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Livia Oddi Livia020799
BSc in Statistics, currently MSc in Data science (Sapienza university of Rome)

La Sapienza University of Rome Italy

gambhir ⚡ gambhirsharma
TypeScript Developer

@repocraft Rome

Fernando Alonzi fertech02
BSc student in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at Sapienza University of Rome


torbato torbato
Philosophy and AI undergrad

Sapienza University Of Rome Rome

Onder Sumer ondersumer07
I can define myself as a young graphic designer. My dream and goal is to be an entrepreneur, so I continue to improve my skills and add here as I improve.


fast faustozamparelli
Check my blog below...


Emmanuel Torres manu-tgz
Computer Science student at @matcom and University of Florence.


di Fazio Aldo difazioaldo Rome

Abenezer Berhanu abeni-berhanu
Junior Software Developer | CS and AI student at Sapienza university of Rome
Filippo Wang PhilHippo
High Performance Computing Double MSc Degree at Politecnico di Milano and USI

Polimi Rome

Alessio Olivieri Alessio-Olivieri
Computer Science & A.I. student at "La Sapienza" · Open source enthusiast


Qusai Baker qusaibaker0com
🚀 Diving into CS & AI, fueled by a passion for web tech & innovation. Ready to learn, collaborate, and shape the future. Let's connect!
Elena Martellucci elena-martellucci
I am a student at @ Sapienza University in Rome
Emanuele Scaccia devExcale
Excale was already taken.

@Spindox Italy

Zoe Matrullo zoematr
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence student
Dionigi Di0nigi
Master's student of Artificial Intelligence at University of Zurich
Davide Marincione Davide-F5-Marincione
M.Sc. Computer Science student at Sapienza university of Rome.

Monterotondo, RM

Leila Zanoni LleilaA13
3rd year student at Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at Sapienza University of Rome
M.Sc in Computer Science


Beray Nil Atabey NilAtabey
Nil 👋 CS&AI Student 🖥️ REPLY Student Ambassador 👩‍🎓 Girls Only - Discord Bot Developer 👾

Sapienza University of Rome Rome

Leonardo Biason ElBi21
💀 • the stephen hawking of bad ideas • ACSAI Student @ Sapienza • AFS volunteer • IT/BE • Contributor of @Sapienza-ACSAI and part of @sapienzastudentsnetwork

Myself (for now) Rome