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componentName: 'TinyIconRight', exportName: 'iconRight', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconRightFrozen', exportName: 'iconRightFrozen', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconRightO', exportName: 'iconRightO', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconRightward', exportName: 'iconRightward', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconRowReverse', exportName: 'iconRowReverse', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSandwichCollapse', exportName: 'iconSandwichCollapse', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSandwichExpand', exportName: 'iconSandwichExpand', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSave', exportName: 'iconSave', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconScissor', exportName: 'iconScissor', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSearch', exportName: 'iconSearch', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSelect', exportName: 'iconSelect', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSent', exportName: 'iconSent', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSeparate', exportName: 'iconSeparate', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSetting', exportName: 'iconSetting', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconShare', exportName: 'iconShare', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconShoppingCard', exportName: 'iconShoppingCard', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSmile', exportName: 'iconSmile', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSmileO', exportName: 'iconSmileO', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSort', exportName: 'iconSort', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSortDefault', exportName: 'iconSortDefault', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconStarActive', exportName: 'iconStarActive', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconStarDisable', exportName: 'iconStarDisable', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconStarO', exportName: 'iconStarO', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconStart', exportName: 'iconStart', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconStartCircle', exportName: 'iconStartCircle', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconStatistics', exportName: 'iconStatistics', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconStop', exportName: 'iconStop', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconStreamSolid', exportName: 'iconStreamSolid', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSuccess', exportName: 'iconSuccess', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconSuccessful', exportName: 'iconSuccessful', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTabletView', exportName: 'iconTabletView', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTaskCooperation', exportName: 'iconTaskCooperation', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTelephone', exportName: 'iconTelephone', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTelephoneCircle', exportName: 'iconTelephoneCircle', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconText', exportName: 'iconText', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTextAlign', exportName: 'iconTextAlign', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTextDecoration', exportName: 'iconTextDecoration', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTextTab', exportName: 'iconTextTab', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTime', exportName: 'iconTime', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTotal', exportName: 'iconTotal', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconTriangleDown', exportName: 'iconTriangleDown', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUndelete', exportName: 'iconUndelete', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUnderline', exportName: 'iconUnderline', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUndo', exportName: 'iconUndo', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUnfilter', exportName: 'iconUnfilter', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUnfreeze', exportName: 'iconUnfreeze', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUnknow', exportName: 'iconUnknow', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUnlock', exportName: 'iconUnlock', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUnsent', exportName: 'iconUnsent', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUp', exportName: 'iconUp', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUpO', exportName: 'iconUpO', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUpload', exportName: 'iconUpload', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconUser', exportName: 'iconUser', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconVersiontree', exportName: 'iconVersiontree', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconView', exportName: 'iconView', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconVuejs', exportName: 'iconVuejs', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconWarning', exportName: 'iconWarning', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconWarningTriangle', exportName: 'iconWarningTriangle', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconWebPlus', exportName: 'iconWebPlus', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconWriting', exportName: 'iconWriting', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconYes', exportName: 'iconYes', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconZoomIn', exportName: 'iconZoomIn', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyIconZoomOut', exportName: 'iconZoomOut', - package: '@opentiny/vue-icon', + package: '@opentiny/react-icon', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyInput', exportName: 'Input', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyModal', exportName: 'Modal', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyNumeric', exportName: 'Numeric', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyPager', exportName: 'Pager', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyPopeditor', exportName: 'Popeditor', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyPopover', exportName: 'Popover', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyRadio', exportName: 'Radio', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyRow', exportName: 'Row', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinySearch', exportName: 'Search', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinySelect', exportName: 'Select', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinySwitch', exportName: 'Switch', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyTabs', exportName: 'Tabs', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyTabItem', exportName: 'TabItem', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyTimeLine', exportName: 'TimeLine', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyTooltip', exportName: 'Tooltip', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true }, { componentName: 'TinyTree', exportName: 'Tree', - package: '@opentiny/vue', + package: '@opentiny/react', version: '^3.10.0', destructuring: true } diff --git a/packages/react-generator/src/generator/generateJsx.js b/packages/react-generator/src/generator/generateJsx.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6eb672481 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/react-generator/src/generator/generateJsx.js @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +import { getImportMap } from './parseImport' +import { + genTemplateByHook, + handleComponentNameHook, + handleTinyGrid, + handleTinyIcon, + handleExpressionChildren, + validEmptyTemplateHook +} from './generateTemplate' +import { generateStyleTag } from './generateStyle' +import { + handleConditionAttrHook, + handleLoopAttrHook, + handleSlotBindAttrHook, + handleAttrKeyHook, + handlePrimitiveAttributeHook, + handleExpressionAttrHook, + handleI18nAttrHook, + handleObjBindAttrHook, + handleEventAttrHook, + handleTinyIconPropsHook +} from './generateAttribute' +import { + GEN_SCRIPT_HOOKS, + genScriptByHook, + parsePropsHook, + parseReactiveStateHook, + addDefaultVueImport, + addDefaultVueI18nImport, + handleProvideStatesContextHook, + handleContextInjectHook, + defaultGenImportHook, + defaultGenPropsHook, + defaultGenEmitsHook, + defaultGenStateHook, + defaultGenMethodHook, + defaultGenLifecycleHook +} from './generateScript' + +const parseConfig = (config = {}) => { + const { + blockRelativePath = '../components/', + blockSuffix = '.vue', + scriptConfig = {}, + styleConfig = {} + } = config || {} + const res = { + ...config, + blockRelativePath, + blockSuffix, + scriptConfig, + styleConfig + } + + return res +} + +const defaultScriptConfig = { + lang: '', + setup: true +} + +const defaultStyleConfig = { + scoped: true, + lang: '' +} + +const generateSFCFile = (schema, componentsMap, config = {}) => { + const parsedConfig = parseConfig(config) + const { blockRelativePath, blockSuffix, scriptConfig: initScriptConfig, styleConfig: initStyleConfig } = parsedConfig + // 前置动作,对 Schema 进行解析初始化相关配置与变量 + if (!schema.state) { + schema.state = {} + } + + // 解析 import + const { pkgMap, blockPkgMap } = getImportMap(schema, componentsMap, { blockRelativePath, blockSuffix }) + + // 解析 state + let stateRes = {} + + // 解析 method + const methods = schema.methods || {} + + // 其他表达式语句 + const statements = {} + + // config + let scriptConfig = { + ...defaultScriptConfig, + ...initScriptConfig + } + + let styleConfig = { + ...defaultStyleConfig, + ...initStyleConfig + } + + const globalHooks = { + addStatement: (newStatement) => { + if (!newStatement?.value) { + return false + } + + const key = newStatement.key || newStatement.value + + if (statements[key]) { + return false + } + + statements[key] = newStatement + + return true + }, + getStatements: () => statements, + addMethods: (key, value) => { + if (methods[key]) { + return false + } + + methods[key] = value + + return true + }, + getMethods: () => methods, + addState: (key, value) => { + if (schema.state[key] || stateRes[key]) { + return false + } + + stateRes[key] = value + + return true + }, + getState: () => stateRes, + setState: () => { + // state = newState + }, + addImport: (fromPath, config) => { + const dependenciesMap = pkgMap[fromPath] || blockPkgMap[fromPath] + + if (dependenciesMap) { + // 默认导出 + if (!config.destructuring && dependenciesMap.find(({ destructuring }) => !destructuring)) { + return false + } + + const hasExists = dependenciesMap.find(({ destructuring, exportName, componentName }) => { + return ( + destructuring === config.destructuring && + exportName === config.exportName && + componentName === config.componentName + ) + }) + + if (hasExists) { + return false + } + + dependenciesMap.push(config) + + return true + } + + pkgMap[fromPath] = [config] + + return true + }, + getImport: () => ({ ...pkgMap, ...blockPkgMap }), + setScriptConfig: (newConfig) => { + if (!newConfig || typeof newConfig !== 'object') { + return + } + + scriptConfig = { + ...scriptConfig, + ...newConfig + } + }, + getScriptConfig: () => scriptConfig, + setStyleConfig: (newConfig = {}) => { + if (!newConfig || typeof newConfig !== 'object') { + return + } + + styleConfig = { + ...styleConfig, + ...newConfig + } + }, + getStyleConfig: () => styleConfig, + addCss: (css) => { + schema.css = `${schema.css}\n${css}` + } + } + + // 解析 template + const templateStr = genTemplateByHook(schema, globalHooks, { ...parsedConfig, componentsMap: componentsMap }) + + // 生成 script + const scriptStr = genScriptByHook(schema, globalHooks, { ...parsedConfig, componentsMap: componentsMap }) + + // 生成 style + const styleStr = generateStyleTag(schema, styleConfig) + + return `${templateStr}\n${scriptStr}\n${styleStr}` +} + +export const genSFCWithDefaultPlugin = (schema, componentsMap, config = {}) => { + const { templateItemValidate = [], genTemplate = [], parseScript = [], genScript = {} } = config.hooks || {} + const defaultComponentHooks = [handleComponentNameHook, handleTinyIcon] + + const defaultAttributeHook = [ + handleTinyGrid, + handleConditionAttrHook, + handleLoopAttrHook, + handleSlotBindAttrHook, + handleAttrKeyHook, + handlePrimitiveAttributeHook, + handleExpressionAttrHook, + handleI18nAttrHook, + handleTinyIconPropsHook, + handleObjBindAttrHook, + handleEventAttrHook + ] + + const defaultChildrenHook = [handleExpressionChildren] + const defaultTemplateItemValidateHook = [validEmptyTemplateHook] + + const defaultParseScriptHook = [ + addDefaultVueImport, + addDefaultVueI18nImport, + parsePropsHook, + parseReactiveStateHook, + handleProvideStatesContextHook, + handleContextInjectHook + ] + + const { GEN_IMPORT, GEN_PROPS, GEN_EMIT, GEN_STATE, GEN_METHOD, GEN_LIFECYCLE } = GEN_SCRIPT_HOOKS + const defaultGenScriptHooks = { + [GEN_IMPORT]: defaultGenImportHook, + [GEN_PROPS]: defaultGenPropsHook, + [GEN_EMIT]: defaultGenEmitsHook, + [GEN_STATE]: defaultGenStateHook, + [GEN_METHOD]: defaultGenMethodHook, + [GEN_LIFECYCLE]: defaultGenLifecycleHook + } + + const newConfig = { + ...config, + hooks: { + templateItemValidate: [...templateItemValidate, ...defaultTemplateItemValidateHook], + genTemplate: [...genTemplate, ...defaultComponentHooks, ...defaultAttributeHook, ...defaultChildrenHook], + parseScript: [...parseScript, ...defaultParseScriptHook], + genScript: { + ...defaultGenScriptHooks, + ...genScript + } + } + } + + return generateSFCFile(schema, componentsMap, newConfig) +} + +export default generateSFCFile diff --git a/packages/react-generator/src/generator/page.js b/packages/react-generator/src/generator/page.js index 87e6e6e95..1300fd6ba 100644 --- a/packages/react-generator/src/generator/page.js +++ b/packages/react-generator/src/generator/page.js @@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ function handleJSXBinding(props, attrsArr, description, state) { // 事件名,协议约定以 on 开头的 camelCase 形式,template 中使用 kebab-case 形式 if (isOn(key)) { const eventBinding = handleJSXEventBinding(key, item) - console.log(eventBinding, 'eventBinding>>>>>>>>>>') return attrsArr.push(eventBinding) } @@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ function generateJSXNode(schema, state, description, isRootNode = false) { // 循环渲染 v-for, 循环数据支持:变量表达式、数组/对象字面量 if (loop) { - const loopData = loop.type ? loop.value : JSON.stringify(loop) + const loopData = (loop.type ? loop.value : JSON.stringify(loop)).replace('this.state.', '') // 改写类语法 elementWrappers.push({ type: 'loop', diff --git a/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genDependenciesPlugin.js b/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genDependenciesPlugin.js index 461d1666a..1803a496c 100644 --- a/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genDependenciesPlugin.js +++ b/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genDependenciesPlugin.js @@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ const parseSchema = (schema) => { } } - // 处理内置 Icon,如果使用了 tinyvue 组件,则默认添加 @opentiny/vue-icon 依赖,且依赖与 @opentiny/vue 依赖版本一致 - if (resDeps['@opentiny/vue']) { - resDeps['@opentiny/vue-icon'] = resDeps['@opentiny/vue'] + // 处理内置 Icon,如果使用了 tinyreact 组件,则默认添加 @opentiny/react-icon 依赖,且依赖与 @opentiny/react 依赖版本一致 + if (resDeps['@opentiny/react']) { + resDeps['@opentiny/react-icon'] = resDeps['@opentiny/react'] } return resDeps diff --git a/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genGlobalState.js b/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genGlobalState.js index 811dbfb99..2e013dcd0 100644 --- a/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genGlobalState.js +++ b/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genGlobalState.js @@ -29,7 +29,54 @@ function genDependenciesPlugin(options = {}) { * @returns */ run(schema) { - const globalState = parseSchema(schema) + let globalState = parseSchema(schema) + globalState = [ + { + id: 'counter', + state: { + count: 0 + }, + actions: { + increment: { + type: 'JSFunction', + value: 'function increment() { this.state.count++; }' + }, + decrement: { + type: 'JSFunction', + value: 'function decrement() { this.state.count--; }' + } + }, + getters: { + doubleCount: { + type: 'JSFunction', + value: 'function doubleCount() { return this.state.count * 2; }' + } + } + }, + { + id: 'user', + state: { + name: 'John Doe', + age: 30 + }, + actions: { + updateName: { + type: 'JSFunction', + value: 'function updateName(newName) { this.state.name = newName; }' + }, + updateAge: { + type: 'JSFunction', + value: 'function updateAge(newAge) { this.state.age = newAge; }' + } + }, + getters: { + fullName: { + type: 'JSFunction', + value: 'function fullName() { return `${this.state.name} (${this.state.age})`; }' + } + } + } + ] const res = [] const ids = [] @@ -38,9 +85,11 @@ function genDependenciesPlugin(options = {}) { let importStatement = "import create from 'zustand'" const { id, state, getters, actions } = stateItem + console.log(getters) + ids.push(id) - const stateExpression = `() => ({ ${Object.entries(state) + const stateExpression = `${Object.entries(state) .map((item) => { let [key, value] = item @@ -54,29 +103,46 @@ function genDependenciesPlugin(options = {}) { return [key, value].join(':') }) - .join(',')} })` + .join(',')}` - const getterExpression = Object.entries(getters) - .filter((item) => item.value?.type === 'JSFunction') - .map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value.value}`) - .join(',') + // const getterExpression = Object.entries(getters) + // .filter((item) => { + // console.log(item, 'itemexpress>>>>') + // return item[1]?.type === 'JSFunction' + // }) + // .map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value.value}`) + // .join(',') const actionExpressions = Object.entries(actions) - .filter((item) => item.value?.type === 'JSFunction') - .map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value.value}`) + .filter((item) => item[1]?.type === 'JSFunction') + .map( + ([key, value]) => `${key}: () => set((state) => { + ${value.value.replace('this.', 'state.')} + })` + ) .join(',') - console.log(getterExpression, actionExpressions, stateExpression, 'expressTion>>>>>') + // console.log(getterExpression, 'getterExpression>>>>>') + console.log(stateExpression, 'stateExpression>>>>>') + console.log(actionExpressions, 'actionExpressions>>>>>') const storeFiles = ` ${importStatement} - export const ${id} = defineStore({ - id: ${id}, - state: ${stateExpression}, - getters: { ${getterExpression} }, - actions: { ${actionExpressions} } - }) + export const ${id} = create((set) => ({ + ${stateExpression}, + ${actionExpressions} + })) ` + + // const storeFiles = ` + // ${importStatement} + // export const ${id} = defineStore({ + // id: ${id}, + // state: ${stateExpression}, + // actions: { ${actionExpressions} } + // }) + // ` + res.push({ fileType: 'js', fileName: `${id}.js`, diff --git a/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genPagePlugin.js b/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genPagePlugin.js index 153fcebb1..0e42bcb2d 100644 --- a/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genPagePlugin.js +++ b/packages/react-generator/src/plugins/genPagePlugin.js @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function genPagePlugin(options = {}) { // 先做一点小改造, 后面再改回来 const pages = schema.reactData - console.log(pages, 'pages>>>>>') + console.log(schema, 'pages>>>>>') console.log(prettierCode(pages, pageBasePath), 'prettierCode>>>>') const pageFiles = prettierCode(pages, pageBasePath) diff --git a/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/README.md b/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/README.md index c653b40df..4e670a8a2 100644 --- a/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/README.md +++ b/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/README.md @@ -15,5 +15,3 @@ npm install ```bash npm run dev ``` - - diff --git a/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/genViteConfig.js b/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/genViteConfig.js index e118925c6..f4ea9a437 100644 --- a/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/genViteConfig.js +++ b/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/genViteConfig.js @@ -2,26 +2,30 @@ export default () => { // 避免在构建的时候,被 process. env 替换 const processStr = ['process', 'env'] - const res = ` - plugins: [react()], - define: { - '${processStr.join('.')}': { ...${processStr.join('.')} } - }, - server: { - port: 3000, // 设置开发服务器端口 - }, - build: { - outDir: "dist", // 设置输出目录 - rollupOptions: { - output: { - manualChunks: (id) => { - if (id.includes("node_modules")) { - return "vendor"; - } - }, - }, - }, - }` + const res = `import { defineConfig } from "vite"; +import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"; +import path from "path"; + +// https://vitejs.dev/config/ +export default defineConfig({ + plugins: [react()], + resolve: { + alias: { + "@": path.resolve(__dirname, "src"), + }, + }, + server: { + port: 3000, + }, + define: { + "process.env": {...${processStr.join('.')}} + }, + build: { + outDir: "dist", + }, + envDir: "env", +}); +` return res } diff --git a/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/packageJson.js b/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/packageJson.js index 9c77255eb..2d43e7e9d 100644 --- a/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/packageJson.js +++ b/packages/react-generator/src/templates/react-templates/template-files/packageJson.js @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ export default (schema) => { module: 'dist/index.js', dependencies: { '@opentiny/tiny-engine-i18n-host': '^1.0.0', - '@opentiny/vue': 'latest', - '@opentiny/vue-icon': 'latest', + '@opentiny/react': 'latest', + '@opentiny/react-icon': 'latest', axios: 'latest', 'axios-mock-adapter': '^1.19.0', react: '^18.3.1', diff --git a/packages/react-generator/test/testcases/full/case1_normal/input/components-map.json b/packages/react-generator/test/testcases/full/case1_normal/input/components-map.json index 41c01dd1f..c47f1805e 100644 --- a/packages/react-generator/test/testcases/full/case1_normal/input/components-map.json +++ b/packages/react-generator/test/testcases/full/case1_normal/input/components-map.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "componentName": "TinyButton", "exportName": "Button", - "package": "@opentiny/vue", + "package": "@opentiny/react", "version": "^3.10.0", "destructuring": true }, @@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ "componentName": "CrmQuoteListGridStatus", "main": "./views/crm/quote-list" } -] +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/toolbars/generate-vue/src/Main.vue b/packages/toolbars/generate-vue/src/Main.vue index 231633ec8..30f47bf82 100644 --- a/packages/toolbars/generate-vue/src/Main.vue +++ b/packages/toolbars/generate-vue/src/Main.vue @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ import { } from '@opentiny/tiny-engine-controller' import { fs } from '@opentiny/tiny-engine-utils' import { useHttp } from '@opentiny/tiny-engine-http' -import { parseRequiredBlocks, generateApp as generateVueApp } from '@opentiny/tiny-engine-dsl-vue' +// import { parseRequiredBlocks, generateApp as generateVueApp } from '@opentiny/tiny-engine-dsl-vue' +import { parseRequiredBlocks, generateApp as generateVueApp } from '../../../vue-generator/src/index' // import { generateApp as generateReactApp } from '@opentiny/tiny-engine-dsl-react' // 初期,方便调试 import { generateApp as generateReactApp } from '../../../react-generator/src/index' diff --git a/packages/toolbars/generate-vue/src/http.js b/packages/toolbars/generate-vue/src/http.js index 364f3040e..e2c7037c9 100644 --- a/packages/toolbars/generate-vue/src/http.js +++ b/packages/toolbars/generate-vue/src/http.js @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { useHttp } from '@opentiny/tiny-engine-http' import { generateCode } from '../../../react-generator/src/index' +// import { generateCode } from '../../../vue-generator/src/index' // 想使用React出码的时候就切换为上方的数据源 const http = useHttp() @@ -27,15 +28,15 @@ const HEADER_LOWCODE_ORG = 'x-lowcode-org' // } // ) - export const fetchCode = async ({ platform, app, pageInfo, tenant } = {}) => - generateCode({platform, app, pageInfo, tenant}) - // http.post( - // '/app-center/api/schema2code', - // { platform, app, pageInfo }, - // { - // headers: { [HEADER_LOWCODE_ORG]: tenant } - // } - // ) +export const fetchCode = async ({ platform, app, pageInfo, tenant } = {}) => + generateCode({ platform, app, pageInfo, tenant }) +// http.post( +// '/app-center/api/schema2code', +// { platform, app, pageInfo }, +// { +// headers: { [HEADER_LOWCODE_ORG]: tenant } +// } +// ) // 获取页面依赖的关联应用数据: i18n/dataSource等 export const fetchMetaData = async ({ platform, app, type, id, history, tenant } = {}) => diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/genSetupSFC.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/genSetupSFC.js index 2e04f7b13..395eb4954 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/genSetupSFC.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/genSetupSFC.js @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { handleTinyIcon, handleExpressionChildren, validEmptyTemplateHook -} from './generateTemplate' +} from './generateTemplate.js' import { generateStyleTag } from './generateStyle' import { handleConditionAttrHook, @@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ const defaultStyleConfig = { } const generateSFCFile = (schema, componentsMap, config = {}) => { + console.log('到这里了没page>>>>>>>>>>') + const parsedConfig = parseConfig(config) const { blockRelativePath, blockSuffix, scriptConfig: initScriptConfig, styleConfig: initStyleConfig } = parsedConfig // 前置动作,对 Schema 进行解析初始化相关配置与变量 @@ -96,6 +98,8 @@ const generateSFCFile = (schema, componentsMap, config = {}) => { ...initStyleConfig } + console.log('到这里了没page>>>>>wuwuwuwuuwuw') + const globalHooks = { addStatement: (newStatement) => { if (!newStatement?.value) { @@ -194,8 +198,11 @@ const generateSFCFile = (schema, componentsMap, config = {}) => { } } + console.log('到这里了没page>>>44444444444444444444') + // 解析 template const templateStr = genTemplateByHook(schema, globalHooks, { ...parsedConfig, componentsMap: componentsMap }) + console.log('到这里了没page>>>66666666666666666') // 生成 script const scriptStr = genScriptByHook(schema, globalHooks, { ...parsedConfig, componentsMap: componentsMap }) @@ -203,10 +210,12 @@ const generateSFCFile = (schema, componentsMap, config = {}) => { // 生成 style const styleStr = generateStyleTag(schema, styleConfig) + console.log('到这里了没page>>>') return `${templateStr}\n${scriptStr}\n${styleStr}` } export const genSFCWithDefaultPlugin = (schema, componentsMap, config = {}) => { + console.log('SFC起点page>>>>>>>>>>>') const { templateItemValidate = [], genTemplate = [], parseScript = [], genScript = {} } = config.hooks || {} const defaultComponentHooks = [handleComponentNameHook, handleTinyIcon] @@ -258,6 +267,7 @@ export const genSFCWithDefaultPlugin = (schema, componentsMap, config = {}) => { } } } + console.log('SFC终点page>>>>>>>>>>>') return generateSFCFile(schema, componentsMap, newConfig) } diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateAttribute.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateAttribute.js index 91af6b922..51c077b26 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateAttribute.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateAttribute.js @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { SPECIAL_UTILS_TYPE, INSERT_POSITION, TINY_ICON -} from '@/constant' +} from '../../../constant' import { isOn, toEventKey, @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import { thisRegexp, isGetter, isSetter -} from '@/utils' +} from '../../../utils' import { recursiveGenTemplateByHook } from './generateTemplate' import { getImportMap } from './parseImport' diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateScript.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateScript.js index 78ebab4d1..e0fa78f4c 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateScript.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateScript.js @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { capitalize } from '@vue/shared' -import { toEventKey, isGetter, isSetter } from '@/utils' -import { generateImportByPkgName } from '@/utils/generateImportStatement' -import { INSERT_POSITION } from '@/constant' +import { toEventKey, isGetter, isSetter } from '../../../utils' +import { generateImportByPkgName } from '../../../utils/generateImportStatement' +import { INSERT_POSITION } from '../../../constant' import { transformObjType } from './generateAttribute' -import { hasJsx } from '@/utils/hasJsx' +import { hasJsx } from '../../../utils/hasJsx' export const defaultGenImportHook = (schema, globalHooks) => { const dependenciesMap = globalHooks.getImport() || {} diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateTemplate.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateTemplate.js index 6a2820eea..278fbdc91 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateTemplate.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/generateTemplate.js @@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import { JS_EXPRESSION, JS_I18N, JS_RESOURCE -} from '@/constant' +} from '../../../constant' import { generateTag, HTML_DEFAULT_VOID_ELEMENTS } from './generateTag' import { specialTypeHandler } from './generateAttribute' -import { thisPropsBindRe, thisRegexp } from '@/utils' +import { thisPropsBindRe, thisRegexp } from '../../../utils' export const handleComponentNameHook = (optionData) => { const { componentName, schema } = optionData @@ -178,15 +178,18 @@ export const recursiveGenTemplateByHook = (schemaWithRes, globalHooks, config = // 自定义 hooks const { genTemplate: genTemplateHooks, templateItemValidate } = hooks + console.log('到这里了没page>>11111111111111111') if (!Array.isArray(schemaChildren)) { schemaWithRes.children.push(schemaChildren || '') return } + console.log('到这里了没page>>>7777777777777') const resArr = schemaChildren.map((schemaItem) => { for (const validateItem of templateItemValidate) { if (!validateItem(schemaItem, globalHooks, config)) { + console.log('到这里了没page>>>100000101010') return '' } } @@ -211,6 +214,7 @@ export const recursiveGenTemplateByHook = (schemaWithRes, globalHooks, config = hookItem(optionData, globalHooks, config) } + console.log('到这里了没page>>>99999999') const startTag = generateTag(optionData.componentName, { attribute: optionData.attributes.join(' '), isVoidElement: optionData.voidElement, diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/parseImport.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/parseImport.js index 3c337f46b..65ea58c98 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/parseImport.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/generator/vue/sfc/parseImport.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -import { BUILTIN_COMPONENT_NAME } from '@/constant' -import { generateImportByPkgName } from '@/utils/generateImportStatement' +import { BUILTIN_COMPONENT_NAME } from '../../../constant' +import { generateImportByPkgName } from '../../../utils/generateImportStatement' export const parseImport = (children) => { let components = [] diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genDependenciesPlugin.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genDependenciesPlugin.js index da84f3b7b..45ea93a31 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genDependenciesPlugin.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genDependenciesPlugin.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/mergeOptions' -import { parseImport } from '@/generator/vue/sfc/parseImport' +import { parseImport } from '../generator/vue/sfc/parseImport' const defaultOption = { fileName: 'package.json', diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genGlobalState.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genGlobalState.js index 4c640d6a4..5ebc8a8aa 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genGlobalState.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genGlobalState.js @@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ function genDependenciesPlugin(options = {}) { .join(',')} })` const getterExpression = Object.entries(getters) - .filter((item) => item.value?.type === 'JSFunction') + .filter((item) => { + return item.value?.type === 'JSFunction' + }) .map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value.value}`) .join(',') diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genPagePlugin.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genPagePlugin.js index 9f6fb4306..626ab62d1 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genPagePlugin.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/genPagePlugin.js @@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ function genPagePlugin(options = {}) { run(schema) { const pages = schema.pageSchema + console.log(schema, 'page>>>>>>>>') + const resPage = [] for (const page of pages) { + console.log('wujiayupageRes') const res = genSFCWithDefaultPlugin(page, schema.componentsMap, sfcConfig) + console.log(res, 'pageRes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>') resPage.push({ fileType: 'vue', diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/parseSchemaPlugin.js b/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/parseSchemaPlugin.js index 5e62f520b..cd2e67304 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/parseSchemaPlugin.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/src/plugins/parseSchemaPlugin.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { BUILTIN_COMPONENTS_MAP } from '@/constant' +import { BUILTIN_COMPONENTS_MAP } from '../constant' function parseSchema() { return { diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/generator/mockData.js b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/generator/mockData.js index 6067bbb55..082b26906 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/generator/mockData.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/generator/mockData.js @@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ export const appSchemaDemo01 = { description: 'demo应用', branch: 'develop', is_demo: null, - global_state: [], + global_state: ['fishThing'], appId: '918', creator: '', gmt_create: '2022-06-08 03:19:01', diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case01/case01.test.js b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case01/case01.test.js index 22d3c6509..f95feda1c 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case01/case01.test.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case01/case01.test.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { genSFCWithDefaultPlugin } from '@/generator/vue/sfc' import schema from './schema.json' import blockSchema from './blocks.schema.json' import componentsMap from './componentsMap.json' -import { formatCode } from '@/utils/formatCode' +import { formatCode } from '../../../../src/utils/formatCode' let count = 0 const mockValue = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case02/case02.test.js b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case02/case02.test.js index c150d463b..403c5da77 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case02/case02.test.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case02/case02.test.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { genSFCWithDefaultPlugin } from '@/generator/vue/sfc' import schema from './page.schema.json' import componentsMap from './components-map.json' import blockSchema from './blocks.schema.json' -import { formatCode } from '@/utils/formatCode' +import { formatCode } from '../../../../src/utils/formatCode' test('should generate use prop accessor correctly', async () => { const res = genSFCWithDefaultPlugin(schema, componentsMap) diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case03/case03.test.js b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case03/case03.test.js index 3d4cc61a0..c71e7e657 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case03/case03.test.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case03/case03.test.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { genSFCWithDefaultPlugin } from '@/generator/vue/sfc' import schema from './page.schema.json' import blockSchema from './blocks.schema.json' import componentsMap from './components-map.json' -import { formatCode } from '@/utils/formatCode' +import { formatCode } from '../../../../src/utils/formatCode' test('should generate useStateAccessor Correct', async () => { const res = genSFCWithDefaultPlugin(schema, componentsMap) diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case04/case04.test.js b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case04/case04.test.js index 677b3dd22..1f657ecb0 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case04/case04.test.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case04/case04.test.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { expect, test } from 'vitest' import { genSFCWithDefaultPlugin } from '@/generator/vue/sfc' import schema from './page.schema.json' import componentsMap from './components-map.json' -import { formatCode } from '@/utils/formatCode' +import { formatCode } from '../../../../src/utils/formatCode' test('should generate use utils expression Correct', async () => { const res = genSFCWithDefaultPlugin(schema, componentsMap) diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case05/case05.test.js b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case05/case05.test.js index a9353f908..ea16ef613 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case05/case05.test.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/test/testcases/sfc/case05/case05.test.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { expect, test } from 'vitest' import { genSFCWithDefaultPlugin } from '@/generator/vue/sfc' import schema from './page.schema.json' import componentsMap from './components-map.json' -import { formatCode } from '@/utils/formatCode' +import { formatCode } from '../../../../src/utils/formatCode' test('should auto detect jsx declare on custom method', async () => { const res = genSFCWithDefaultPlugin(schema, componentsMap) diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/test/unit/hasJSX.test.js b/packages/vue-generator/test/unit/hasJSX.test.js index c66b87f11..45a3da6d0 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/test/unit/hasJSX.test.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/test/unit/hasJSX.test.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { describe, expect, test } from 'vitest' -import { hasJsx } from '@/utils/hasJsx' +import { hasJsx } from '../../src/utils/hasJsx' describe('normal case', () => { test('raw jsx should be true', () => { diff --git a/packages/vue-generator/test/unit/parseRequiredBlocks.test.js b/packages/vue-generator/test/unit/parseRequiredBlocks.test.js index ea5e3c258..8f30149c0 100644 --- a/packages/vue-generator/test/unit/parseRequiredBlocks.test.js +++ b/packages/vue-generator/test/unit/parseRequiredBlocks.test.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { expect, test } from 'vitest' -import { parseRequiredBlocks } from '@/utils/parseRequiredBlocks' +import { parseRequiredBlocks } from '../../src/utils/parseRequiredBlocks' test('should return empty array when children is no array', () => { expect(parseRequiredBlocks()).toStrictEqual([])