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Form Runner ~ Autosave

ebruchez edited this page Aug 26, 2014 · 13 revisions


  • [SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.3] This feature is supported with MySQL and DB2 only.
  • [SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.4] Oracle support is supported.
  • eXist is not yet supported as of Orbeon Forms 4.4.

See also the blog post.

How autosave works

When autosave is enabled and you are an authenticated user, form data is automatically saved as drafts in the background as you enter and modify form data. This reduces the chance that you will lose data if something goes wrong and you haven't explicitly saved the data.

Summary page

The summary page shows the drafts, on separate lines and clearly marked as such. From the summary page, users can click on a draft to open it, or select it to then delete it, assuming they have the permission to do so.

Summary page

Edit page

If users edit a form for which there is a draft, they will be asked whether they want to open the saved data, or start from the autosaved draft.

Edit page

New page

If users started filling out a new form, but didn't save the data, if starting to fill out a new form later, they will be asked whether they wish to start from scratch, or from one of the drafts saved earlier. In this case, the prompt will be different whether there is just one draft for new data, or multiple drafts available, as in the latter case, users will need to select which draft they want to use.

New page, single draft

New page, single draft

When multiple drafts are available, choosing the "View auto-saved drafts" button takes you to the form's Summary page in a special mode where only the relevant drafts are visible:

Summary page with drafts only


With Orbeon Forms 4.3

With Orbeon Forms 4.3 specifically, you need to:

<property as="xs:boolean" name="" value="true"/>
<property as="xs:boolean" name=""    value="true"/>

With Orbeon Forms 4.4 and newer

You don't need to do anything special to use this feature.



[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.4]

If the value of is 0 or negative, autosaving is disabled.

The following property enables or disable autosave for a given persistence provider, as autosave requires support from the persistence provider.


For example, as of Orbeon Forms 4.4, the exist provider does not support autosave yet. But the oracle provider does:


By default, the oracle, mysql and db2 providers support autosave.

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