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Leonardo Cidral lcidral
Software Craftsman Apprentice

@leonardocidral Brazil

Renoir Boulanger renoirb
Fascinated by making Web sites ✪ Previously @w3c Team Member on @webplatform and @MozDevNet at @mozilla ✪ [Web, Linux, JavaScript, Operations] artisan

Montréal, Québec

I love Cellular Automata. Name is inspired by the hexagonal pole of Saturn. I used to eat new Javascript frameworks for breakfast. Now only new sveltekits
William Crimson1st
I am new to coding/programming but I am very interested in developing my understanding and knowledge. Thank you
Scott Willeke activescott
Product Engineer, Innovator, Startuper, Open Sourcerer, Facilitator of high-performing agile teams that love working together building products people love.

Seattle, WA

Zo-Hasina Rasatavohary rasata
#startup #nodejs #typescript #html | #innovation #developer and everything I love !

Zonova France

Mohammad Hamarsheh MohammadHH
Passionate software engineer with hands-on experience developing design systems and functional websites. Committed to delivering scalable products.


Tyler M. Neher tylermneher
@neherdata - Owner // University of Central Florida // Reach for the stars //

@neherdata Tinton Falls, New Jersey, United States