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Daniel AC Barbosa dacbarbosa
MPhil/DPhil in Economics, University of Oxford and Nuffield College

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

Jaminson Andrey Montaño Chiriboga yerdna14
interest in innovation in materials, sustainable development machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Andres Moreno Vasquez andriusmv
GIS weirdo | architecture & urban planning | ArcGIS Pro monkey | global development person | drone pilot | JavaScript & Python for ArcGIS

@EL-BID Washington, DC

Neo ObiwanKenobee
Researcher @Guardian-io


Francisco Vela cisco-vf
Data Analyst / Data Science student
Diego Camargo d-camargo
Civil engineering and Master of Science in Transportation engineering. Interested in PyQGIS, Python, R and SQL.

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte

Maciej Olejnik hydromac
HVAC & Pipe Desinger | MEP | Energy auditor | Python | Machine Learning | BIM | QGIS | Bonsai | OpenBIM | FreeCAD | REVIT | VBA | DAX | Power BI


Jose Luis Ortega Triana joselo77
Aprendiz de estadística.

Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Vladimiro Bellini vlasvlasvlas
@vlasvlasvlas AI & Data Engineer Consultant @EL-BID, ex@UN-ECLAC, ex@SistemasMapache .EX-Sec.Energía. EX-GCBA. EX-INDEC.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Jhon Roly jhonrolyol
Economy | Research | Econometrics | Math | Statistic | Interested in Data Analysis

UNSCH-UNMSM-UNI Ayacucho, Peru

Guillermo Cabrera gillopy
Economist, learning python


Nick Bristow AtelierLibre
Architect and spatial data analyst
Antonio Molina antoniomolinabravo
Computer Engineer / Microcontrollers Enthusiast / IA Diploma / Oleohidraulic


Guido Weksler Guidowe
Formally, an economist. PhD in Development Economics. Actually, somewhere between a sociologist and a data scientist.

University of Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentna

Atenea De La Cruz Brito AteneaCB
Ph.D. in Economic Sciences | M.Sc. in Applied Economics | Data Science for research, work, and fun :)
Jose Zea zeajose
Co-founder & CEO at @arkangelai

Arkangel AI Montreal

Johnny Joseph John19-92
Applied Economist, Policy and Data Analyst

Catch Up Haiti CDMX, 14370

Henry Azula Polux79
Interested in AI, Data Science, IoT, Machine learning, Big Data and Deep Learning.
Cristiano Oliveira CPMOliveira
Hydroinformatics Engineer, that is, a civil engineer passionate about programming and water resources models.

@LabSid-USP | @4Elementos Sao Paulo - Brazil

PJ Martinez-Alanis PedroJMA

Ciudad de México

Fede del Corro EfededeCe

Dirección de Tecnología Educativa Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jeronimo Luza jeronimoluza
Spatial Data Scientist & Software Developer

Inter-American Development Bank Washington, D.C.