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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Bengisu Öztürk Goyaqua
Computer Engineering Std


Vitor Alho VitorAlho

Santos-SP (Brazil)

Felix Schröter felschr
Turning 🍵 into scalable systems.

up² | upsquared Germany

Mariam Hussien mariam1378
Mechatronics Engineer interested in Embedded Systems, Image Processing and web development.

Faculty of engineering Ain Shams University

Tarek tallamjr
On-device AI & Embedded ML Systems @alan-turing-institute


Vakeesan Karunanithy vakeesank99
Passionate about FPGA, ASIC SoC designing and Machine learning

Sri Lanka

Kamakhya KAMAKHYA022
Hello, I am an aspiring Embedded Systems and Electronics Engineer, nice to meet you all.
Artemis xuechou
AUTOSAR, RTOS, Hypervisor
nfzfrhn nfzfrhn
Passionate about embedded systems | Experienced in C++/C and microcontroller programming | Crafting efficient and reliable real-time embedded solutions.
Siren Sun SirenSun732
Just keep learning new things!
Saad Inam IAmSaad
Love working with HW and SW.

Lahore, Pakistan

Koffi Tipoh khoffy
Talented Developer with hands-on experience developing and implementing efficient and high-quality code and managing enterprise’s system and network.

Austin, TX

Cornelio Posadas corbridge
Software Engineer / B.S. Mechatronics Engineering / Embedded systems / Robotics

John Deere Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

Thomas John Keefe KeefeT
Proud Rhode Islander ⚓ and currently living in Lakewood, Colorado ⛰️ Experience in C/C++ on embedded Linux platforms at DISH Network 📡 🛰️

DISH Network Denver, Colorado

Dev. Gautam Kumar devsdenepal
Just OpenSource Nerd.

@NepTechTribe Nepal

Harshdeep Parmar hdparmar
Integrating Tech & Imagination

Stockholm, Sweden

Omar Adel Shalaan OmarAdelShalaan
I am Embedded Software Engineer
Tawaliou TawalMc
Software Eng.

None Benin, Abomey-Calavi