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Prabhakaran Sampath prabha6kar
a techno freak of Industry 4.0

Chennai Tamil nadu India

Zichen "Charlie" Zhang zichenzhang04
CS @umich | Computer Vision Research | Building @collage-us

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, USA

safayavatsal safayavatsal
Cloud Engineer | 4x Founder | Podcaster | Host DECENTRALOGY & The Startup Story


Akash Talole akashtalole
GenAI | AgenticAI | RAG | GPT | LlamaIndex | Langchain | Azure OpenAI | AI Search | Python | Django | Flask | OSS Enthusiasts | IoT | NodeRED | Security


Lisheng Zhou, Ph.D. LishengZhou
Computational Research Scientist | Personalized Medicine | Data Science | Human Genetics | Computational Genetics & Statistical Genetics

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY

Enrique Ulises Báez Gómez Tagle enriquegomeztagle
- AWS Data & AI Engineer - MLOps / LLMOps - iOS Lab's Software Architect - App Development with Swift Associate (by Apple Inc.)

Mexico City

Alex Rigler alexrigler
Building ChooChoo 🚂 - The Business Engine

@choochoohq San Francisco

hyeebeen hyeebeen
14-year project management and test efficiency veteran, skilled in Scrum, IPD, and program management. Now focused on AI programming and LLM evaluation.


Marco Falamarcao
Full Cycle Software Engineer, Data Engineer, Web Scraping - Implementing Data-Driven Ideas


Raman ramanshrivastava
exploring the world of artificial intelligence and deep learning.

Marax AI Paris

Victor Dong fuqifacai

Shanghai ,China

genix PratikDhanave
Mentor for Google summer of code 2022, 2021,2020,2019, Intern for Google Summer of Code 2017-2018
electro vikas00
🤓 HTML, CSS, JS and WordPress
Haitao Wu robin-wu-r9
A data pro working on data warehouse, business intelligence, big data and analytics

Beijing, China

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Jeff Youel jsy

Stratasys San Diego, CA

Rahul Misal rahulmisal27
Being a Data Scientist, I enjoy solving large, complex data problems and also enjoy the process of building and determining a solution.

Pattern Pune

Hiroto N. hironow

freelance Tokyo

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Hakim Saoud HakimSaoud
The future of the predictive supply chain: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning

Higher Institute of Computer Science Mahdia Mahdia

Duc Nguyen Combi2k2

Ecole Polytechnique France

Suvrakamal Das JaynouOliver
21 | ML Engineer | Presenter @scipy-conference | Certified @tensorflow ML Developer | Scholarship @hackthenorth @cncf


Tony Thai trungthai-covergo
Totally warm and kind ~


Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Zhiping Yang ouyangzhiping
co-founder of anrenmind group


Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

Nikolaos Papachristou nikolaospapachristou
Quality, Data Scientist, Senior Manager
Bilal Abdulazeez Just-Beelal
Student and Developer I Love creativity
