- Kendryte(基于K210芯片)硬件技术规格说明文档
- Sipeed MAIX Dock开发板硬件说明文档
- RISC-V 硬件中文手册
- K210 开发板相关问题(吴一凡维护)
- K210 入门相关资料(吴一凡维护)
- 信息收集:与RISCV相关的在线课程
- SDK in github
- Kentryte Developer
- Bilibil演示视频
- Youtube演示视频
这里列出了一些可以在基于K210 CPU的Sipeed MAIX Dock开发板或QEMU(rv64)上运行的开源OS:
- nommu linux 0.11
- C lang based xv6 kernel
- Rust lang based xv6 kernel(uncompleted)
- Rust based rcore tutorial kernel
- C lang based uCore kernel
- RT-Thread/K210 with SMP
- rCore-Tutorial-v3
- xv6 riscv book MIT
- 基于代理内核PKE rv64 的实验指导书 华中
- ucore rv64 实验指导书 南开
- 计算机系统基础实验指导(包含x86/arm/rv) 南大
- ucore rv32 实验指导书 较老
- 肖政杭同学完成 uCore x86 实验的详细笔记
- Writing an OS in Rust (x86)
- The Adventures of OS: Making a RISC-V Operating System using Rust
- rCore-Tutorial-Book 第三版 中文
- Operating System development tutorials in Rust on the Raspberry Pi
- Book of Drone RTOS in Rust
- BookOS (x86)
- 信息收集:用RUST进行系统编程的自学资源
- C lang based xv6 on x86
- C lang based xv6 on risc-v
- Rust based blogos on x86
- Rust based osblog on x86
- C/Rust based os kernel lab
- rCore-Tutorial-v3
- BookOS on x86
- 符合OpenSBI接口的开源固件
- qemu
- Spike RISC-V ISA Simulator
- rvemu: simple, on web
- riscv-rust: on web, with debug
- TinyEMU: simple
- rv8: fast
- terminus:multicore,virtio-net/disk/mouse/console...
- Rips : with nice gui interface...
- MARSS-RISCV (Micro-ARchitectural System Simulator - RISCV)
- MARSS-RISCV is an open-source, cycle-level single-core full-system (Linux) micro-architectural simulator for the RISC-V ISA