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NaoyaTatetsu NaoyaTatetsu
Software Engineer

CyberAgent, inc. Tokyo, Japan

Maciej Milowicki mmilowicki
Second-year graduate student at Illinois Institute of Technology majoring in software development.

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago

Oury Diallo ourystd
Trying to build stuffs with JavaScript & Python.

Conakry, Guinea

Richárd Nagy RichardRNStudio
Fullstack Javascript Developer

@ButlinsEngineering Szeged, Hungary

Gabor Dolla agdolla
homo ludens

Budapest, Hungary

dr. Konya Sandor sandorkonya
doctor of medicine, interventional radiologist, AI fan

Zentralklinik Bad Berka

Daniel Berki berkid89
Software Architect | Tech Lead | Creator of Message Silo


Daniel Moulson moulson
Web developer and indie game dev making

Moulson Media Ltd London, UK

Matyas Angyal matyasjay
generic nerd | nvim enjoyer | father of two | husband to one

@onebeyond Zalaegerszeg, Hungary

Abynet-Hunter Abynet
They underestimate me in the real world, but they don't know I'm in the "Cyber ​​World" Happy Hacking ( Privacy & Security No Such Things Exists in digital Wor

Stratio Madrid

Elizabeth elizabethLomb
Full-stack Developer

One Beyond Madrid

Jose Manuel Torralvo Moyano jmtorralvo Madrid

Alfonso Domenech Real

@onebeyond Valencia, Spain

Johnathon Wain paintedrust
Currently working as a Software Developer in the UK for One Beyond.


José Q pn8quintero

One Beyond Spain

Gabriel Pfeffer gabipfeffer
Full Stack Developer

VFG Consulting Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay

Íñigo Marquínez Prado inigomarquinez
Full-stack developer, lead and Technical Architect at One Beyond

Holafly Madrid, Spain

Peter Nochta nochtap

onebeyond Gárdony

Carlos Jiménez Betisman

@ One Beyond ( Valencia

César CesarD
Software Architect / .NET Developer

Globant Remote