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Abraham Bormate abormate
🇵🇭 Filipino Catholic 👨🏼‍🔧 techie wookie dork snorlax embraced prayer, healing and learning 🧰 loves food, fresh coffee ☕, & most furry pets ☮️ Peace 🕊️

hi folks, hey, if you're hiring. I need your help. let me know -- peace be with you all, my brothers and sisters. thanks. a large cluster of islands 🏝️, with good, hard-working, and optimistic people, called the Republic of the Philippines 🇵🇭

Metin Aydar metinaydar
Data Scientist in FinTech

Tallinn, Estonia

Adrian Heidenreich rahdi
Frontend Developer - React/Angular


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mehmet Ali Aldıç maaldic
Data Scientist

ING Technology Istanbul

( emmanuel adolphus johnson ) Duke of Bedford JohnsonEmmanuelA-Chit-Chat
hand·book noun: A book giving information such as facts Chit-Chat & ChatterBox isthisreallyon LLC Apple Inc. Free cash flow.

handbook London

Timur Schmidt Tiimeeeyy
Student at Maastricht University



Lublin, Poland

Filippo Paganelli paganellif

Maggioli S.p.A. Rimini, Italy

Byron Geils bygbyron3

Telecommunication Cascadia

Software Engineer


Matteo matteospanio
Ph.D. student at Università di Padova. I'm a linux and python lover. I also have a conservatory degree in clarinet.

CSC @ Unipd Padua, Italy

Nho Luong nholuongut
💁Vietnam DevOps Engineer Lead🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳Vietnam Timeless Charm 🥰Enjoy Every Moment 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳😜Good Vibes Only

DevOps and Platform Services Lead From Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Manuel Doncel Martos manuelarte
Hi, I am a Software Developer with experience in Java and Go. In my free time I try to contribute and build open source projects.

@ing-bank Alphen aan den Rijn

Hans Spaans hspaans
GitBiz evangelist that follows the enlightenment path of CI/CD towards FinOps.

The Netherlands

Chinmaya chinuckb
Email -
Tarek Mues tarekmues
engineering student at RWTH Aachen, developer at Verder Scientific

Verder Scientific GmbH & Co. KG Aachen

Chris Thomas chris-c-thomas

@Argonne-National-Laboratory Chicago, IL

Hornywet CJChoochat
Developer developments businesses real estate gdpr
Devon Shigaki devonshigaki
Life is simply complicated

FreshCredit Bellevue WA

Wilmar van Heerden wilmarvh
iOS | watchOS | iPadOS | SwiftUI

The Netherlands

Oran-Ac Oran-Ac

@soarsmu | @RUCAIBOX København

Alexey Pichugin specke
I make demos for ZX Spectrum.

Life on Mars

Joshua Paolo Acilo jpacilo

University of the Philippines

Xianbo XU Xianbo-X

TU Eindhoven Eindhoven, Netherlands

Boran Gögetap borango
mapping knowledge

Wissenswandler -world-

Sleep Neuroscientist
Đặng Hữu Lộc the-witcher-knight
I am the Witcher Knight, aspiring to become a Solution Architecture Engineer.👨‍💻


A software engineer and cybersecurity enthusiast passionate about travel, AI, LLMs, and occasional photography