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HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Igor igorney
I am a computer science student and programmer on sunny days

@Itau-Unibanco São Paulo, Brazil

Nicolas Greco grecoww
I'm studying Computer Science at Federal University of ABC (UFABC)
Samuel Oliveira samuelc254
Engineering student with a passion for robotics, data analysis, and software development

@Infinite-Foundry Brasil

Gabriel Liberato gabrielliberato
Cientista de Dados e estudante de Ciência e Tecnologia na UFABC.

SPC Brasil

Guilherme Santos guilhermedesousa
Full Stack Web Developer | Computer Science student at UFABC

Mobly São Paulo - SP


Universidade Federal do ABC São Paulo - Brasil

João Luca JaoLuca
Graduating in engineering, which branch is still a mystery to me. Deep interest in back-end programming ever since got in contact with JS at the university.

Brasil, SP

Lucas Ricci llricci
Student of Bachelor of Science and Technology

UFABC Brasil

Arthur Sena Arthur-Sena
Desenvolvedor FullStack

UFABC - Universidade Federal do ABC São Paulo

Marcos Romero r0mer0

TIM Santo André, Brazil

Henrique Chaves henriquechav
Estudante de Ciência da Computação.

Universidade Federal do ABC SP, Brazil

Thiago Fernandes Dias Thiago-Fernandes-Dias
Bachelor's student in Computer Science at the Federal University of ABC and Systems Analyst, specialized in web and mobile development.

Ribeirão Pires

João Pedro Favarato docafavarato
Undergraduate student in "Computer Science" and "Science & Technology" Bachelor's Degree at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). Fullstack developer.

UFABC Mogi das Cruzes

Tiago Cunha cstiago
CompSci @ UFABC

Layers Education

miguel soares miguelzinh3
dev que estuda humanidades

UFABC Brazil

pushap kamal pradhan Pushapkamalpradhan
Hi there, I am a front end developer.
Marco Ollivier marcopollivier
Tech Lead | Staff Engineer | ex @nubank , @olxbr e @flash-tecnologia | Professor | Mentor de carreira | Palestrante | Criador de conteúdo

@lemonenergy @educacionalAda São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Joabe Silva Joabesv
Software Developer | Vue, JavaScript, Typescript and NodeJS ❤️ | UFABC

Layers Diadema, São Paulo

Guilherme Rebello Guirebello
Trying to learn some stuff :D

Santo André - SP

Ricardo Daniel de Paula RicardoX2X
Brazilian Electronics Enthusiast


Davi daviRib
Student at Federal University of ABC

Federal University of ABC Santo André - SP

Mateus Braga mateusbrg
Um curioso buscando seu espaço nesse complexo mundo digital

BeConfident Santo André, SP

Gustavo Costa Gustavo-daCosta
💻 🦾 Computer Engineering student at @Inteli-College | 🤖 ⚡ Eletronics team member of @ThundeRatz Robotics Team bixo inocent

@Inteli-College @ThundeRatz @MedIn-Inteli São Paulo - BR

Thiago Nascimento Thiago-Nascimento
Desenvolvedor e Instrutor | .NET | ReactJs | NodeJs | Angular

Escola SENAI de Informática Suzano, SP

alllga alllga
Hello there, my name is Gabriel, I'm a 20 year old student living in Brazil, currently going through college in a Physics degree.

SyaPro Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil

Vinícius Oliveira ovne
Eu sou o Vine. Aluno do Bach. de Ciência,Tecnologia e Computação. Atualmente atuando com engenharia de dados. Seja bem-vinda(o) e bora construir algo juntos

Santo André / SP

Wesley Café Calazans wesleyclzns
Architect and urban planner, design lover and BC&T student at UFABC interested in data science and AI and biotechnology follow me @wesleyclzns on EVERYTHING

@InovaUFABC Mauá. São Paulo, Brasil

André Balchiumas abalchiumas
Software Engineer | Bachelor in Science and Technology @ UFABC


Desenvolvedor de Software | Android | Kotlin | Flutter | Java | Python | AWS | SQL


Marcus Vinicius Castelo Branco Martins marcuscastelo
USP - São Carlos, Computer Science student.

University of São Paulo São Carlos, SP - Brazil

Vinicius Pessoa Vini9-9
Making ideas come true by programming.

CI&T Santo andré -SP