Build Monitor Plugin provides a highly visible view of the status of selected Jenkins jobs.
It easily accommodates different computer screen sizes and is ideal as an Extreme Feedback Device to be displayed on a screen on your office wall. (Inspired by the no longer maintained RadiatorView plugin).
To create a new Build Monitor View, click on the "New View" tab, select "Build Monitor View" and select jobs you wish to display on the monitor. You can have as many Build Monitor Views as you want - the most popular approach is to have one per team or one per project.
I'd like to keep the plugin as simple as possible and avoid cluttering the view with statistics I don't find of high value in the context of a Build Monitor.
Current functionality includes:
- Displaying the status and progress of selected jobs
- Displaying names of people who might be responsible for "breaking the build"
- Easily customisable number of columns and size of the font used, making it easier to accommodate screens of different sizes
- UI configuration is stored in a cookie, making it possible to display different number of columns and using different font size on each screen at your office
All the features I'm hoping to add in the near future are listed in the "Roadmap" section of this README
If you'd like to understand more about the logic behind the Build Monitor Plugin, feel free to have a look at the tests that drove the design.
To avoid unnecessary complexity when implementing the view layer I decided to use CSS 3 flexbox. The standard is currently supported by most modern web browsers, so if your browser doesn't support this feature - consider upgrading :)
- Display what triggered the build (SCM change, another job, manual)
- Display how long a given job has been failing for
Support for Claim Plugin- Support for Gravatar
- Display parameters of parametrized jobs
Persist layout configuration changes in a long-lived cookie.
- Angular.js
- Angular-slider
- Customised Angular Bootstrap
- HTML5 Boilerplate normalize.css
- OpenSans font by Steve Matteson
No longer maintained Radiator View Plugin