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I'm afraid there isn't much we can do without a reproduction. There're were no state updates added to the RHF codebase in-between the versions you've mentioned. |
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Make sure you don't call |
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I've seen this error first time at the moment when I updated react-hook-form so it brought me here. I'll try to find cause of this issue and reproduce it, but my first attempts to debug dist file of your app failed cos I'm not sure which one is imported by vite (hopefully not those minified). |
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Here's an example of what I'm talking about: #9632 I understand that you first saw this issue while using RHF. There're quite a few form state / data manipulations you can do with the library's API and a lot of the time it's the user-land calls to those APIs that cause the component update issue like you're facing. |
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@Moshyfawn Already bisected line of code which causes it. Now I'm going to find out how to reproduce it, but its called directly from Edit: "Maximum update depth exceeded" was caused by undefined defaultValue on Controller, but it is somehow related to mentioned commit. |
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Here is the test code that reproduces this issue (tested on that particular commit from test folder of your project): import React from 'react';
import {
} from '@testing-library/react';
import { useForm } from '../../useForm';
import { FormProvider, useFormContext } from '../../useFormContext';
describe('formState', () => {
it('should properly set isDirty when disabled is dynamicaly changed', async () => {
const spyError = jest.spyOn(console, 'error');
let isDirty: null | boolean = null;
const defaultValues = { name: 'initial', disableName: true };
const FieldList = () => {
const { formState, register, watch, reset } = useFormContext();
const disableName = watch('disableName');
isDirty = formState.isDirty;
// we haven't form data so we won't render fields
if (disableName === undefined) {
return (
onClick={() => reset(defaultValues)}
value="Emulate fetch form values"
return (
<input type="text" {...register('name', { disabled: disableName })} data-testid="text-input" />
<input type="checkbox" {...register('disableName')} />
const App = () => {
const methods = useForm();
return (
<FormProvider {...methods}>
<FieldList />
render(<App />);
const reset = screen.getByRole('button');
// user didn't touch single field yet so isDirty should be false
// lets skip it to get further
const checkbox = screen.getByRole('checkbox');
const textInput = screen.getByTestId("text-input");
await waitFor(() => {
// FAILS and triggers
// this spy check should be bind to all tests
// user didn't touch single field yet so isDirty should be false
// now user changes value first time;
// checkbox was clicked and its value differs from defaultValue so isDirty should be true
await waitFor(() => {
// text input is enabled and is now editable so we change value
fireEvent.change(textInput, {target: {value: 'foo'}});
// form should be still dirty
await waitFor(() => expect(isDirty).toBe(true));
// user returns checkbox's value to defaultValue which disables textInput;
// now form should be in initial state
await waitFor(() => {
}); |
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I'm experiencing the same problem after updating to .46 from .45. I'll try to provide more info in the following days if I'm able to isolate the source of the problem in my components. |
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@ettoredn Warnings appear when disabled fields are registered in other components than where useForm hook is initialized. That's why their examples have empty console - they use single components. I debugged which |
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It's not just a warning in my case. It breaks the whole app because of infinite re-rendering loop. |
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@bluebill1049 This is serious issue. It was wrongly tagged as question. I wrote even test to reproduce those warnings. I can even write test which crashes whole app if you want. There is issue #10907 related to this one and people are waiting for fix. This is showstopper for updating this lib until resolved. Thanks |
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Just updated from rhf 7.45.4 to 7.46.0 and this error is showing up for us too, I first noticed it in tests. This was not an issue in 7.45.4, not saying 7.46 is broken - maybe it's revealing an issue in our approach, idk. But everything was working fine in our app so I'm not sure. Here's the error I get: Warning: Cannot update a component (`TextAreaInputForm`) while rendering a different component (`TextAreaInput`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `TextAreaInput`, follow the stack trace as described in
at TextAreaInput (a\path\\app\components\forms\inputs\textarea\textarea.tsx:14:3)
at form
at FormProvider (file:///.../node_modules/react-hook-form/dist/index.esm.mjs:164:13)
at Form (a\path\\app\components\forms\forms.tsx:61:3)
at TextAreaInputForm (a\path\\app\components\forms\inputs\textarea\tests\textarea.spec.tsx:20:3) Here's the test mock form: const TextAreaInputForm = ({
}: TextAreaInputTestProps): JSX.Element => {
const schema = z.object({
[name]: zodTextInputSchema(z.string().min(3), Boolean(required), Boolean(disabled))
type Model = z.infer<typeof schema>
const methods = useForm<Model>(schema, {
defaultValues: {
[name]: defaultValue
return (
<Form<Model> methods={methods} schema={schema}> // our form auto-passing control/register stuff to fields
<TextAreaInput name={name} {...props} />
<SubmitButton text='Submit' />
} Here's our textarea wrapper, which uses the blueprintjs textarea component: export const TextAreaInput = ({
}: TextAreaInputProps): JSX.Element => {
const { getFieldState, register, formState } = useFormContext()
const { error, isTouched } = getFieldState(name, formState)
const { isSubmitted } = formState
const { ref, ...reg } = register(name, {
const classNames = clsx(formsStyles.textFormField, 'flex-1', 'text-cursor', inputClassName, {
[`${formsStyles.error} small-red-text`]: (isTouched || isSubmitted) && !disabled && !readOnly && error
return (
{label && <Label htmlFor={name} label={label} required={required} />}
} |
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I have the same issue
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Same issue, narrowed it down to a conditional |
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I investigated, it happens if |
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If the property inside the second argument object of the Therefore, you should not set the const { ref, } = register(name as Path<T>, validation?.disabled ? undefined : validation);
/> |
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I am having the same issue with the Controller when used in an array of fields via
So, it is a custom FormComponent, which has (among others) an array of PartialEmailForm components, which, in turn, have a custom FormSelect component (representing the email |
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Not sure if this will help, when adding conditionally a form field to the dom to a form who's using controller, you can use : form.reset({ ...form.getValues() }) To me it seems that it has resolve the following error : Cannot update a component (X) while rendering a different component (Controller). an example of usage : this codesandbox |
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I had the same issue when I was trying to do this inside a component that gets the form from props form.setValue("example", "") Used this instead and the warning went away form.reset() |
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For those who are having problems because of working with In addition, it's important to mention that if you don't put the |
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I see many workarounds here but not sure there is an appropriate one in case you are using this This is the only reason i am using it inside of The |
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in my case i remove the disabled prop from |
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Setting the disabled property directly on the input field is fine for the UI but you'll see the disabled input values on submit |
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In my case, the issue stems from the disabled={isPending} prop on the form inputs and button. When you disable the form elements, React Hook Form tries to update the form fields while the inputs are disabled, causing the warning. Why the Issue Occurs:
I move |
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With shadcn's const FormField = <
TFieldValues extends FieldValues = FieldValues,
TName extends FieldPath<TFieldValues> = FieldPath<TFieldValues>,
}: ControllerProps<TFieldValues, TName>) => {
// See
const disabled = (props.disabled || undefined) as boolean;
return (
<FormFieldContext.Provider value={{ name: }}>
<Controller {...props} disabled={disabled} />
}; |
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Similar to above, based on @alexandermukhin's fix, for those using function FormField<
TFieldValues extends FieldValues = FieldValues,
TName extends FieldPath<TFieldValues> = FieldPath<TFieldValues>
}: ControllerProps<TFieldValues, TName>) {
return (
<FormFieldContext value={{ name: }}>
- <Controller {...props} />
+ {/* */}
+ <Controller {...props} disabled={props.disabled || undefined} />
} It should be noted, this is a temporary fix & should be resolved in the package itself but it doesn't seem to be acknowledged by the maintainers with them closing the original issue. Can we convert this back into an issue? |
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Version Number
Codesandbox/Expo snack
Steps to reproduce
I was not able to reproduce it in sandbox. Partly because I'm not familiar with typescript and party because our app is quite complex and this issue is probably conditional by setup. However I was able to manually bisect version that introduced it, which is 7.46.0 and later (7.45.4 was fine). Stackoverflow thread about this issue says that it is caused by calling setState outside of useEffect. All errors points to either react-hook-form's register method on field or to Controller itself. We are using react 17.0.2.
Expected behaviour
It should not throw any errors.
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
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