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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Mahan Rahmani Mahan-Rahmani
My name is Mahan Rahmani and I'm a Programmer , IT specialist , Graphic Designer and 3D Modeller from Iran I work with Python , Dart , HTML , CSS and other..

تِن آموز Mashhhad , Iran

Austin Dimmer austindimmer

Effektiv AI United Kingdom

Sohail Hosseini shosseini811
PhD in Electrical Engineering

Cleveland, OH

Rodrigo Pinto rodrigopinto

@seatgeek Berlin, Germany

Míla miloslavnosek
software developer, Linux enthusiast, coffee addict, runner // functional programming ftw 😁 I make open source software that nobody's ever gonna use.
Bob Wassermann BobWassermann
Software engineer, co-founder @thirty-five-com

35 The Netherlands

Leonardo Matos leomp12
Co-founder @ecomclub - building @ecomplus 🛒 next-gen eCommerce for creative SMBs in Brazil

@ecomplus @ecomclub Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

robin speelgren


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Luca Dellanna lucadellanna

Turin, Italy / Singapore

Edwin Vargas edwinvrgs
Our lives are God's repositories!

@1build Táchira, Venezuela

Adrian Brügger adrianbruegger
Building stuff with Next.js

@siebenberge gmbh

Ivan Louis ivanlouis

@siebenberge Switzerland

Salvador Montiel SMontiel
Software engineer 👨‍💻

@Wizeline Mexico

Yuta Kobayashi yutakobayashidev
High school students interested in open government, mental health, and journalism


非凡少年 powerfulyang
猜不透的天气 不知何时能天晴


Chuma Umenze chumaumenze
Upgrading the world, one line of code at a time.

Earth, Milky Way

Pascal Skirde pskirde
Slave to the computer

Hamburg. Germany

Varun Khalate khalatevarun
Fullstack Engineer | Open Source

UIC Chicago, IL

Technologist Creative robrakaric

Technologist Creative Tempe, AZ

Handmade Javascript FoooooooF
RK Chowdhury University College, Dhaka

RK Chowdhury University College, Dhaka RK Chowdhury University College, Dhaka

Shanu Sharma sharma-shanu
Hi 👋🏻, I am a Full Stack Engineer from New Delhi, currently working remotely for

Amplify Life Insurance New Delhi

vincentYang yuezheng2006
focus on one thing and make it the best is awesome!


Olvadis Hernandez GhostRiderDev
Software Developer

Cargoban Colombia

Albertus Angga Raharja albertusdev
🇮🇩 Software engineer @SpeechifyInc | Past - @stripe and built @flutter Layout Explorer while interning @google | 🎓 BCompSc @ Universitas Indonesia

@SpeechifyInc Jakarta, Indonesia

Manuel Pastor Ringuelet mpastoring
Software Engineer

BRbase Leipzig, Germany