#Installing OpenSSBD on Ubuntu 14.04
Install the latest update and install a list of dependency programs
# apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-get install python # apt-get install python-numpy # apt-get install python-pandas # apt-get install python-matplotlib # apt-get install postgresql # apt-get install python-django # apt-get install git # apt-get install python-defusedxml # apt-get install python-tastypie # apt-get install python-psycopg2 # apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Starting PostgreSQL and setting up a new SSBD DB
- check access to DB by editing
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket local all postgres trust
- Start up PostgreSQL
# service postgresql start # sudo -i -u postgres # psql postgres=# create database "SSBD" encoding 'utf8' template template0; postgres=# alter user postgres with password 'postgres';
- check access to DB by editing
Download OpenSSBD code using Git
- Change to the directory where you want OpenSSBD to reside. The default directory is
# mkdir -p /usr/src/OpenSSBD # cd /usr/src/OpenSSBD
- Clone OpenSSBD from Github
# git clone https://github.com/openssbd/OpenSSBD.git
- Change to the directory where you want OpenSSBD to reside. The default directory is
Other Changes need in
- if you are not using default directory, you will need to change the variable STATICFILES_DIRS, below is the default setting
STATICFILES_DIRS = ('/usr/src/OpenSSBD/SSBD/SSBD/static',)
Creating database tables via Django
# cd /usr/src/OpenSSBD/SSBD
# python manage.py syncdb
- Setting up owner model
# psql -h localhost -U postgres -d "SSBD"
postgres=# insert into "SSBD2_owner_model" (password, last_login, username, email, first_name, is_active, date_joined, phone, "URL", organization, department, laboratory, address) values ('', '2016-01-01 JST', 'public', '', '', TRUE, '2016-01-01 JST', '', '', '', '', '', '');
- Defining SQL functions
# cd /usr/src/OpenSSBD/SSBD/Tools
# psql -h localhost -U postgres -d "SSBD" -f unicoords.sql
# psql -h localhost -U postgres -d "SSBD" -f stat.sql
# psql -h localhost -U postgres -d "SSBD" -f gen_compstat.sql
# psql -h localhost -U postgres -d "SSBD" -f schemaUpdate4.sql
- Start up OpenSSBD
# cd /usr/src/OpenSSBD/SSBD
# python manage.py runserver 0:8282
- OpenSSBD can now be accessed by a web browser