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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Rishima Borah RishimaBorah
Data enthusiast passionate about Python, R and SQL. Let's innovate through data-driven solutions!
Jubayer Hossain hossainlab
Founder & Executive Director @chiralbd | Lead at @aihealthlabbd

Jagannath University Dhaka, Bangladesh

Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan

Pınar ThecoderPinar
Data Scientist | Machine Learning 👾 Code Every Day 👩🏻‍💻

Turkey/ Samsun

Ganesh Shinde Ganeshshinde-2003
Frontend Developer @bewell-challenge | Freelancer | Flutter & Web Dev Enthusiast | Building Next-Gen User Experiences
Sahil Rai sahil21

@ElucidataInc New Delhi

kishan kishanEL0156

@ElucidataInc mumbai

Sanzida Akhter Anee anee0507

Independent University Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mayank ms1596
Software Developer

Elucidata India

Akshitha V Menon Aksssh
First-year Computer Science undergrad at BITS Pilani - online mode
Pratik Kumar pkelucidata
Software Engineer @ElucidataInc @pr2tik1

@ElucidataInc India