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Hanes Oliveira hanesbarbosa

Niobium Microsystems Colorado Springs, CO

just a functional a functional world :) PhD 🍬date. Mostly at the intersection of 💻 & Pure Math (Arith. Geometry + Alg. Graph Theory) + Quantum.

University of Vermont Ganymede

Jingwei Chen velenchan

CIGIT, CAS Chongqing, China

Fillipe Souza fdiasmor
Encrypted Computing Research Scientist

@Intel Folsom

Robin23 BNDS-Robin23
I am a master student of CS(AI) in Nanjing Unisersity. My research interests include privacy preserving machine learning.

School of AI, Nanjing University Beijing

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Huijing Gong gong-cr

Intel Labs Chicago, IL

Eyal Kushnir kushnireyal
Cryptography research at IBM Research, MSc student at Technion

IBM Haifa, Israel

Mahmoud Rusty Abdelkader mahmoudimus
Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Fintech and Privacy

United States

Florent Michel FlorentCLMichel

Castleford, United Kingdom

Miran Kim K-miran
Assistant professor at Hanyang University
Giacomo Verticale gverticale

Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy


Ant Group Shenzhen, China

Ferhat Yaman ferhatyaman
Cryptography Engineer at AMD

AMD Boston, MA

Hoseung Choi Hoseung
AI newbie

DeepInsight Korea

Nirajan Koirala n7koirala
Grad. Student at Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN