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itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Matyáš Hájek maty7253
I originally joined github in 2015, but they deleted my account so I had to transfer my backup stuff to this account. Don't even ask why my account was deleted.

RedFox Studios At mountains with my goats

Jeonghyeon hellogit365
Web Developer. Interested in iOS.

Freelance South Korea


667 Group Incorporated Company

verbii verbose-void
reinforcement learning


Albin David C albindavidc
🚀 A tech enthusiast with a love for problem-solving and attention to detail in fields of MEAN Stack Development and Design.

Brototype Kerala, India

Miguel Estrada miguelestradam36
Some of the public repositories may still be under development. The starred ones are considered finished.

Founder Andean Dev Costa Rica

José Luna Rexmoon
Alway remember DRY and KISS. 👨‍💻


Gianni gsmdt42
Computer Science 🎓💻

University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden

DaltonSchmidt Sharkb8t

West Palm Beach, FL, USA

Arturo Arturo92gr
📚 Second-year web development student 🎨 Fine Arts graduate 💻 Technology enthusiast

Andalucía (Spain)

Satoshi Nakamoto SatoshiNakamoto2007
Bitcoin devveloper Canada

Salomon salomoncloud
Cloud Admin @ CGI

CGI Montreal, Quebec


Hgf مدائن الفهد، جدة 22343

BRUNO mars-tshela012

Muhammad Sufian sufiancodes
CS student | Programmer