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Nao Pross NaoPross
Grad EE student but also interested in Computer Science and Mathematics

Switzerland, Zürich Metropolitan Area

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Georg Niggli Georg-code
mech-ing student

ETH Zürich Switzerland, Zurich

Carl CFCBerlin
BSc Mechanical Engineering student @ ETH Zurich
Eli Dvoretsky dvoeli
ETH Physics Student (2nd year BSc) | ARIS Hermes Software Team Member


Felix Aristotelix
Electrical Engineering Student ⚡️
Francesco Mazzone-Bianco airframa
alles easy jede tut das was er kann

The Chinese University of Hong Kong - MMLab/CPII Hong Kong, HKSAR

Florian fpaulweber

aris / eth Zurich

Colin van Loo cvanloo
I can resist everything except temptation.

Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Science (OST) Zürich, Switzerland

Yassmine Abdrabo Yabdro
Just read the documentation.
Georg Teufelberger gteufelberger
Computer Science MSc Graduate @ ETH Zürich


Dominik Müller MuellerDominik
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology MSc student at ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich Aargau, Switzerland

Nikilesh Ramesh nikiexpo
Aerospace Engineering Student. Avionics member at Sunride.
