To be able to train networks and/or get quality metrics for pre-trained ones, it's necessary to download at least one dataset from following resources.
- ICDAR2013 (Focused Scene Text) - test part is used to get quality metric.
- ICDAR2015 (Incidental Scene Text)
- ICDAR2017 (MLT)
- ICDAR2019 (MLT)
- ICDAR2019 (ART)
- MSRA-TD500
- COCO-Text
Extract downloaded datasets in ${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset
export DATA_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/data
Convert it to format that is used internally and split to the train and test part.
- Training annotation
python ./model_templates/horizontal-text-detection/tools/ \
--config ./model_templates/horizontal-text-detection/tools/datasets/dataset_train.json \
--output ${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset/IC13TRAIN_IC15_IC17_IC19_MSRATD500_COCOTEXT.json \
--root ${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset/
export TRAIN_ANN_FILE=${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset/IC13TRAIN_IC15_IC17_IC19_MSRATD500_COCOTEXT.json
export TRAIN_IMG_ROOT=${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset
- Testing annotation
python ./model_templates/horizontal-text-detection/tools/ \
--config ./model_templates/horizontal-text-detection/tools/datasets/dataset_test.json \
--output ${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset/IC13TEST.json \
--root ${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset/
export VAL_ANN_FILE=${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset/IC13TEST.json
export VAL_IMG_ROOT=${DATA_DIR}/text-dataset
Examples of json file for train and test dataset configuration can be found in horizontal-text-detection/datasets
So, if you would like not to use all datasets above, please change its content.
The structure of the folder with datasets:
├── coco-text
├── icdar2013
├── icdar2015
├── icdar2017
├── icdar2019_art
├── icdar2019_mlt
├── MSRA-TD500
└── IC13TEST.json
If you want to train/test network on your own dataset there are 3 ways to arrange the dataset preparing process:
- If your dataset has COCO format, you may use its annotation right away.
- You may convert your dataset to COCO format using Datumaro or other tool.
- The least preferable way is to modify converters already prepared in and use script for conversion as it was explained above.
In that way please check that:
field has values in xywh formatsegmentation
field contains at least 4 2d corner points (resulting in vector with 8 coordinates)transcription
field is not empty (if you don't intend to use transcription, put there every nonempty value like '0').