveTo(this->dataPtr->event.robot);
+// }
+// }
+// // staging area event: move camera to somewhere above the staging area
+// // looking down at all the robots
+// else if (this->dataPtr->event.type == "detect" &&
+// this->dataPtr->event.detector == "staging_area")
+// {
+// math::Pose3d p(-3.5, 0, 5, 0, 0.4, 0);
+// this->dataPtr->MoveTo(p);
+// }
+// // all other events: move gui camera to robot for now
+// else
+// {
+// this->dataPtr->MoveTo(this->dataPtr->event.robot);
+// }
+// // seek to a time x min before the event.
+// this->dataPtr->Seek(this->dataPtr->event.startRecordTime);
+// this->dataPtr->state = SEEK_BEGIN;
+// ignmsg << "State: Transitioning to SEEK_BEGIN" << std::endl;
+// }
+// return;
+// }
+ // seek begin state - seek playback to x min before the event and start
+ // recording
+ if (this->dataPtr->state == SEEK_BEGIN)
+ {
+ if (s == static_cast(this->dataPtr->event.startRecordTime))
+ {
+ // wait for a few real time seconds after arriving at time before event
+ if (!this->dataPtr->waiting)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(true);
+ this->dataPtr->waiting = true;
+ this->dataPtr->waitStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (t - this->dataPtr->waitStartTime > std::chrono::seconds(5))
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->waiting = false;
+ this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // spawn a light if needed
+ // we need to spawn a light on every seek event because new entities
+ // that get spawned in playback are removed when jumping back in time
+ if (this->dataPtr->spawnLight)
+ {
+ auto lightEntity = _ecm.EntityByComponents(
+ components::Name("spawned_light"));
+ if (lightEntity == kNullEntity)
+ this->dataPtr->SpawnLight();
+ }
+ // if in camera follow mode, reset entity exists values so we can do
+ // check to make sure the entity exists first before asking the gui
+ // camera to follow it
+ if (this->dataPtr->cameraFollow)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->entityExists = false;
+ this->dataPtr->cameraFollowing = false;
+ }
+ // static camera mode
+ else
+ {
+ // rock fall event: move camera to some offset above rock fall model and
+ // orient it to face down
+ if (this->dataPtr->event.type == "rock_fall")
+ {
+ auto it = this->dataPtr->rockModelPose.find(this->dataPtr->event.model);
+ if (it != this->dataPtr->rockModelPose.end())
+ {
+ math::Pose3d p = it->second;
+ p.Pos() += math::Vector3d(-12.5, -12.5, 5.5);
+ p.Rot() = math::Quaterniond(0, 0.4, IGN_PI/4.0);
+ this->dataPtr->MoveTo(p);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ignerr << "Unable to move camera to dynamic rock model: "
+ << this->dataPtr->event.model << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // staging area event: move camera to somewhere above the staging area
+ // looking down at all the robots
+ else if (this->dataPtr->event.type == "detect" &&
+ this->dataPtr->event.detector == "staging_area")
+ {
+ math::Pose3d p(-3.5, 0, 5, 0, 0.4, 0);
+ this->dataPtr->MoveTo(p);
+ }
+ }
+ this->dataPtr->waitForScene = true;
+ this->dataPtr->state = RECORDING;
+ ignmsg << "State: Transitioning to RECORDING" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // recording state - record video to disk until y min after time of event
+ if (this->dataPtr->state == RECORDING)
+ {
+ // pause and wait a few seconds for scene to initialize on gui
+ if (this->dataPtr->waitForScene)
+ {
+ if (!this->dataPtr->waiting)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->waitStartTime = t;
+ this->dataPtr->waiting = true;
+ }
+ // play for a small period of time to get scene state msg over to gui
+ else if (t - this->dataPtr->waitStartTime > std::chrono::milliseconds(10))
+ {
+ // pause and wait for scene to initialize on gui
+ this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(true);
+ if (t - this->dataPtr->waitStartTime > std::chrono::seconds(15))
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(false);
+ this->dataPtr->waiting = false;
+ this->dataPtr->recorderStatsMsg.Clear();
+ this->dataPtr->catchupOnRecording = false;
+ // start video recording
+ this->dataPtr->Record(true);
+ this->dataPtr->waitForScene = false;
+ ignmsg << "Recording started: " << s << "s (sim time), "
+ << rs << "s (real time)" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // catch edge case. If we seek to a time in playback that the robot has
+ // not been spawned yet, e.g. beginning of sim, then we need to wait
+ // for robot to spawn before sending the follow cmd
+ if (this->dataPtr->cameraFollow)
+ {
+ if (!this->dataPtr->entityExists)
+ {
+ // check if robot exists
+ auto entity = _ecm.EntityByComponents(
+ components::Name(this->dataPtr->event.robot),
+ components::Model());
+ if (entity != kNullEntity)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->entityExists = true;
+ this->dataPtr->Follow(this->dataPtr->event.robot);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!this->dataPtr->cameraFollowing)
+ {
+ // wait for a few real time seconds for the robot entity data to be ready on
+ // gui side
+ if (!this->dataPtr->waiting)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->waiting = true;
+ this->dataPtr->waitStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (t - this->dataPtr->waitStartTime > std::chrono::seconds(10))
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->waiting = false;
+ this->dataPtr->Follow(this->dataPtr->event.robot);
+ this->dataPtr->cameraFollowing = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // record until we reached the end record time or end of playback
+ msgs::Time recorderStats;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock(this->dataPtr->recorderStatsMutex);
+ recorderStats = this->dataPtr->recorderStatsMsg;
+ }
+ if (!this->dataPtr->recordStopRequested)
+ {
+ // check for end of playback, indicated by paused state and
+ // also double check against log end time
+ bool endOfPlayback = false;
+ if (_info.paused && recorderStats.sec() >=
+ (this->dataPtr->logEndTime -
+ this->dataPtr->event.startRecordTime - 1.0))
+ {
+ endOfPlayback = true;
+ ignmsg << "Possible end of Playback reached. Stopping video recorder"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // check if we need to catch up on recordiing
+ int lag = (s - this->dataPtr->event.startRecordTime) -
+ recorderStats.sec();
+ if (!this->dataPtr->catchupOnRecording)
+ {
+ if (recorderStats.sec() != 0 && lag > 10)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(true);
+ this->dataPtr->catchupOnRecording = true;
+ ignmsg << "Recording Video: " << recorderStats.sec()
+ << "s (sim time)" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lag < 5)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->eventManager->Emit(false);
+ this->dataPtr->catchupOnRecording = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (endOfPlayback || recorderStats.sec() >=
+ static_cast(this->dataPtr->event.endRecordTime -
+ this->dataPtr->event.startRecordTime))
+ {
+ // stop recording
+ this->dataPtr->Record(false);
+ this->dataPtr->recordStopRequested = true;
+ this->dataPtr->recordStopTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ ignmsg << "Recording stopped: " << recorderStats.sec()
+ << "s (sim time), " << rs << "s (real time)" << std::endl;
+ // disable camera following
+ if (this->dataPtr->cameraFollow)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->Follow(std::string());
+ this->dataPtr->cameraFollowing = false;
+ this->dataPtr->cameraFollow = false;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Video recording stopped. We need to save a copy of the video file
+ if (this->dataPtr->recordStopRequested)
+ {
+ // give it some time for video encording to finiish encoding
+ std::chrono::time_point now =
+ std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ if (now - this->dataPtr->recordStopTime < std::chrono::seconds(5))
+ return;
+ if (common::exists(this->dataPtr->tmpVideoFilename))
+ {
+ common::moveFile(this->dataPtr->tmpVideoFilename,
+ this->dataPtr->event.filename);
+ ignmsg << "Saving video recording to: "
+ << this->dataPtr->event.filename << std::endl;
+ auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ this->dataPtr->statusLog << ignition::math::timePointToString(now)
+ << " Saving video recording to: "
+ << this->dataPtr->event.filename << std::endl;
+ // Remove old temp file, if it exists.
+ std::remove(this->dataPtr->tmpVideoFilename.c_str());
+ }
+ this->dataPtr->recordStopRequested = false;
+ this->dataPtr->state = IDLE;
+ ignmsg << "State: Transitioning to IDLE" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate::MoveTo(const math::Pose3d &_pose)
+ std::function cb =
+ [](const ignition::msgs::Boolean &/*_rep*/, const bool _result)
+ {
+ if (!_result)
+ ignerr << "Error sending move to request" << std::endl;
+ };
+ ignition::msgs::GUICamera req;
+ msgs::Set(req.mutable_pose(), _pose);
+ if (this->node.Request(this->moveToPoseService, req, cb))
+ {
+ igndbg << "Move to pose: " << _pose << std::endl;
+ }
+void PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate::MoveTo(const std::string &_entity)
+ std::function cb =
+ [](const ignition::msgs::Boolean &/*_rep*/, const bool _result)
+ {
+ if (!_result)
+ ignerr << "Error sending move to request" << std::endl;
+ };
+ ignition::msgs::StringMsg req;
+ req.set_data(_entity);
+ if (this->node.Request(this->moveToService, req, cb))
+ {
+ igndbg << "Move to entity: " << _entity << std::endl;
+ }
+void PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate::Follow(const std::string &_entity)
+ std::function cb =
+ [](const ignition::msgs::Boolean &/*_rep*/, const bool _result)
+ {
+ if (!_result)
+ ignerr << "Error sending follow request" << std::endl;
+ };
+ ignition::msgs::StringMsg req;
+ req.set_data(_entity);
+ if (this->node.Request(this->followService, req, cb))
+ {
+ igndbg << "Follow entity: " << _entity << std::endl;
+ }
+void PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate::Seek(double _timeSec)
+ std::function cb =
+ [](const ignition::msgs::Boolean &/*_rep*/, const bool _result)
+ {
+ if (!_result)
+ ignerr << "Error sending playback control request" << std::endl;
+ };
+ msgs::LogPlaybackControl playbackMsg;
+ playbackMsg.mutable_seek()->set_sec(_timeSec);
+ playbackMsg.mutable_seek()->set_nsec(0.0);
+ playbackMsg.set_pause(false);
+ if (this->node.Request(
+ "/world/default/playback/control",
+ playbackMsg, cb))
+ {
+ igndbg << "Seek to time: " << _timeSec << std::endl;
+ }
+void PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate::Record(bool _record)
+ std::function cb =
+ [](const ignition::msgs::Boolean &/*_rep*/, const bool _result)
+ {
+ if (!_result)
+ ignerr << "Error sending record request" << std::endl;
+ };
+ ignition::msgs::VideoRecord req;
+ if (_record)
+ {
+ std::string filename = this->tmpVideoFilename;
+ req.set_start(true);
+ req.set_format(this->videoFormat);
+ req.set_save_filename(filename);
+ igndbg << "Recording video " << filename << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ igndbg << "Stopping video recorder" << std::endl;
+ req.set_stop(true);
+ }
+ this->node.Request(this->videoRecordService, req, cb);
+void PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate::SpawnLight()
+ std::function cb =
+ [](const ignition::msgs::Boolean &/*_rep*/, const bool _result)
+ {
+ if (!_result)
+ ignerr << "Error sending record request" << std::endl;
+ };
+ ignition::msgs::EntityFactory req;
+ std::string spawnStr = "" \
+ ""\
+ ""\
+ "0 0 10 0 0 0"\
+ ""\
+ "";
+ req.set_sdf(spawnStr);
+ req.set_allow_renaming(false);
+ // for factory service requests
+ std::string createService = "/world/" + this->logWorldName
+ + "/create";
+ this->node.Request(createService, req, cb);
+void PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate::OnRecorderStats(const msgs::Time &_msg)
+ std::lock_guard lock(this->recorderStatsMutex);
+ this->recorderStatsMsg = _msg;
diff --git a/subt_ign/src/PlaybackEventRecorder.hh b/subt_ign/src/PlaybackEventRecorder.hh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b528b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subt_ign/src/PlaybackEventRecorder.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Open Source Robotics Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+namespace subt
+ class PlaybackEventRecorderPrivate;
+ /// \brief This plugin records videos on log playback for events that
+ /// occurred during simulation.
+ class PlaybackEventRecorder :
+ public ignition::gazebo::System,
+ public ignition::gazebo::ISystemConfigure,
+ public ignition::gazebo::ISystemPreUpdate,
+ public ignition::gazebo::ISystemPostUpdate
+ {
+ /// \brief Constructor
+ public: PlaybackEventRecorder();
+ /// \brief Destructor
+ public: ~PlaybackEventRecorder();
+ // Documentation inherited
+ public: void Configure(const ignition::gazebo::Entity &_entity,
+ const std::shared_ptr &_sdf,
+ ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm,
+ ignition::gazebo::EventManager &_eventMgr) override;
+ // Documentation inherited
+ public: void PreUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
+ ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm) override;
+ // Documentation inherited
+ public: void PostUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
+ const ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm) override;
+ /// \brief Private data pointer.
+ private: std::unique_ptr dataPtr;
+ };
diff --git a/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.cc b/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.cc
index 01235509..eac4ff05 100644
--- a/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.cc
+++ b/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.cc
@@ -68,8 +68,10 @@ MarkerColor::MarkerColor(const ignition::math::Color &_ambient,
-Processor::Processor(const std::string &_path, const std::string &_configPath)
+Processor::Processor(const std::string &_path, const std::string &_configPath, const std::string &_partition, const std::string &_cameraPose, const std::string &_worldName, bool _onlyCheck)
+ this->worldName = _worldName;
YAML::Node cfg;
if (!_configPath.empty())
@@ -179,15 +181,53 @@ Processor::Processor(const std::string &_path, const std::string &_configPath)
{1.0, 0.761, 0.4, 1.0}));
- // Create the transport node with the partition used by simulation
- // world.
- ignition::transport::NodeOptions opts;
- opts.SetPartition("PATH_TRACER");
- this->markerNode = std::make_unique(opts);
- this->ClearMarkers();
+ ignition::msgs::Boolean boolRep;
+ bool result = false;
+ bool executed = false;
+ if (!_onlyCheck)
+ {
+ // Create the transport node with the partition used by simulation
+ // world.
+ ignition::transport::NodeOptions opts;
+ opts.SetPartition(_partition);
+ this->markerNode = std::make_unique(opts);
+ this->ClearMarkers();
+ this->Pause(true);
+ // Move camera
+ std::vector camPoseParts =
+ ignition::common::split(_cameraPose, " ");
+ ignition::msgs::GUICamera guiCamReq;
+ guiCamReq.mutable_pose()->mutable_orientation()->set_x(0);
+ guiCamReq.mutable_pose()->mutable_orientation()->set_y(0.707);
+ guiCamReq.mutable_pose()->mutable_orientation()->set_z(0);
+ guiCamReq.mutable_pose()->mutable_orientation()->set_w(0.707);
+ guiCamReq.mutable_pose()->mutable_position()->set_x(
+ std::stof(camPoseParts[0]));
+ guiCamReq.mutable_pose()->mutable_position()->set_y(
+ std::stof(camPoseParts[1]));
+ guiCamReq.mutable_pose()->mutable_position()->set_z(
+ std::stof(camPoseParts[2]));
+ // Make sure we actually move
+ while (!result || !executed)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Moving camera to " << _cameraPose << std::endl;
+ executed = this->markerNode->Request("/gui/move_to/pose", guiCamReq,
+ 2000, boolRep, result);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5));
+ }
+ this->markerNode->Subscribe("/clock", &Processor::ClockCb , this);
- // Subscribe to the artifact poses.
- this->SubscribeToArtifactPoseTopics();
+ // recorder stats
+ this->markerNode->Subscribe("/gui/record_video/stats",
+ &Processor::RecorderStatsCb , this);
+ // Subscribe to the artifact poses.
+ this->SubscribeToArtifactPoseTopics();
+ }
// Playback the log file.
std::unique_lock lock(this->mutex);
@@ -195,37 +235,8 @@ Processor::Processor(const std::string &_path, const std::string &_configPath)
- // Create a transport node that uses the default partition.
- ignition::transport::Node node;
- // Subscribe to the robot pose topic
- bool subscribed = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5 && !subscribed; ++i)
- {
- std::vector topics;
- node.TopicList(topics);
- // Subscribe to the first /dynamic_pose/info topic
- for (auto const &topic : topics)
- {
- if (topic.find("/dynamic_pose/info") != std::string::npos)
- {
- // Subscribe to a topic by registering a callback.
- if (!node.Subscribe(topic, &Processor::Cb, this))
- {
- std::cerr << "Error subscribing to topic ["
- << topic << "]" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- subscribed = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
- }
- // Wait for log playback to end.
- playbackThread.join();
+ std::vector scoredArtifacts;
+ std::set artifactProximity;
// Process the events log file.
std::string eventsFilepath = _path + "/events.yml";
@@ -274,9 +285,41 @@ Processor::Processor(const std::string &_path, const std::string &_configPath)
data->type = REPORT;
data->pos = reportedPos;
data->score = events[i]["points_scored"].as();
+ if (data->score > 0)
+ {
+ this->scoreTimes.push_back(sec);
+ scoredArtifacts.push_back(
+ events[i]["closest_artifact_name"].as());
+ }
+ else if (events[i]["type"].as() == "finished")
+ {
+ int sec = events[i]["time_sec"].as();
+ std::unique_ptr data = std::make_unique();
+ data->type = PHASE;
+ this->logData[sec].push_back(std::move(data));
+ }
+ else if (events[i]["type"].as() == "started")
+ {
+ int sec = events[i]["time_sec"].as();
+ std::unique_ptr data = std::make_unique();
+ data->type = PHASE;
+ this->logData[sec].push_back(std::move(data));
+ }
+ else if (events[i]["type"].as() == "detect")
+ {
+ if (events[i]["state"].as() == "enter")
+ {
+ if (events[i]["extra"] && events[i]["extra"]["type"] &&
+ events[i]["extra"]["type"].as() ==
+ "artifact_proximity")
+ {
+ artifactProximity.insert(events[i]["detector"].as());
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -284,11 +327,141 @@ Processor::Processor(const std::string &_path, const std::string &_configPath)
std::cerr << "Missing " << eventsFilepath
<< ". There will be no artifact report visualization.\n";
+ // Make sure there is a zero second event.
+ std::unique_ptr data = std::make_unique();
+ data->type = PHASE;
+ this->logData[0].push_back(std::move(data));
+ for (const std::string &artifact : scoredArtifacts)
+ {
+ if (artifactProximity.find(artifact) == artifactProximity.end())
+ std::cerr << "Scored artifact not approached for " << artifact << ".\n";
+ }
+ // Create a transport node that uses the default partition.
+ ignition::transport::Node node;
+ // Subscribe to the robot pose topic
+ bool subscribed = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5 && !subscribed; ++i)
+ {
+ std::vector topics;
+ node.TopicList(topics);
+ // Subscribe to the first /dynamic_pose/info topic
+ for (auto const &topic : topics)
+ {
+ if (topic.find("/dynamic_pose/info") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ // Subscribe to a topic by registering a callback.
+ if (!node.Subscribe(topic, &Processor::Cb, this))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error subscribing to topic ["
+ << topic << "]" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ subscribed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
+ }
+ // Wait for log playback to end.
+ playbackThread.join();
+ // This block loop is for run validation. Safe to ignore for path
+ // visualization.
+ if (_onlyCheck)
+ {
+ for (std::map>>::iterator iter =
+ this->logData.begin(); iter != this->logData.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ for (std::unique_ptr &data : iter->second)
+ {
+ if (data->type == REPORT)
+ {
+ const ReportData *report = static_cast(data.get());
+ if (report->score > 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "- scored:\n";
+ std::map scorePoses;
+ // Get the most recent poses of the robots.
+ for (auto iter2 = this->logData.begin();
+ iter2 != this->logData.end() && iter2->first <= iter->first;
+ ++iter2)
+ {
+ for (std::unique_ptr &data2 : iter2->second)
+ {
+ if (data2->type == ROBOT)
+ {
+ const RobotPoseData *poseData =
+ static_cast(data2.get());
+ for (std::map>::const_iterator poseIter = poseData->poses.begin(); poseIter != poseData->poses.end(); poseIter++)
+ {
+ //if (poseIter->first != "breadcrumb_node")
+ {
+ scorePoses[poseIter->first] =
+ (*(poseIter->second.rbegin())).Pos();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &p : scorePoses)
+ {
+ std::cout << " " << p.first << ": " << p.second << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
// Display all of the artifacts using visual markers.
+ // Start video recording
+ ignition::msgs::VideoRecord startRecordReq;
+ startRecordReq.set_start(true);
+ startRecordReq.set_format("mp4");
+ startRecordReq.set_save_filename("/tmp/ign/output/0000-robot_paths.mp4");
+ result = false;
+ executed = false;
+ // Make sure we actually move
+ while (!result || !executed)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Start recording \n";
+ executed = this->markerNode->Request("/gui/record_video", startRecordReq,
+ 2000, boolRep, result);
+ }
// Display all of the poses using visual markers.
+ ignition::msgs::VideoRecord endRecordReq;
+ endRecordReq.set_stop(true);
+ result = false;
+ executed = false;
+ // Make sure we actually move
+ while (!result || !executed)
+ {
+ std::cout << "End recording \n";
+ executed = this->markerNode->Request("/gui/record_video", endRecordReq,
+ 2000, boolRep, result);
+ }
+ // Wait a bit for the video recorder to stop.
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(60));
@@ -367,6 +540,28 @@ void Processor::SubscribeToArtifactPoseTopics()
+void Processor::ClockCb(const ignition::msgs::Clock &_msg)
+ std::lock_guard lock(this->stepMutex);
+ //std::cout << "ClockCb[" << _msg.sim().sec() << "]\n";
+ this->simTime = _msg.sim().sec();
+ if (this->simTime >= this->nextSimTime)
+ this->stepCv.notify_one();
+ /*std::lock_guard lock(this->stepMutex);
+ if (this->nextSimTime > 0 && this->simTime.sim().sec() >= this->nextSimTime)
+ this->stepCv.notify_one();
+ */
+void Processor::RecorderStatsCb(const ignition::msgs::Time &_msg)
+ std::lock_guard lock(this->recorderStatsMutex);
+ this->recorderStatsMsg = _msg;
void Processor::ArtifactCb(const ignition::msgs::Pose_V &_msg)
@@ -391,33 +586,93 @@ void Processor::ArtifactCb(const ignition::msgs::Pose_V &_msg)
+void Processor::Pause(bool _pause)
+ ignition::msgs::WorldControl msg;
+ ignition::msgs::Boolean boolRep;
+ bool result;
+ result = false;
+ msg.set_pause(_pause);
+ bool executed = this->markerNode->Request(
+ "/world/" + this->worldName + "/control", msg, 2000, boolRep, result);
+ if (!executed || !result)
+ std::cerr << "\n!!! ERROR: Unable to pause simulation\n";
+void Processor::StepUntil(int _sec)
+ ignition::msgs::WorldControl msg;
+ ignition::msgs::Boolean boolRep;
+ bool result;
+ result = false;
+ msg.mutable_run_to_sim_time()->set_sec(_sec);
+ std::unique_lock lock(this->stepMutex);
+ this->markerNode->Request(
+ "/world/" + this->worldName + "/control", msg, 500, boolRep, result);
+ this->stepCv.wait(lock);
void Processor::DisplayPoses()
+ this->startSimTime = this->simTime;
+ // Iterate through all the stored poses.
for (std::map>>::iterator iter =
this->logData.begin(); iter != this->logData.end(); ++iter)
- auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- printf("\r %ds/%ds (%06.2f%%)", iter->first, this->logData.rbegin()->first,
- static_cast(iter->first) / this->logData.rbegin()->first * 100);
- fflush(stdout);
+ // Display new visual markers.
for (std::unique_ptr &data : iter->second)
- // Get the next time stamp, and sleep the correct amount of time.
+ // Get the next time stamp, and run simulation to thattime.
auto next = std::next(iter, 1);
if (next != this->logData.end())
- int sleepTime = (((next->first - iter->first) / this->rtf)*1000);
- auto duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(sleepTime) -
- std::chrono::duration_cast(
- duration));
+ // This is the next sim time that contains new visual data.
+ this->nextSimTime = next->first + this->startSimTime;
+ // Debug output
+ printf("%ds/%ds (%06.2f%%) start=%d currDelta=%d \
+nextDelta=%d next=%d curr=%ld\n",
+ iter->first, this->logData.rbegin()->first,
+ static_cast(iter->first) / this->logData.rbegin()->first*100,
+ this->startSimTime, iter->first, next->first, this->nextSimTime,
+ this->simTime);
+ // Step simulation to the new timestamp
+ this->StepUntil(this->nextSimTime);
+ }
+ double dt = 0;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock(this->recorderStatsMutex);
+ dt = this->simTime - this->recorderStatsMsg.sec();
+ // std::cerr << "simtime vs recorder stats time : "
+ // << this->simTime << " vs " << this->recorderStatsMsg.sec()
+ // << " " << dt << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (dt > 10)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Pausing to catch up\n";
+ while (dt >= 5)
+ {
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
+ std::lock_guard lock(this->recorderStatsMutex);
+ dt = this->simTime - this->recorderStatsMsg.sec();
+ }
+ std::cout << "Resuming playback\n";
+ // Wait a bit for the video recorder to catch up.
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(15));
@@ -475,6 +730,7 @@ void Processor::SpawnMarker(MarkerColor &_color,
void Processor::Cb(const ignition::msgs::Pose_V &_msg)
std::unique_ptr data(new RobotPoseData);
+ int sec = _msg.header().stamp().sec();
// Process each pose in the message.
for (int i = 0; i < _msg.pose_size(); ++i)
@@ -482,6 +738,7 @@ void Processor::Cb(const ignition::msgs::Pose_V &_msg)
// Only conder robots.
std::string name = _msg.pose(i).name();
if (name.find("_wheel") != std::string::npos ||
+ name.find("Rock") != std::string::npos ||
name.find("rotor_") != std::string::npos || name == "base_link") {
@@ -495,15 +752,26 @@ void Processor::Cb(const ignition::msgs::Pose_V &_msg)
this->prevPose[name] = pose;
+ // The following line is here to capture robot poses close to
+ // artifact report attempts.
+ bool forceRecord = false;
+ /*for (int t : scoreTimes)
+ {
+ if (std::abs(t-sec) < 4)
+ {
+ forceRecord = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }*/
// Filter poses.
- if (this->prevPose[name].Pos().Distance(pose.Pos()) > 1.0)
+ if (this->prevPose[name].Pos().Distance(pose.Pos()) > 1.0 || forceRecord)
this->prevPose[name] = pose;
- int sec = _msg.header().stamp().sec();
// Store data.
if (!data->poses.empty())
@@ -536,7 +804,7 @@ void ReportData::Render(Processor *_p)
_p->SpawnMarker(_p->artifactColors["correct_report_color"], this->pos,
- ignition::math::Vector3d(4, 4, 4));
+ ignition::math::Vector3d(10, 10, 10));
@@ -546,14 +814,25 @@ void ReportData::Render(Processor *_p)
+void PhaseData::Render(Processor *)
+ // no-op
int main(int _argc, char **_argv)
// Create and run the processor.
- if (_argc > 2)
- Processor p(_argv[1], _argv[2]);
+ if (_argc == 7)
+ Processor p(_argv[1], _argv[2], _argv[3], _argv[4], _argv[5], true);
+ else if (_argc == 6)
+ Processor p(_argv[1], _argv[2], _argv[3], _argv[4], _argv[5], false);
- Processor p(_argv[1]);
+ std::cerr << "Invalid number of arguments. \n"
+ << "./path_tracer "
+ << " \"\" " << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nPlayback complete.\n";
return 0;
diff --git a/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.hh b/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.hh
index 1fbf57a9..26edcb28 100644
--- a/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.hh
+++ b/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.hh
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ class Processor;
enum DataType
ROBOT = 0,
- REPORT = 1
+ REPORT = 1,
+ PHASE = 2
/// \brief Color properties for a marker.
@@ -202,6 +203,12 @@ class ReportData : public Data
public: void Render(Processor *_p);
+/// \brief Phase change data
+class PhaseData : public Data
+ public: void Render(Processor *_p);
/// \brief The log file processor.
class Processor
@@ -209,8 +216,16 @@ class Processor
/// visualization.
/// \param[in] _path Path to the directory containing the log files.
/// \param[in] _configPath Path to the configuration file, or empty string.
+ /// \param[in] _partition Ignition transport partition.
+ /// \param[in] _cameraPose Initial camera pose.
+ /// \param[in] _worldName Name of the world.
+ /// \param[in] _onlyCheck True to only check, anot make a video.
public: Processor(const std::string &_path,
- const std::string &_configPath = "");
+ const std::string &_configPath,
+ const std::string &_partition,
+ const std::string &_cameraPose,
+ const std::string &_worldName,
+ bool _onlyCheck);
/// \brief Destructor
public: ~Processor();
@@ -247,6 +262,22 @@ class Processor
/// \brief This callback is triggered on every pose message in the log file.
public: void Cb(const ignition::msgs::Pose_V &_msg);
+ /// \brief Callback for the clock message.
+ /// \param[in] _msg Clock message
+ public: void ClockCb(const ignition::msgs::Clock &_msg);
+ /// \brief Recorder stats callback.
+ /// \param[in] _msg Recorder stats message.
+ public: void RecorderStatsCb(const ignition::msgs::Time &_msg);
+ /// \brief Step simulation to a specific time.
+ /// \param[in] _sec Simulation seconds.
+ public: void StepUntil(int _sec);
+ /// \brief Pause simulation.
+ /// \param[in] _pause True to pause simulation.
+ public: void Pause(bool _pause);
/// \brief Mapping of robot name to color
public: std::map robots;
@@ -279,4 +310,20 @@ class Processor
/// \brief Realtime factor for playback.
private: double rtf = 1.0;
+ private: std::vector scoreTimes;
+ private: int simTime;
+ private: int startSimTime = 0;
+ private: int nextSimTime = -1;
+ private: std::mutex stepMutex;
+ private: std::condition_variable stepCv;
+ private: std::string worldName;
+ /// \brief Recorder stats msg.
+ public: ignition::msgs::Time recorderStatsMsg;
+ /// \brief Mutex to protect recorder stats msg.
+ public: std::mutex recorderStatsMutex;
diff --git a/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.yml b/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.yml
index 110baae3..252c9bd1 100644
--- a/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.yml
+++ b/subt_ign/src/path_tracer.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,146 @@
+rtf: 1.0
+incorrect_report_color: # medium grey
- r: 1.0
- g: 0.0
- b: 0.0
+ r: 0.490
+ g: 0.431
+ b: 0.373
a: 0.5
- r: 1.0
- g: 0.0
- b: 0.0
+ r: 0.490
+ g: 0.431
+ b: 0.373
a: 0.5
- r: 0.2
- g: 0.0
- b: 0.0
+ r: 0.490
+ g: 0.431
+ b: 0.373
a: 0.1
+correct_report_color: # light green
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 0.0
+ r: 0.596
+ g: 0.722
+ b: 0.416
a: 1.0
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 0.0
+ r: 0.596
+ g: 0.722
+ b: 0.416
a: 1.0
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 0.0
+ r: 0.596
+ g: 0.722
+ b: 0.416
a: 1.0
+artifact_location_color: # medium blue
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
- a: 0.5
+ r: 0.059
+ g: 0.369
+ b: 0.565
+ a: 1.0
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
- a: 0.5
+ r: 0.059
+ g: 0.369
+ b: 0.565
+ a: 1.0
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
- a: 0.5
- 1:
+ r: 0.059
+ g: 0.369
+ b: 0.565
+ a: 1.0
+ 0: # medium orange
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
+ r: 1.0
+ g: 0.275
+ b: 0.0
a: 0.5
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
+ r: 1.0
+ g: 0.275
+ b: 0.0
a: 0.5
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
+ r: 1.0
+ g: 0.275
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ 1: # light orange
+ ambient:
+ r: 0.898
+ g: 0.451
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ diffuse:
+ r: 0.898
+ g: 0.451
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ emissive:
+ r: 0.898
+ g: 0.451
+ b: 0.0
a: 0.5
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
+ r: 0.5
+ g: 0.138
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ diffuse:
+ r: 0.5
+ g: 0.138
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ emissive:
+ r: 0.5
+ g: 0.138
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ 3:
+ ambient:
+ r: 0.449
+ g: 0.226
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ diffuse:
+ r: 0.449
+ g: 0.226
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ emissive:
+ r: 0.449
+ g: 0.226
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ 4:
+ ambient:
+ r: 0.75
+ g: 0.206
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ diffuse:
+ r: 0.75
+ g: 0.206
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ emissive:
+ r: 0.75
+ g: 0.206
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 0.5
+ 5:
+ ambient:
+ r: 0.674
+ g: 0.338
+ b: 0.0
a: 0.5
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
+ r: 0.674
+ g: 0.338
+ b: 0.0
a: 0.5
- r: 0.0
- g: 1.0
- b: 1.0
+ r: 0.674
+ g: 0.338
+ b: 0.0
a: 0.5