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Elysidox RealElysidox
Try to write some code deserving to be memorized.

UTokyo Tokyo

Timur murych
machines create machines

Top Systems Moscow

Domingo Veloso Chumi-Colores
Estudiante de la ingeniería y fanático de la programación.
Andy Lustig alustig3

HHMI Janelia Research Campus

Peter Polidoro peterpolidoro
I build robotics and automate experiments for the scientists studying animal brains at Janelia Research Campus.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Frank Loesche floesche

Janelia Research Campus

Nicolas Peschke npeschke
Consultant at BioInfOps Peschke Bringing Bioinformatics into Production

BioInfOps Peschke

Joaquín Acosta the-alquemist
Bioinformatician and computer hardware lover. My name is Joaquín and I enjoy learning about new things.

LibreHub Santiago

Tobias Wenzel MakerTobey
I'm a bioengineer developing high-throughput microfluidic and bioimgaing methods with Open Hardware automation to research cell-interactions.

Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, Universidad Católica de Chile Santiago, Chile


Aarhus University Aarhus

Pierre Padilla-Huamantinco biodotpe
Ph.D. (c) at Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
