diff --git a/sql-odbc/docs/user/tableau_support.md b/sql-odbc/docs/user/tableau_support.md
index 94cdeae9a2..4ef2838c9c 100644
--- a/sql-odbc/docs/user/tableau_support.md
+++ b/sql-odbc/docs/user/tableau_support.md
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Click on **Download** option for downloading `opensearch_sql_odbc.taco` file.
* Enter **Server** & **Port** value.
-* Select required authentication option. For **AWS_SIGV4** authentication, select **Integrated Authentication** and enter value for **Region**.
+* Select required authentication option. For **AWS_SIGV4** authentication, select **Integrated Authentication** and enter value for **Region**. To setup aws access key id and secret key, create ~/.aws/credentials with [AWS CLI](https://aws.amazon.com/cli/) and use `opensearchodbc` as the profile name.
* Use **Additional Options** section for specifying options like **FetchSize**, **ResponseTimeout**. Use `;` to separate values. For example,
@@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ To generate a graph,
-* You can change visualizations by selecting any active visualization from **Show Me**.
\ No newline at end of file
+* You can change visualizations by selecting any active visualization from **Show Me**.