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Angie Reed angiereed04468

Penobscot Indian Nation Indian Island, Maine

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Faezeh Maghsoodifar FaezeMqFr
Graduate Research Assistant at the Center for Complex Hydrosystems Research, the University of Alabama
Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
PhD Candidate | Environmental Engineer | Water Resources Engineer | Environmental Data Scientist | GIS Analyst

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Michael Schramm mps9506
Research specialist with the Texas Water Resources Institute at Texas A&M University. All things water quality and watersheds.

Texas A&M University, @TxWRI Raleigh, NC

Dan Crocker dancrocker
Environmental Analyst


Katie Harrington knharrington
Staff Biologist @ Mote Marine Laboratory | MS in Data Intelligence student @ USF

Mote Marine Laboratory Sarasota, FL

Gretchen Hansen gjahansen2

Minnesota DNR St. Paul, MN

French Data Scientist.


Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Danyka K. Byrnes danykakbyrnes
Food-Water Nexus + Data Science. computers & outdoors are my binary states.


Sean Browning beansrowning
CDC data-driven Epi, Data Science, AI/ML Government + personal work, where indicated.

US CDC @CDCGov, @cdcai NYC

Benjamin Hlina benjaminhlina
Postdoctoral Researcher @ GLIER - University of Windsor - Studying food webs and spatial ecology of fishes in Lake Ontario.

University of Windsor


Reston, VA


USGS Sacramento, CA

Luwen Wan LuwenWan
Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford ESS & HAI. Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Science from Michigan State University.

Stanford University Palo Alto

Rahul Venugopal v36.0 rahulvenugopal
PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience. Interested in Consciousness, Wearables and Computing.

Centre for Consciousness Studies, NIMHANS Bengaluru

Thyago Miranda thyagobio
Biólogo Entusiasta de R e ggplot Gosto de aprender métodos quantitativos para tentar aplicar em pesquisas etnobiológicas
Jan Simson jansim
PhD Student @lmu 👨‍🔬 prev data analyst @PicnicSupermarket 🛒, research fellow @themusiclab 🎶

LMU Munich Munich

Cédric Scherer z3tt
Consultant, developer, and instructor for data workflows, analysis, visualization & communication.

Independent Contractor Berlin

Elmera Azadpour elmeraa-usgs
Data Scientist at USGS, Water Mission Area (WMA) | Bren School of Environmental Science and Management Alumni

United States Geological Survey

Mario Gavidia Calderón quishqa
Postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Sao Paulo.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Md Nahin Alam nahin29

University of Chittagong Chittagong, Bangladesh

Tung N tungttnguyen
PhD Civil Engineering (Washington State University) | MSc Hydrology and Water Quality (Wageningen University)


Michelle Hu jmichellehu
Snow, mountains and water

University of Utah Seattle, WA

tdata threadingdata

Threadingdata California

Stephen Formel sformel-usgs
Biologist with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS)


Yeray González-Marrero yeraygma
Marine ecologists interested in applying new insights through modeling, statistics, and technology to advance research and monitoring in benthic ecology

University of La Laguna Spain

Hasnat Aslam HasnatJutt
Interested in Data Science and GIS.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln NE, USA

Luwen Wan wanluwen
PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Research interests include Nutrient Transport Modeling, Tile Drainage, Remote Sensing & GIS & GEE & AI models.
Cristina Mullin cristinamullin
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Water Data Integration Branch

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Laura Feher laura-feher
Biologist/Data Scientist @nationalparkservice NCBN I&M Network

National Park Service

James Colgin jcolgin-usgs

USGS New Cumberland, PA