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Łukasz Sudoł lsudo
Linux and book lover. Algorithmic Trading. Engineering Management. Now: #python #cpp Prev: #js #python #go #bash #php #delphi


Vinay Kachare vinaykachare
Full Stack Engineer | Python | C# | Java Script | Algo Trader


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Charaf ZGUIOUAR zgcharaf
Amateur data scientist with a diverse set range of interests ranging from biotechnology to quantitative finance, and onto philosophy and linguistics.

Paris, France

Can Koz canxkoz
MSc in Advanced Computer Science at University of Oxford. I build things.

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

Jon Fautley jfautley

Godalming, United Kingdom

Siraj Ul-Haq siraj-ulhaq
computer science and mathematics student

University Of Manchester Manchester, UK

Jayson Landman jhlandman
Finance data guy.
