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Bruno Ciccarino λ thebigcicca
Software developer backend org-mode devotee emacs addict, i like C, Java, Lisp and bash


João Fernando Apel Miguel joaoapel
Engenheiro Agrícola tentando programar

Cascavel - PR

Bruno Dias diasbruno
(and ☕ 🛹 🎾 🎼 λ)


Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Gkoran Stoilkovits maxbyz
Gkoran Stoilkovits-Visual Artist who make paintings, sculptures, byzantine icons, printmaking. Enthusiastic about coding and self-taught, amateur programmer 😊

Atelier Stoilkovits Porto Heli, GREECE

Delon R. Newman delonnewman
People, data, code.

Self Northern Maine