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Csaba Sallai csabika98

Java Software Developer at @Innoveo Budapest, Hungary

HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Damian yungwarlock


Ulises Hernández uliseshm
⌨ React | NodeJS | Javascript | MySQL | SQLite | Django | Python

Desarrollador Web Jalisco

Nick N1cksstuff
Hi! My Name is Nick, I stream on Twitch, make Devlogs on youtube (at least sometime soon maybe) and love everything tech-related

Prism Germany

Pi ItsPi3141


アルハム omegaui
Hi! I'm Arham, a passionate, power-packed, badass, self-made developer.

@omegaui India

James Robiony-Rogers JamesRobionyRogers
Software Engineering student at the University of Otago

Studying at the University of Otago Wellington, New Zealand

Kira Jakeverse
Slow learner :)

Aokigahara Forest

Max Walters theycallhermax
i like women


Mohammad Ullah MU1147-LEGEND
Frontend Web Developer skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS,, and React.js. Focused on creating responsive, efficient web applications.


Lohan Marques SalazarNitto
just a simple student trying to learn about programming

Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil

S€th wont-stream
Developing for both the frontends and backends of software.

@MENTALLY-GERM4N M€nt4lly 1n G€rm4ny

Müslüm Barış Korkmazer babico
Atılım University

NGX Storage Ankara

shell Agent243
A little curious and still learning cuz we can't be fully smart buddy
Dalexen Dexvonca Dalexen

Salt Lake City, Utah

Aymo NotAymo
heyyyy shirtless people

your mother paris/france

虫子樱桃 czyt

@x-gopher /dev/ttycode

Jeremy jeremybosma
startups, programming & design

@vesselspro, @outfits-bio & @mythicapp ex. @unifierapp, @atlisapp The Netherlands

Francisco Gálvez crishnakh
This is my personal profile


Syed Farman Ali FARMAN9
👋 I'm Syed Farman Ali, a tech enthusiast.


Mohamed Hisham Abdelzaher MH0386
I am an undergraduate student in the Artificial Intelligence department at the Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence at Cairo University.

Cairo University Giza, Egypt