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Grant Pezeshki grantpezeshki
Web, analytics, and geo at NYC DOHMH


Nikki Eller DOH-NME1303
Epi 3 in the Office of Nutrition Services

WA State Dept of Health

Cat Parker catparkerphoto
Freelance Photographer/Photojournalist & advocate for vaccine injured. "I capture emotions, not photos."

Cat Parker Photography Minneapolis, MN

Mojdeh MJ Azad m-azadd
Economic Data Scientist @nycdot Policy unit | PhD in Transportation Engineering, MSc in Statistics, Masters in Architecture | Data & Design

New York City

Gabriel Stefanini Vicente g4brielvs
The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing


Salamati healthtools
My name is Salamati and I am a health specialist. With 5 years of experience in the field of physical and mental health
Eric Zhou eric-gengzhou
Health Economist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York City

Dennis Hilgendorf dhilgendorf
Data Manager @nychealth Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention, Care and Treatment (BADUPCT)

NYC DOHMH New York, New York

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Mark Bauer mebauer
All Things Data.

New York, NY

Marjorie Roswell mroswell
Interactive maps for non-profit organizations... and lots of forks to fix spelling

Roswell Infographics

Renee Y. Lewis reneeylewis
Aspiring Data Scientist/Analyst that is currently enrolled in Springboard's Data Science Career Program.

New York, NY

Lauren Richter laurenrichter

Columbia University New York, NY

Logan C loganibo
NYC Independent Budget Office Assistant Director, Budget Review

New York City Independent Budget Office