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Gabriel LOPEZ glopez-dev
Passionate about Computer Science and Software Engineerning, every day is an opportunity to learn.

@epitech Paris

Alireza Alijani alirezaalj
Java Software Engineer @java


Baptiste Grosjean grosjeanbaptiste
Information Scientist | student @Umons by night and @ EMVI by day.

EMVI Bruxelles

Sebastien DEGODEZ SebastienDegodez

AXA France Dunkerque, France

Frederik Jatzkowski frederik-jatzkowski
Software Engineer @ CHECK24 | Gopher

CHECK24 Leipzig, Germany

Andreas Möller localheinz
I own a computer.

@ergebnis Berlin, Germany

Moncef AOUDIA aoudiamoncef
Passionate developer, open source contributor

@massalabs Lille

Alexey Tereshchenko alexeytereshchenko
Software engineer

SPD-Technology Kyiv

Ph. Breitbach phbreitbach
#GeileIT | Executive IT Architect @ COSMOS DIREKT @ Generali Deutschland | Focus Digital Transformation & Omnichannel Contact Center

Cosmos Direkt Deutschland

Yeradis P. Barbosa Marrero yeradis
Software Engineer at @americanexpress | Mobile | Frontend | Backend | Contactless Payments at Rooam (acquired by @americanexpress)

@americanexpress Barcelona,Spain

Lewis Florez Renza gasperlf
Software Engineer, Traveler and collector of moments

Paradigma Digital Santander, Spain

Peter Buri burci

@emartech Budapest

christ-off christ-off
#Java #Spring #TDD #Craftmanship #CQRS #EventSourcing #Angular #VueJS #Typescript #K8S #Docker


Eelco EelcoMulder

Zwolle, Netherlands

Marcelo Mendes mmendespro
Arquiteto de software com mais de 20 anos de experiência como generalista na área de desenvolvimento de software e TI.

Telefonica Rio de Janeiro

Paul E. Sevinç Squeng

Squeng AG Switzerland

Ovi Trif ovitrif
Dev in Bitcoin with mobile expertise

Masivotech BV Flemish region, Belgium

shingle2302 shingle2302
Focus on applications of supplier chain.

HIK hangzhou

mazenalhomsie mazenalhomsie
Security Expert, Designer, Programmer, Entrepreneur Coming Soon!

mazennotes Germany

Alexandre Cuva cuvaalex
Alexandre Cuva is a passionate, software craftsmanship and an Agile Technical Coach. He loves understand new way to work on modern software.

SoCraAgile Sarl Nyon, Switzerland

Mateusz Nowak MateuszNaKodach
👨‍💻 Software Craftsman - Domain-Driven Design | Event Sourcing | EventStorming | Event Modeling | Kotlin | Java | C# .NET | Ruby | Node.js

Ready to work with DDD / CQRS / Event Sourcing / Kotlin / Java / Ruby / Node.js / .NET Wrocław, Poland