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Hunter.Liu HunterLiu0517
Master of Electrical engineering, dedicated to FPGA application in industrial automation, energy storage, communication, chip semiconductor and other fields.

CQU Chongqing, China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Roman Solovyov Ramzess-II
channel author:

Open Frime TV Ukraine

EmptUL LouSF

Zhejiang Sci-tech University Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Rodrigo Benenson rodrigob

Zürich, Switzerland.

Dr.Harsh Maithani harshmaithani
Robotics Engineer | PhD in Physical Human-Robot Interaction

BSH Bad Neustadt, Germany

wycbukn LLC-zh
Whoever learns something must be practical.
東榮 yang-dongrong
