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Cyrus Ghazanfar cyzanfar
Currently solving inefficiencies in the 401(k) market. Co-founder at Beagle Financial, previously Pilota (acq), Cornell M.Eng. New York, NY

jaybuidl jaybuidl
Builder @kleros

@kleros asia-grid19-shard3

Daniel Miranda danielmbirochi
Go | Blockchain | Cryptography


Daniel Zarifpour zarifpour

@layer3xyz New York, NY

Divgun tekvyy
full stack developer in the morning, blockchain enthusiast by the night. #swift #reactnative #nft #solidity #substrate #rust

Mississauga , Canada

Wario wariomx
Polkadot Address 15QNS6ZDTqd6DeHNdHihcrpoA1R824ituiPGffxRW2zfc8US


Arthur acearth

Works Applications Shanghai, China

Owen Li OwenLi6666


Chad Nehemiah maschad
Senior Engineer @FuelLabs

Fuel Labs Inc. Astral Plane

follow too my heart
Alperen Özkan alperenweb3
AYZÖFL'02 | 2008 | DCI | CodeWorks Dreams are the shadows of the Reality. #whoami 👉🏼 #webdeveloper #webdesigner #blockchaindeveloper #freelancer #selflearner

ChartWorld GmbH | SevenCs GmbH Hamburg

Matthew Chun chuninator
Sovereign Previous @eats-inc Eats, Inc. Code + Identity must both be unstoppable.

Global Citizen

Sean Kumar seankumar-tl
Cloud Engineering, Infrastructure, and DevOps. All things AWS :)

TripleLift New York, NY