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hoszxd HosZxd
Solidity | Smart Contract | Blockchain
Mahdi Ghorbanzadeh mahdiGhorbanzadeh
Blockchain devoloper at @treejer & prolar | Software devoloper at

Prolar Planet World

Shayan Davarzani shayand
Software Developer, Master of Civil Engineering
Mohammad Mahdi Keshavarz 0xDecentralizer
A young man who loves and want to become to a Solidity developer :) Enthusiasm for Ethereum, blockchain, decentralization, etc.


mh.ebrahimi saeghe3000
HTML/CSS Javascript Solidity
jeff ngugi jeffngugi
Software Developer. Web | Mobile apps React | React Native | Typescript | Laravel


chimera kang chimerakang
game developer/gamefi developer


Cinna SinaKarimi7
Mankind was born on Earth... it was never meant to die here.

Pale Blue Dot, Milky Way

Mohammad Javad Ghasemy geeksesi
I'm Back-End programmer, focused on PHP, in love with Rust, have a lot of hope for Free Software.


Siamak siamak
Product designer and Javascript Developer. @PandaTheme

Codemod Inc.

Front-End Developer (React.js / React-Native) Purpose shows us the Journey
Ali Hamidian hamidyanali
Student at the University of Tehran

University of Tehran Tehran

士心 shixin-guo
E = M C^2 ( ERROR = More Code )


Data Science and Business Analytics student | Blockchain enthusiast

London, UK

Amir Habibzadeh amirhabibzadeh
Developer, Passionate about #Decentralization #Ethereum 🦇🔊 🐼 #Bitcoin #ReFi

Planet Earth