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TianShuang Ke TrekMax
Maximize Every Endeavor.

@Tisilicon Shenzhen· Guangdong

Jackie Huang jackiehjm
Life lies in movement.

WindRiver Beijing, China

Hanyang Hu hanyanghu

Canmore, AB, Canada

Abhishek Jaiswal (AJ) jabhishek87
Backend Pythonista & DevOps. Intermediate Gopher, Life Long Learner

@Wind-River Bangalore, India

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Ravi Gehlot ravigehlot
Senior Systems Administrator

New College of Florida Sarasota, FL

Stephen Olaiya stephyards
Experienced System Administrator specializing in operating systems, with a focus on kernel management and real-time systems like VXWorks and FreeRTOS.

Stephyards Lagos Nigeria

xb ssbandjl
keep learn


Prateek Jena prateikjena

Ciena Gurgaon, India

GeonhaPark Seunmul
Interests: Automotive platform SW, OS, Edge AI

Korea, Republic of

Harry Koutsourelakis harrkout
bit tinkerer

Embedded Engineer Heraklion, Crete

Alan Blythe alanblythe

@windriver Orlando, FL

Edward Paez PaezEdward
Embedded Systems Engineer | FPGA Integration | SoC | Zynq | Linux System Integration | Petalinux | Yocto

Universite Sorbonne Paris Nord FR

John Hiltenbrand n9jlo

Montgomery, IL, USA