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Abdel Sy Fane abdelsfane
Executive Director @csnp | CTO @devsecflow | Social Entrepreneur | AppSec | DevSecOps


NASH shwetanaren
My portfolio across: - data decision analytics - frontend development projects - idea to market products.
Roberto Bigi BiRo70
Network and Systems Security Engineer with a passion for programming and electronics.

Allwyn Lottery Solutions Ireland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


M.A.ASHARAF ALI ashrafali46

Individual Thiruvallur

Marco Fekry MarcoFekry
Multi-Cloud Architect \ Consultant 🌐| Cybersecurity Cloud Architect 🔒| Service Delivery Manager | RoboMate Cloud Automation Developer and Owner


Alan Szmyt szmyty

Boston, Massachusetts

Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Oscar Neto oscaromsn
Code interpreter (legal & python) - crafting agentic workflows - exploring alignment 🇧🇷

University of São Paulo Innovation Center São Paulo, Brazil

Vašek Lorenc valorcz

Brno, Czech Republic

Osys osysltd

Planet Earth

ajish uhjish

Baltimore, MD

Hisashi Yamaguchi hisashiyamaguchi
Thoughtful cyber security leader and pre-sales engineering professional with over 25 years of experience.
Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Karol Kozubal podlo
I am a technologist who is passionate about solving complex problems in mission-critical environments.
