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Releases: oracle/oci-designer-toolkit

OCD nightly Release 0.2.7

26 Feb 09:08
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- Beta Code: This is experimental and work in progress. Therefore does not provide all the functionality in OKIT.

Getting Started OKIT Open Cloud Designer

The OCD project is a refactoring of the original OKIT implementation and TypeScript / JavaScript
based implementation using React to build the interface and provide the WebServer. In addition
Electron is used to generate native installers for simplicity of installation and use.

This Beta release is to show the new desktop functionality available in the OKIT - Open Cloud Desktop release and is not
guarenteed to be 100% functional. At present the following resources and features are availble but we will be releasing updates

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
DRG Attachment
DRG Route Table
DRG Distribution
Local Peering
Remote Peering
NoSQL Database
MySQL (with Heatwave)
File System
Mount Target
OKE Cluser & Node Pool
Analytics Instance
Dynamic Groups

Not all menu options are currently available and if selected will display a message saying they are currently not availble,
again these will be added over time.

If you have any comments please leave them on the GitHub issues marked as OCD Beta:

Native Installs

The OCD Beta Nightly Release contains a number of native install artefacts which can be used to install OCD on you machine.
At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.



Security Acknowledgement


System Settings -> Security

Security Acknowledgement

Select "Open Anyway"

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These
provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

Build Your Own


  • node / npm


Before the application can be either built as a desktop or run as a web server all appropriate node modules must be
installed. This can be achieve by executing the fresh-install of reinstall script, from this directory, as follows:

npm run fresh-install

This will create the oci-designer-toolkit/oci/dist directory which will contain a subdirectory for the appropriate opperating system, for example :

ls -1

ls -1 mac

In the above example the ocd-0.1.0.dmg can be opened in the normal way on a mac and the app will be installed.

Running Desktop Application without installing

  1. Build Desktop Application
npm run desktop

Running Development Web Application

  1. Run Web Server
npm run web
  1. Access BUI on http://localhost:3000/

January 2025 Release

31 Jan 14:29
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License: UPL Quality Gate Status

January 2025 Release (Version 0.67.0)

Update 0.67.0: This update addresses the following issues.

Welcome to the January 2025 release of OKIT. This release updates a number of embedded JavaScript libraries to their latest release..

OKIT (Web) Features

  1. OKIT-Web: Update D3 library to V7
  2. OKIT-Web: Update JQuery to V3.7.1

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

November 2024 Patch

12 Dec 11:42
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License: UPL Quality Gate Status

November 2024 Release (Version 0.66.1)

Update 0.66.1: This update addresses the following issues.

  1. Update main README to de-emphasise Docker

Welcome to the November 2024 release of OKIT. This release switches the exiat Create React App based build format to Vite and Electron Forge.

OKIT (Web) Features

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

  1. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/core to ES6 Module (#OKIT-307)
  2. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/model to ES6 Module (#OKIT-308)
  3. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/query to ES6 Module (#OKIT-309)
  4. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/export to ES6 Module (#OKIT-310)
  5. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/import to ES6 Module (#OKIT-311)
  6. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/codegen to ES6 Module (#OKIT-312)
  7. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/codegen-cli to ES6 Module (#OKIT-313)
  8. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/cli to ES6 Module (#OKIT-314)
  9. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/desktop to ES6 Module (#OKIT-315)
  10. OKIT-Ocd: Switch build process from Create React App / Webpack to Vite (#OKIT-305)
  11. OKIT-Ocd: Switch to Electron Forge for building.

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

November 2024 Release

04 Dec 14:57
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License: UPL Quality Gate Status

November 2024 Release (Version 0.66.0)

Update 0.66.0: This update addresses the following issues.

Welcome to the November 2024 release of OKIT. This release switches the exiat Create React App based build format to Vite and Electron Forge.

OKIT (Web) Features

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

  1. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/core to ES6 Module (#OKIT-307)
  2. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/model to ES6 Module (#OKIT-308)
  3. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/query to ES6 Module (#OKIT-309)
  4. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/export to ES6 Module (#OKIT-310)
  5. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/import to ES6 Module (#OKIT-311)
  6. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/codegen to ES6 Module (#OKIT-312)
  7. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/codegen-cli to ES6 Module (#OKIT-313)
  8. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/cli to ES6 Module (#OKIT-314)
  9. OKIT-Ocd: Convert @ocd/desktop to ES6 Module (#OKIT-315)
  10. OKIT-Ocd: Switch build process from Create React App / Webpack to Vite (#OKIT-305)
  11. OKIT-Ocd: Switch to Electron Forge for building.

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

October 2024 Release

31 Oct 10:00
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License: UPL Quality Gate Status

October 2024 Release (Version 0.65.0)

Update 0.65.0: This update addresses the following issues.

  1. OKIT-Web: Resolve issue with queried node_pool where the availability dodamin was still the full name. (#723)

Welcome to the October 2024 release of OKIT. This release updates the Azure and Google based on the released terraform providers.

OKIT (Web) Features

  1. OKIT-Web: Create PCA specific OKIT Cache classes for use when accessing the pca link.

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

  1. OKIT-Ocd: Update initial Azure resources to match released terraform providers. (#OKIT-316)
  2. OKIT-Ocd: Update initial Google resources to match released terraform providers . (#OKIT-317)

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

September 2024 Release

30 Sep 15:47
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License: UPL Quality Gate Status

September 2024 Release (Version 0.64.0)

Update 0.64.0: This update addresses the following issues.

  1. OKIT-Web: Resolve issue where save dialog did not display existing content (#717)
  2. OKIT-Web: Fix for underlying AuthLib api change.

Welcome to the September 2024 release of OKIT. This release is aim primarily at the desktop OKIT OCD Beta extending the current functionality and improving it's useability. We have now added some basic resources for Azure and Google to allow for the design of Multi Cloud solutions. The current resources will be expaned onces the appropriate Terraform provider is available.

OKIT (Web) Features

No new features

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

  1. Parse AzuraRM Terraform schema and generate OCD Resource Schema entries. (#OKIT-272)
  2. Write AzureRM Model Generator. (#OKIT-273)
  3. Write AzureRM Properties Generator. (#OKIT-274)
  4. Write AzureRM Terraform Generator. (#OKIT-275)
  5. Write AzureRM Markdown Generator. (#OKIT-276)
  6. Write AzureRM Validator Generator. (#OKIT-277)
  7. Write AzureRM Tabular Generator. (#OKIT-278)
  8. Parse Google Terraform schema and generate OCD Resource Schema entries. (#OKIT-284)
  9. Write Google Model Generator. (#OKIT-285)
  10. Write Google Properties Generator. (#OKIT-286)
  11. Write Google Terraform Generator. (#OKIT-287)
  12. Write Google Markdown Generator. (#OKIT-288)
  13. Write Google Validator Generator. (#OKIT-289)
  14. Write Google Tabular Generator. (#OKIT-290)
  15. Create Library View which will allow users to select pre-defined Reference Architectures. (#OKIT-304)

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

August 2024 Release

29 Aug 12:39
Choose a tag to compare

License: UPL Quality Gate Status

August 2024 Release (Version 0.63.0)

Update 0.63.0: This update addresses the following issues.

  1. OKIT-Web: Resolve Code Scanning Issues #688 - #712
  2. OKIT-Web: Convert Queried Network Load Balancer Listeners set to list.
  3. OKIT-Web: Revert DRG Attachment fix for PCA DRGv1+ feature

Welcome to the August 2024 release of OKIT. This release is aim primarily at the desktop OKIT OCD Beta extending the current functionality and improving
it's useability. We have now added a number of Auto Layout options, including OKIT-Web Style, and allow the user to specify the default Auto Layout option.
In addition we have extended the Desktop to allow Compute Cloud@Customer and Private Cloud Appliance users to create designs and generate download cache
information from their machine.

OKIT (Web) Features

No new features

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

  1. OKIT-Ocd: Build OKIT-Web style auto arranger. (#OKIT-299)
  2. OKIT-Ocd: Generated example connection.tfvars file during OpenTofu export. (#OKIT-297)
  3. OKIT-Ocd: Add Palette for Compute Cloud@Customer. (#OKIT-298)
  4. OKIT-Ocd: Add Palette for PCA-X9. (#OKIT-298)
  5. OKIT-Ocd: Allow quering of cache data from specified Config Profiles and then switch. (#OKIT-296)

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

July 2024 Release - Patch 0.62.2

22 Aug 14:53
Choose a tag to compare

July 2024 Release (Version 0.62.2)

Update 0.62.2: This update addresses the following issues.

  1. OKIT-Web: Region Subscription Hang

Welcome to the July 2024 release of OKIT. This release is aim primarily at the desktop OKIT OCD Beta extending the current functionality and improving
it's useability. We have now simplified the process of hiding/showing the palette and properties panes whilst extending the functionlity within the
tabular view to allow the user to choose the columns to be displayed.

OKIT (Web) Features

No new features

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

No new features

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

July 2024 Release - Patch 0.62.1

20 Aug 14:04
Choose a tag to compare

July 2024 Release (Version 0.62.1)

Update 0.62.1: This update addresses the following issues.

  1. OKIT-Web: Resolve PCA Issue where region query returns wrong value.

Welcome to the July 2024 release of OKIT. This release is aim primarily at the desktop OKIT OCD Beta extending the current functionality and improving
it's useability. We have now simplified the process of hiding/showing the palette and properties panes whilst extending the functionlity within the
tabular view to allow the user to choose the columns to be displayed.

OKIT (Web) Features

No new features

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

No new features

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.

July 2024 Release

31 Jul 11:50
Choose a tag to compare

July 2024 Release (Version 0.62.0)

Update 0.62.0: This update addresses the following issues.

  1. OKIT-Web: Resolve Code Scanning Warnings: Issues #652-#672
  2. OKIT-Ocd: resolve Code scanning Warnings: Issues #673-#680

Welcome to the July 2024 release of OKIT. This release is aim primarily at the desktop OKIT OCD Beta extending the current functionality and improving
it's useability. We have now simplified the process of hiding/showing the palette and properties panes whilst extending the functionlity within the
tabular view to allow the user to choose the columns to be displayed.

OKIT (Web) Features

No new features

OKIT - Open Cloud Designer

  1. OKIT-Ocd: Add the ability to create common Defined Tags that will be used across all reasorces created by OCD. (#OKIT-269)
  2. OKIT-Ocd: Add single button collapse and expand for Palette.
  3. OKIT-Ocd: Add single button collapse and expand for Properties.
  4. OKIT-Ocd: Add Freeform and Defined Tags to each resource. (#OKIT-270)
  5. OKIT-Ocd: Extend Tabular view to allow for column display selection where additional columns are specified. (#OKIT-295)

Beta Overview

The public Beta native desktop installs are attached to this release.

This Beta release shows the new desktop functionality that will be available in the next iteration of OKIT providing Native Installers rather than the current Web Based solution. In addtion to a native installation the designer provides a true Drag-&-Drop interface allowing the user to define the layout of there design without any of the previous restrictions.

The concept of container based layouts has been remove and as such Compartment are nolonger represented on the canvas but are created as tabs across the top of the design with functionality that will allow the user to hide/show resources associated with the compartment. We have also added the concept of multiple Page/Views of the designs resources by placing page tabs at the bottom of the design. Here the user can create addition pages to show sub-sets of the designs resources, which can be selected from the "model" palette.

At present the Open Cloud Designer only supports a subset of the original OKIT (Web) resources but this covers the core resource and more will be added soon.

Available Resources

Resource Properties Terraform Validation Query Query Only
Security List
Route Table
DHCP Options
Internet Gateway
NAT Gateway
Autonomous Database
Load Balancer
Load Balancer Backend Set
Load Balancer Backend
Load Balancer Backend Listener
Block Volume
Volume Attachment
Boot Volumes
Boot Volumes Attachment
Customer Premises Equipment
Database System
Service Gateway
Local Peering
Dynamic Groups

Native Installs

At present we do not have any certificates associated with these and hence you may see some security warnings during execution. If you are happy to accept that the installation files built by GitHub are okey then
you will need to acknowledge in the appropriate dialog for your system.

OCD Desktop Features

The OCD Desktop / Web interface is composed of a number of section similar to those provided in the original OKIT BUI. These provide similar functionality but with some key difference that will be document below.

OCD Desktop


Location of all resources that can be used within OCD. These are split into two tabs.


The Provider tab contains a set of provider (currently only OCI) Resources that are available within the OCD Desktop to design your architecture. These resources can be displayed in either a simple, icon only, or a verbose format, icon and name. When you want to add a resource to your architecture simply drag it from the palette onto the canvas.


The Model tab contains a list of all Resource that have already been added to the design allowing the user to drag a second copy of the resource onto the canvas, either the
same Page/View or a new Page/View.


Freeform location where your design can be created. Once a Resource has been dragged from the palete and dropped on the canvas it can subsequently be moved as required by the user. In addition container style Resource (Vcn / Subnet) will also allow resize and can contain other resources. It should be noted that Compartments are not represented on the
canvas as a Resource but rather created as Layers using the top tab bar. These compartment layers can subsequently be shown/hidden and the Resources within the Compartment layer will be shown/hidden on the canvas. In addition Compartment Layers can be coloured (Style in properties) and if the "Highlight Compartment Resources" is selected from the designer menu (above the palette)
then the borders of resource will be coloured to match the compartment.


The Page/View Tabs (at base of canvas) allow the user to create multiple visual representations of the same design/model by selecting resources from the "Model" palette.


The properties panel provides access to the edittable properties available for the selected Resource. In addition the User can provide Resource specific documentation that will be included in any generated Markdown.