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Andrew Ross DopamineDriven
JAMStack Development Lead

Takeda Chicago, IL

Shigure Kurosaki kurosakishigure
Bookworm, Developer, Will to Power

@arghena Cupertino, CA

HCC MoneyDaMotive
Houston Community College



OASISS BASINESS LTD المملكة المتحدة

Drew Hester DH-LStudios

Labyrinth Studios Atlanta

Islati Islati
🧙‍♂️🅿️⚡ Record Label Owner & Software Engineer 🌎 Wogwon Society ♥️ Skreet Media Inc. 🙂 Having fun doing what I love

@WogwonSociety Canada

David Ireoluwa Akins (aka AwesomDev) gooddavvy
Hi, I would appreciate followers. I am an aspiring innovator who loves to code, and I've been coding for over 4 years now.

At My House Full of Tech Enthusiasts | [Redacted Address]

Đồng Phục Hải Triều dongphuchaitrieu

Hai Trieu Garment Ho Chi Minh City

Miqueas Miqueas
Average nerd 👍


James Flores jamesflores
AWS Certified Solutions Architect | Enterprise Systems Engineer | Musician | Content Creator


Russell Brian Fulache Dugaduga Jale Palma RussPalms
Self-taught tech enthusiast in CA. Passionate about ML, Quantum Computing, Python automation, and web development. Aspiring ML Quantum Computationist. 🎶🚀🌱

PalmaView L.L.C. Colton, CA

Béatrice Bolduc beab2000

Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada

Vicky vickynnni
Last year Computer Science student in Madrid.
lynx1337 linx1337

Charlottesville, Virginia

Alessandro Falappa AlexFalappa
Fell in love with computers at 12 on a Commodore 64, got into information technology since then...

Translated Rome, Italy

- ̗̀YoYo ̖́- script-php
I write code even the computer can't understand

SMEHH Romania

Matheus Felipe Dos Santos theusfelipe
Front-end Developer

São Paulo - Brasil

Nur Hasan Masum masumhasan
web3 | Solidity | dAppDev | Smart Contracts entrepreneur, developer and tech enthusiast from Bangladesh.

@Binary-Poets @Shohor @GhorApp Bangladesh

Kelvin Brendon D Cardoso kelvodcardo

Kelvin Brendon Dias Cardoso Brazil

Zheng Gong GongZheng-Justin
Posdoctor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

xStormy xStormyy
a (mostly) frontend developer.
LVMRE lvmre
We are Creative Developers on interactive projects such as apps, VR, and creative websites.

LVMRE South Africa

KiceyScream Kicey
Keep it simple, stupid.


Jms741 JeanMS
Like this site

David Blue extratone
Self-described Software Historian (and lapsed auto journalist,) writing in public via GitHub and here to help. If I've screwed up, tell me! (Please)

@softwarehistorysociety Columbia, Missouri

SpreeHertz SpreeHertz
I like playing around with bots and web apps. I've stopped working on projects to focus on academics.
Mehdi Aliakbar mehdialiakbar3

Gostaresh Mobile Iran Teheran province Qods city state emamzade bolbol alley keyhan