Releases: orange-cloudfoundry/cf-ops-automation
Release notes
v6.0.0 (2022-11-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- support multi root deployment pipelines #404
- bump ruby to 3.1.2 #402
- feature(easily-identify-precompile-deployments) #400
- feature: externalize control plane audit trail #399
Merged pull requests:
- concourse(pipelines): polishing unpause mechanism #405
- chore(ci): downsize flavor used in test #403
- chore(ci): bump to concourse 7.8.2 and bosh-cli 6.4.17 #401
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Release notes
v5.4.0 (2022-06-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- explicit concourse job failure when terraform plan exhibits discrepancy #344
- polish pipelines #393
- bump to latest images #392
- feature(bosh-pipeline): display terraform status #388
Fixed bugs:
- pipeline(bosh): fix meta-inf.yml detection #391
Security fixes:
- switch pipelines and tasks to our images #386
Merged pull requests:
- pipeline(bosh): disable exported_from #398
- Detect stemcell upload errors during precompile #397
- feature(bosh-pipeline): inject coa-metadata #389
- add-display-background: support pipeline background customization #387
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Release notes
v5.3.0 (2022-01-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Include git metadata in bosh manifest #381
- pipelines(control-plane|update): use fly to format pipelines #383
- fix missing scanned files and concourse bump #380
Fixed bugs:
- tasks(bosh_upload_stemcell): detect errors during stemcell upload #385
- pipelines(bosh): remove commit message from bosh tags #384
- pipelines(bosh): fix git info into bosh manifest injection #382
- customize-reconciliation-loop-interval #379
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Release notes
v5.2.2 (2021-08-27)
Merged pull requests:
- k8s support enhancements #378
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Release notes
v5.2.1 (2021-08-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Refactor offline bosh release management #264
Closed issues:
- Add rate limiting on bosh release precompilations #372
Merged pull requests:
- pipeline(*): bump tools in docker images #377
- feature(rate-limiting-on-bosh-release-precompile): #376
- feature(configure-concourse-retry): enhance concourse retry management #375
- build(deps): bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 #374
- pipelines(bosh): remove recreate-all support #373
- chore(ci): update test image to concourse 7.3.2 #371
- pipelines(bosh): clear sha1 for offline releases #370
- avoid usage of latest tag for docker image #369
- single upload job for stemcell upload #368
- switch to 'registry-image' #367
- test(integration-tests): switch to ibm cloud #366
- Concourse 7.2 bump #365
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Release notes
v5.1.0 (2021-01-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- CF7 & Cf app zero downtime deployment #329
- generate bosh compiled release pipeline #88
- feature(minimal-kubernetes-support): fix pipeline without deployment #353
- feature(minimal-kubernetes-support): introduce new pipeline to support k8s files #352
- Bump docker images #337
Closed issues:
- cf app support lacks ability to define CF CLI environment variables to tune cf push behavior #240
Merged pull requests:
- feature(tune-cf-push-options): allow cf push customization #357
- pipeline(bosh|precompile): fix stemcell version consistency #356
- feature(bosh-director-pull-mode): implement for bosh pipelines only #355
- CI: bump to concourse 6.7.1 #354
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Release notes
v5.0.3 (2020-10-08)
Merged pull requests:
- pipeline(bosh-precompile): only use templates to generate pipeline #351
- fix(resolve-manifest-version): handle properly multiple stemcell definition #350
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Release notes
v5.0.2 (2020-09-25)
Merged pull requests:
- pipeline(sync-feature-branches): fix missing untrusted certificates support #349
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Release notes
v5.0.0 (2020-09-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- cloud-config and runtime-config credhub interpolation should not block #331
Fixed bugs:
- precompilation should manage per iaas-type bosh release #345
Merged pull requests:
- feature(concourse-6.5.0-support): bump concourse pipeline resource #348
- pipeline(bosh-precompile): split single deployment into dedicated deployments #346
- pipeline(bosh-precompile): fix pipeline team #342
- chore(ci): bump to concourse 6.4 and bosh-cli 6.2.1 #341
- feature(multi-concourse-version-compliant-pipelines): update pipelines to be able to run it on concourse 5.8.x and concourse 6.4.x #340
- feature(support-release-repackaging-fallback): direct download from for releases with repackaging errors #339
- restrict managed versions #336
- feature(allow-incomplete-crehub-interpolation): #332
- feature(boshrelease-offline-support-rework) #330
- Generate compiled release #319
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Release notes
v4.3.2 (2020-04-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- fix(git-shallow-clone): automatically disable git shallow clone for concourse pipelines when submodules are used #328
- feature(lower-concourse-database-usage): switch metadata resource type #327
Merged pull requests:
- feature: ease shared secrets triggering debug #326
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