diff --git a/src/translations/de.ts b/src/translations/de.ts
index ab3c12776..50fff2096 100644
--- a/src/translations/de.ts
+++ b/src/translations/de.ts
@@ -31,11 +31,15 @@ export const de: Translations = {
     qchg: 'Qualitätsanderung ist Auslöser',
     dupd: 'Datenupdate ist Auslöser',
     fixedOffs: 'Fester Offset',
-    securityEnabled: 'Aktive Sicherungsmaßnahmen',
+    securityEnable: 'Aktive Sicherungsmaßnahmen',
     DataSet: 'Datensetz',
     Communication: 'Kommunikation',
     TrgOps: 'Triggerbedingungen',
     OptFields: 'Optionale felder',
+    multicast: 'SMV nach IEC 61850 9-2',
+    smpMod: 'Abtast-Art',
+    smpRate: 'Abtastrate',
+    nofASDU: 'Abtastpunkte pro Datenpacket',
   settings: {
     title: 'Einstellungen',
diff --git a/src/translations/en.ts b/src/translations/en.ts
index 2ed247105..8c23605f8 100644
--- a/src/translations/en.ts
+++ b/src/translations/en.ts
@@ -29,11 +29,15 @@ export const en = {
     qchg: 'Trigger on quality change',
     dupd: 'Trigger on data update',
     fixedOffs: 'Fixed offset',
-    securityEnabled: 'Security enabled',
+    securityEnable: 'Security enabled',
     DataSet: 'Dataset',
     Communication: 'Communication',
     TrgOps: 'Trigger options',
     OptFields: 'Optional fields',
+    multicast: 'SMV acc. to IEC 61850 9-2',
+    smpMod: 'Sample mode',
+    smpRate: 'Sample rate',
+    nofASDU: 'Samples per paket',
   settings: {
     title: 'Settings',
diff --git a/src/wizards/foundation/enums.ts b/src/wizards/foundation/enums.ts
index 98990027f..845792783 100644
--- a/src/wizards/foundation/enums.ts
+++ b/src/wizards/foundation/enums.ts
@@ -53,3 +53,11 @@ export const predefinedBasicTypeEnum = [
 export const valKindEnum = ['Spec', 'Conf', 'RO', 'Set'];
+export const smpModEnum = ['SmpPerPeriod', 'SmpPerSec', 'SecPerSmp'];
+export const securityEnableEnum = [
+  'None',
+  'Signature',
+  'SignatureAndEncryption',
diff --git a/src/wizards/gsecontrol.ts b/src/wizards/gsecontrol.ts
index 28de53deb..fe2116d0c 100644
--- a/src/wizards/gsecontrol.ts
+++ b/src/wizards/gsecontrol.ts
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import {
 import { maxLength, patterns } from './foundation/limits.js';
 import { editDataSetWizard } from './dataset.js';
 import { editGseWizard } from './gse.js';
+import { securityEnableEnum } from './foundation/enums.js';
 function getGSE(element: Element): Element | null | undefined {
   const cbName = element.getAttribute('name');
@@ -100,8 +101,8 @@ export function renderGseAttributes(
-      helper="${translate('scl.securityEnabled')}"
-      >${['None', 'Signature', 'SignatureAndEncryption'].map(
+      helper="${translate('scl.securityEnable')}"
+      >${securityEnableEnum.map(
         type => html`<mwc-list-item value="${type}">${type}</mwc-list-item>`
diff --git a/src/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.ts b/src/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.ts
index 54036fd0d..003be8e3a 100644
--- a/src/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.ts
+++ b/src/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,188 @@
-import { html } from 'lit-element';
-import { get } from 'lit-translate';
+import { html, TemplateResult } from 'lit-element';
+import { get, translate } from 'lit-translate';
-import { identity, isPublic, Wizard } from '../foundation.js';
+import '@material/mwc-list/mwc-list-item.js';
+import { List } from '@material/mwc-list';
+import { ListItemBase } from '@material/mwc-list/mwc-list-item-base';
+import { SingleSelectedEvent } from '@material/mwc-list/mwc-list-foundation';
+import '../filtered-list.js';
+import '../wizard-select.js';
+import '../wizard-textfield.js';
+import {
+  cloneElement,
+  EditorAction,
+  getValue,
+  identity,
+  isPublic,
+  newSubWizardEvent,
+  selector,
+  Wizard,
+  WizardActor,
+  WizardInput,
+} from '../foundation.js';
+import { securityEnableEnum, smpModEnum } from './foundation/enums.js';
+import { maxLength, patterns } from './foundation/limits.js';
+interface ContentOptions {
+  name: string | null;
+  desc: string | null;
+  multicast: string | null;
+  smvID: string | null;
+  smpMod: string | null;
+  smpRate: string | null;
+  nofASDU: string | null;
+  securityEnable: string | null;
+function contentSampledValueControlWizard(
+  options: ContentOptions
+): TemplateResult[] {
+  return [
+    html`<wizard-textfield
+      label="name"
+      .maybeValue=${options.name}
+      helper="${translate('scl.name')}"
+      required
+      validationMessage="${translate('textfield.required')}"
+      pattern="${patterns.asciName}"
+      maxLength="${maxLength.cbName}"
+      dialogInitialFocus
+    ></wizard-textfield>`,
+    html`<wizard-textfield
+      label="desc"
+      .maybeValue=${options.desc}
+      nullable
+      pattern="${patterns.normalizedString}"
+      helper="${translate('scl.desc')}"
+    ></wizard-textfield>`,
+    html`<wizard-select
+      label="multicast"
+      .maybeValue=${options.multicast}
+      helper="${translate('scl.multicast')}"
+      disabled
+      >${['true', 'false'].map(
+        option =>
+          html`<mwc-list-item value="${option}">${option}</mwc-list-item>`
+      )}</wizard-select
+    >`,
+    html`<wizard-textfield
+      label="smvID"
+      .maybeValue=${options.smvID}
+      helper="${translate('scl.id')}"
+      required
+      validationMessage="${translate('textfield.nonempty')}"
+    ></wizard-textfield>`,
+    html`<wizard-select
+      label="smpMod"
+      .maybeValue=${options.smpMod}
+      nullable
+      required
+      helper="${translate('scl.smpMod')}"
+      >${smpModEnum.map(
+        option =>
+          html`<mwc-list-item value="${option}">${option}</mwc-list-item>`
+      )}</wizard-select
+    >`,
+    html`<wizard-textfield
+      label="smpRate"
+      .maybeValue=${options.smpRate}
+      helper="${translate('scl.smpRate')}"
+      required
+      type="number"
+      min="0"
+    ></wizard-textfield>`,
+    html`<wizard-textfield
+      label="nofASDU"
+      .maybeValue=${options.nofASDU}
+      helper="${translate('scl.nofASDU')}"
+      required
+      type="number"
+      min="0"
+    ></wizard-textfield>`,
+    html`<wizard-select
+      label="securityEnable"
+      .maybeValue=${options.securityEnable}
+      nullable
+      required
+      helper="${translate('scl.securityEnable')}"
+      >${securityEnableEnum.map(
+        option =>
+          html`<mwc-list-item value="${option}">${option}</mwc-list-item>`
+      )}</wizard-select
+    >`,
+  ];
+function updateSampledValueControlAction(element: Element): WizardActor {
+  return (inputs: WizardInput[]): EditorAction[] => {
+    const attributes: Record<string, string | null> = {};
+    const attributeKeys = [
+      'name',
+      'desc',
+      'multicast',
+      'smvID',
+      'smpMod',
+      'smpRate',
+      'nofASDU',
+      'securityEnable',
+    ];
+    attributeKeys.forEach(key => {
+      attributes[key] = getValue(inputs.find(i => i.label === key)!);
+    });
+    let sampledValueControlAction: EditorAction | null = null;
+    if (
+      attributeKeys.some(key => attributes[key] !== element.getAttribute(key))
+    ) {
+      const newElement = cloneElement(element, attributes);
+      sampledValueControlAction = {
+        old: { element },
+        new: { element: newElement },
+      };
+    }
+    const actions: EditorAction[] = [];
+    if (sampledValueControlAction) actions.push(sampledValueControlAction);
+    return actions;
+  };
+export function editSampledValueControlWizard(element: Element): Wizard {
+  const name = element.getAttribute('name');
+  const desc = element.getAttribute('desc');
+  const multicast = element.getAttribute('multicast');
+  const smvID = element.getAttribute('smvID');
+  const smpMod = element.getAttribute('smpMod');
+  const smpRate = element.getAttribute('smpRate');
+  const nofASDU = element.getAttribute('nofASDU');
+  const securityEnable = element.getAttribute('securityEnabled');
+  return [
+    {
+      title: get('wizard.title.edit', { tagName: element.tagName }),
+      element,
+      primary: {
+        icon: 'save',
+        label: get('save'),
+        action: updateSampledValueControlAction(element),
+      },
+      content: [
+        ...contentSampledValueControlWizard({
+          name,
+          desc,
+          multicast,
+          smvID,
+          smpMod,
+          smpRate,
+          nofASDU,
+          securityEnable,
+        }),
+      ],
+    },
+  ];
 export function selectSampledValueControlWizard(element: Element): Wizard {
   const smvControls = Array.from(
@@ -13,6 +194,19 @@ export function selectSampledValueControlWizard(element: Element): Wizard {
       title: get('wizard.title.select', { tagName: 'SampledValueControl' }),
       content: [
+          @selected=${(e: SingleSelectedEvent) => {
+            const identity = (<ListItemBase>(<List>e.target).selected).value;
+            const sampledValueControl = element.querySelector(
+              selector('SampledValueControl', identity)
+            );
+            if (!sampledValueControl) return;
+            e.target?.dispatchEvent(
+              newSubWizardEvent(() =>
+                editSampledValueControlWizard(sampledValueControl)
+              )
+            );
+          }}
             smvControl =>
               html`<mwc-list-item twoline value="${identity(smvControl)}"
diff --git a/src/zeroline-pane.ts b/src/zeroline-pane.ts
index 4dad80604..88a4ef73e 100644
--- a/src/zeroline-pane.ts
+++ b/src/zeroline-pane.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import './zeroline/ied-editor.js';
 import { Settings } from './Setting.js';
 import { communicationMappingWizard } from './wizards/commmap-wizards.js';
 import { gooseIcon, smvIcon, reportIcon } from './icons.js';
-import { isPublic, newSubWizardEvent, newWizardEvent } from './foundation.js';
+import { isPublic, newWizardEvent } from './foundation.js';
 import { selectGseControlWizard } from './wizards/gsecontrol.js';
 import { wizards } from './wizards/wizard-library.js';
 import { getAttachedIeds } from './zeroline/foundation.js';
@@ -66,21 +66,22 @@ export class ZerolinePane extends LitElement {
   openReportControlSelection(): void {
-      newSubWizardEvent(() =>
-        selectReportControlWizard(this.doc.documentElement)
-      )
+      newWizardEvent(() => selectReportControlWizard(this.doc.documentElement))
   openGseControlSelection(): void {
-      newSubWizardEvent(() => selectGseControlWizard(this.doc.documentElement))
+      newWizardEvent(() => selectGseControlWizard(this.doc.documentElement))
   openSampledValueControlSelection(): void {
-    const wizard = selectSampledValueControlWizard(this.doc.documentElement);
-    if (wizard) this.dispatchEvent(newWizardEvent(wizard));
+    this.dispatchEvent(
+      newWizardEvent(() =>
+        selectSampledValueControlWizard(this.doc.documentElement)
+      )
+    );
   toggleShowIEDs(): void {
diff --git a/src/zeroline/ied-editor.ts b/src/zeroline/ied-editor.ts
index 8baf78cba..d9a13b23e 100644
--- a/src/zeroline/ied-editor.ts
+++ b/src/zeroline/ied-editor.ts
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import '../action-icon.js';
 import { createClientLnWizard } from '../wizards/clientln.js';
 import { gooseIcon, smvIcon, reportIcon } from '../icons.js';
 import { wizards } from '../wizards/wizard-library.js';
-import { newSubWizardEvent, newWizardEvent } from '../foundation.js';
+import { newWizardEvent } from '../foundation.js';
 import { selectGseControlWizard } from '../wizards/gsecontrol.js';
 import { selectSampledValueControlWizard } from '../wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.js';
 import { selectReportControlWizard } from '../wizards/reportcontrol.js';
@@ -41,19 +41,20 @@ export class IedEditor extends LitElement {
   private openReportControlSelection(): void {
-      newSubWizardEvent(() => selectReportControlWizard(this.element))
+      newWizardEvent(() => selectReportControlWizard(this.element))
   private openGseControlSelection(): void {
-      newSubWizardEvent(() => selectGseControlWizard(this.element))
+      newWizardEvent(() => selectGseControlWizard(this.element))
   private openSmvControlSelection(): void {
-    const wizard = selectSampledValueControlWizard(this.element);
-    if (wizard) this.dispatchEvent(newWizardEvent(wizard));
+    this.dispatchEvent(
+      newWizardEvent(() => selectSampledValueControlWizard(this.element))
+    );
   private openCommunicationMapping(): void {
diff --git a/test/integration/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol-wizarding-editing.test.ts b/test/integration/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol-wizarding-editing.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41554180f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol-wizarding-editing.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import { expect, fixture, html } from '@open-wc/testing';
+import '../../mock-wizard-editor.js';
+import { MockWizardEditor } from '../../mock-wizard-editor.js';
+import { ListItemBase } from '@material/mwc-list/mwc-list-item-base';
+import { FilteredList } from '../../../src/filtered-list.js';
+import { WizardTextField } from '../../../src/wizard-textfield.js';
+import { selectSampledValueControlWizard } from '../../../src/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.js';
+describe('Wizards for SCL element SampledValueControl', () => {
+  let doc: XMLDocument;
+  let element: MockWizardEditor;
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    element = await fixture(html`<mock-wizard-editor></mock-wizard-editor>`);
+    doc = await fetch('/test/testfiles/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.scd')
+      .then(response => response.text())
+      .then(str => new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, 'application/xml'));
+  });
+  describe('define a select wizards that ', () => {
+    let sampledValueControlList: FilteredList;
+    beforeEach(async () => {
+      const wizard = selectSampledValueControlWizard(doc.documentElement);
+      element.workflow.push(() => wizard);
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      sampledValueControlList = <FilteredList>(
+        element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector('filtered-list')
+      );
+      await sampledValueControlList.updateComplete;
+    });
+    it('shows all SampledValueControl elements within a project', () =>
+      expect(sampledValueControlList.items.length).to.equal(
+        doc.querySelectorAll('SampledValueControl').length
+      ));
+    it('allows to filter SampledValueControl elements per IED', async () => {
+      const wizard = selectSampledValueControlWizard(doc.querySelector('IED')!);
+      element.workflow.pop();
+      element.workflow.push(() => wizard);
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      sampledValueControlList = <FilteredList>(
+        element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector('filtered-list')
+      );
+      await sampledValueControlList.updateComplete;
+      expect(sampledValueControlList.items.length).to.equal(
+        doc.querySelector('IED')!.querySelectorAll('SampledValueControl').length
+      );
+    });
+    it('opens edit wizard for selected SampledValueControl element on click', async () => {
+      const reportItem = <ListItemBase>sampledValueControlList.items[0];
+      reportItem.click();
+      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20)); // await animation
+      const nameField = <WizardTextField>(
+        element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector('wizard-textfield[label="name"]')
+      );
+      await nameField.requestUpdate();
+      expect(nameField.value).to.equal(
+        doc.querySelectorAll('SampledValueControl')[0].getAttribute('name')
+      );
+    });
+  });
+  describe('defines an edit wizard that', () => {
+    let nameField: WizardTextField;
+    let secondaryAction: HTMLElement;
+    let primaryAction: HTMLElement;
+    let parentIED: Element;
+    beforeEach(async () => {
+      element.workflow.length = 0; // remove all wizard from FIFO queue
+      parentIED = doc.querySelectorAll('IED')[1];
+      element.workflow.push(() => selectSampledValueControlWizard(parentIED));
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20)); // await animation
+      const sampledValueControlBlock = <ListItemBase>(
+        (<FilteredList>element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector('filtered-list'))
+          .items[0]
+      );
+      sampledValueControlBlock.click();
+      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20)); // await animation
+      nameField = element.wizardUI.dialog!.querySelector(
+        'wizard-textfield[label="name"]'
+      )!;
+      primaryAction = <HTMLElement>(
+        element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector(
+          'mwc-button[slot="primaryAction"]'
+        )
+      );
+      secondaryAction = <HTMLElement>(
+        element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector(
+          'mwc-button[slot="secondaryAction"]'
+        )
+      );
+      await nameField.updateComplete;
+    });
+    it('rejects name attribute starting with decimals', async () => {
+      expect(
+        parentIED
+          .querySelectorAll('SampledValueControl')[0]
+          ?.getAttribute('name')
+      ).to.not.equal('4adsasd');
+      nameField.value = '4adsasd';
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      expect(
+        parentIED
+          .querySelectorAll('SampledValueControl')[0]
+          ?.getAttribute('name')
+      ).to.not.equal('4adsasd');
+    });
+    it('edits name attribute on primary action', async () => {
+      expect(
+        parentIED
+          .querySelectorAll('SampledValueControl')[0]
+          ?.getAttribute('name')
+      ).to.not.equal('myNewName');
+      nameField.value = 'myNewName';
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      expect(
+        parentIED
+          .querySelectorAll('SampledValueControl')[0]
+          ?.getAttribute('name')
+      ).to.equal('myNewName');
+    });
+    it('dynamically updates wizards after attribute change', async () => {
+      nameField.value = 'myNewName';
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20)); // await animation
+      const sampledValueControlBlock = <ListItemBase>(
+        (<FilteredList>element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector('filtered-list'))
+          .items[0]
+      );
+      expect(sampledValueControlBlock.innerHTML).to.contain('myNewName');
+    });
+    it('returns back to its starting wizard on secondary action', async () => {
+      secondaryAction.click();
+      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); // await animation
+      const sampledValueControlBlock = <ListItemBase>(
+        (<FilteredList>element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector('filtered-list'))
+          .items[0]
+      );
+      expect(sampledValueControlBlock.innerHTML).to.contain('MSVCB01');
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/test/testfiles/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.scd b/test/testfiles/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.scd
index 78f25eeaa..1ccb144f9 100644
--- a/test/testfiles/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.scd
+++ b/test/testfiles/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.scd
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
     						<TrgOps dchg="true" qchg="true" dupd="false" period="false" gi="true"/>
     						<OptFields seqNum="true" timeStamp="true" dataSet="true" reasonCode="true" dataRef="false" entryID="false" configRef="true" bufOvfl="false"/>
-    					<SampledValueControl smvID="asdfads" multicast="true" smpRate="80" nofASDU="1" confRev="1" name="MSVCB01" datSet="GooseDataSet1">
+    					<SampledValueControl smvID="some/reference" multicast="true" smpRate="80" nofASDU="1" confRev="1" name="MSVCB01" datSet="GooseDataSet1">
diff --git a/test/unit/wizards/__snapshots__/gsecontrol.test.snap.js b/test/unit/wizards/__snapshots__/gsecontrol.test.snap.js
index 595f08486..e07091db1 100644
--- a/test/unit/wizards/__snapshots__/gsecontrol.test.snap.js
+++ b/test/unit/wizards/__snapshots__/gsecontrol.test.snap.js
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ snapshots["gsecontrol wizards renderGseAttribute looks like the latest snapshot"
-      helper="[scl.securityEnabled]"
+      helper="[scl.securityEnable]"
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ snapshots["gsecontrol wizards editGseControlWizard looks like the latest snapsho
-      helper="[scl.securityEnabled]"
+      helper="[scl.securityEnable]"
diff --git a/test/unit/wizards/__snapshots__/sampledvaluecontrol.test.snap.js b/test/unit/wizards/__snapshots__/sampledvaluecontrol.test.snap.js
index 4506ae2c6..a2d796594 100644
--- a/test/unit/wizards/__snapshots__/sampledvaluecontrol.test.snap.js
+++ b/test/unit/wizards/__snapshots__/sampledvaluecontrol.test.snap.js
@@ -1,6 +1,168 @@
 /* @web/test-runner snapshot v1 */
 export const snapshots = {};
+snapshots["Wizards for SCL element SampledValueControl define an edit wizard that looks like the latest snapshot"] = 
+  defaultaction="close"
+  heading="[wizard.title.edit]"
+  open=""
+  <div id="wizard-content">
+    <wizard-textfield
+      dialoginitialfocus=""
+      helper="[scl.name]"
+      label="name"
+      maxlength="32"
+      pattern="[A-Za-z][0-9,A-Z,a-z_]*"
+      required=""
+      validationmessage="[textfield.required]"
+    >
+    </wizard-textfield>
+    <wizard-textfield
+      disabled=""
+      helper="[scl.desc]"
+      label="desc"
+      nullable=""
+      pattern="([ -~]|[…]|[ -퟿]|[-�])*"
+    >
+    </wizard-textfield>
+    <wizard-select
+      disabled=""
+      helper="[scl.multicast]"
+      label="multicast"
+    >
+      <mwc-list-item
+        aria-disabled="false"
+        mwc-list-item=""
+        role="option"
+        tabindex="-1"
+        value="true"
+      >
+        true
+      </mwc-list-item>
+      <mwc-list-item
+        aria-disabled="false"
+        mwc-list-item=""
+        role="option"
+        tabindex="-1"
+        value="false"
+      >
+        false
+      </mwc-list-item>
+    </wizard-select>
+    <wizard-textfield
+      helper="[scl.id]"
+      label="smvID"
+      required=""
+      validationmessage="[textfield.nonempty]"
+    >
+    </wizard-textfield>
+    <wizard-select
+      disabled=""
+      helper="[scl.smpMod]"
+      label="smpMod"
+      nullable=""
+      required=""
+    >
+      <mwc-list-item
+        aria-disabled="false"
+        mwc-list-item=""
+        role="option"
+        tabindex="-1"
+        value="SmpPerPeriod"
+      >
+        SmpPerPeriod
+      </mwc-list-item>
+      <mwc-list-item
+        aria-disabled="false"
+        mwc-list-item=""
+        role="option"
+        tabindex="-1"
+        value="SmpPerSec"
+      >
+        SmpPerSec
+      </mwc-list-item>
+      <mwc-list-item
+        aria-disabled="false"
+        mwc-list-item=""
+        role="option"
+        tabindex="-1"
+        value="SecPerSmp"
+      >
+        SecPerSmp
+      </mwc-list-item>
+    </wizard-select>
+    <wizard-textfield
+      helper="[scl.smpRate]"
+      label="smpRate"
+      min="0"
+      required=""
+      type="number"
+    >
+    </wizard-textfield>
+    <wizard-textfield
+      helper="[scl.nofASDU]"
+      label="nofASDU"
+      min="0"
+      required=""
+      type="number"
+    >
+    </wizard-textfield>
+    <wizard-select
+      disabled=""
+      helper="[scl.securityEnable]"
+      label="securityEnable"
+      nullable=""
+      required=""
+    >
+      <mwc-list-item
+        aria-disabled="false"
+        mwc-list-item=""
+        role="option"
+        tabindex="-1"
+        value="None"
+      >
+        None
+      </mwc-list-item>
+      <mwc-list-item
+        aria-disabled="false"
+        mwc-list-item=""
+        role="option"
+        tabindex="-1"
+        value="Signature"
+      >
+        Signature
+      </mwc-list-item>
+      <mwc-list-item
+        aria-disabled="false"
+        mwc-list-item=""
+        role="option"
+        tabindex="-1"
+        value="SignatureAndEncryption"
+      >
+        SignatureAndEncryption
+      </mwc-list-item>
+    </wizard-select>
+  </div>
+  <mwc-button
+    dialogaction="close"
+    label="[cancel]"
+    slot="secondaryAction"
+    style="--mdc-theme-primary: var(--mdc-theme-error)"
+  >
+  </mwc-button>
+  <mwc-button
+    dialoginitialfocus=""
+    icon="save"
+    label="[save]"
+    slot="primaryAction"
+    trailingicon=""
+  >
+  </mwc-button>
+/* end snapshot Wizards for SCL element SampledValueControl define an edit wizard that looks like the latest snapshot */
 snapshots["Wizards for SCL element SampledValueControl define a select wizard that looks like the latest snapshot"] = 
@@ -12,7 +174,7 @@ snapshots["Wizards for SCL element SampledValueControl define a select wizard th
-        tabindex="-1"
+        tabindex="0"
diff --git a/test/unit/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.test.ts b/test/unit/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.test.ts
index 2a25464cd..b001a441b 100644
--- a/test/unit/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.test.ts
+++ b/test/unit/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.test.ts
@@ -4,11 +4,21 @@ import { SinonSpy, spy } from 'sinon';
 import '../../mock-wizard.js';
 import { MockWizard } from '../../mock-wizard.js';
-import { selectSampledValueControlWizard } from '../../../src/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.js';
+import { isUpdate, Update, WizardInput } from '../../../src/foundation.js';
+import {
+  editSampledValueControlWizard,
+  selectSampledValueControlWizard,
+} from '../../../src/wizards/sampledvaluecontrol.js';
+import fc, { integer } from 'fast-check';
+import { inverseRegExp, regExp, regexString } from '../../foundation.js';
+import { WizardTextField } from '../../../src/wizard-textfield.js';
 describe('Wizards for SCL element SampledValueControl', () => {
   let doc: XMLDocument;
   let element: MockWizard;
+  let inputs: WizardInput[];
+  let primaryAction: HTMLElement;
   let actionEvent: SinonSpy;
@@ -22,6 +32,241 @@ describe('Wizards for SCL element SampledValueControl', () => {
     window.addEventListener('editor-action', actionEvent);
+  describe('define an edit wizard that', () => {
+    beforeEach(async () => {
+      const wizard = editSampledValueControlWizard(
+        doc.querySelector('SampledValueControl')!
+      );
+      element.workflow.push(() => wizard);
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      inputs = Array.from(element.wizardUI.inputs);
+      primaryAction = <HTMLElement>(
+        element.wizardUI.dialog?.querySelector(
+          'mwc-button[slot="primaryAction"]'
+        )
+      );
+      await element.wizardUI.requestUpdate(); // make sure wizard is rendered
+    });
+    it('looks like the latest snapshot', async () => {
+      await expect(element.wizardUI.dialog).dom.to.equalSnapshot();
+    }).timeout(5000);
+    it('edits name attribute only for valid inputs', async () => {
+      await fc.assert(
+        fc.asyncProperty(regexString(regExp.tAsciName, 1, 32), async name => {
+          inputs[0].value = name;
+          await (<WizardTextField>inputs[0]).requestUpdate();
+          expect(inputs[0].checkValidity()).to.be.true;
+        })
+      );
+    });
+    it('rejects name attribute starting with decimals', async () => {
+      await fc.assert(
+        fc.asyncProperty(regexString(regExp.decimal, 1, 1), async name => {
+          inputs[0].value = name;
+          await (<WizardTextField>inputs[0]).requestUpdate();
+          expect(inputs[0].checkValidity()).to.be.false;
+        })
+      );
+    });
+    it('edits smpRate attribute only for valid inputs', async () => {
+      await fc.assert(
+        fc.asyncProperty(
+          integer({ min: 0 }).map(num => `${num}`),
+          async smpRate => {
+            inputs[5].value = smpRate;
+            await (<WizardTextField>inputs[5]).requestUpdate();
+            expect(inputs[5].checkValidity()).to.be.true;
+          }
+        )
+      );
+    });
+    it('rejects smpRate attribute in case input is not unsigned int', async () => {
+      await fc.assert(
+        fc.asyncProperty(regexString(inverseRegExp.uint, 1), async smpRate => {
+          inputs[5].value = smpRate;
+          await (<WizardTextField>inputs[5]).requestUpdate();
+          expect(inputs[5].checkValidity()).to.be.false;
+        })
+      );
+    });
+    it('edits nofASDU attribute only for valid inputs', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[6];
+      input.nullSwitch?.click();
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      await fc.assert(
+        fc.asyncProperty(
+          integer({ min: 0 }).map(num => `${num}`),
+          async nofASDU => {
+            input.value = nofASDU;
+            await input.requestUpdate();
+            expect(input.checkValidity()).to.be.true;
+          }
+        )
+      );
+    });
+    it('rejects nofASDU attribute in case input is not unsigned int', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[6];
+      input.nullSwitch?.click();
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      await fc.assert(
+        fc.asyncProperty(regexString(inverseRegExp.uint, 1), async nofASDU => {
+          input.value = nofASDU;
+          await input.requestUpdate();
+          expect(input.checkValidity()).to.be.false;
+        })
+      );
+    });
+    it('does not update the SampledValueControl element when no attribute has changed', async () => {
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      expect(actionEvent.notCalled).to.be.true;
+    });
+    it('update a SampledValueControl element when only name attribute changed', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[0];
+      input.value = 'myNewCbName';
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      expect(actionEvent).to.be.calledOnce;
+      const action = actionEvent.args[0][0].detail.action;
+      expect(action).to.satisfy(isUpdate);
+      const updateAction = <Update>action;
+      expect(updateAction.old.element).to.have.attribute('name', 'MSVCB01');
+      expect(updateAction.new.element).to.have.attribute('name', 'myNewCbName');
+    });
+    it('update a SampledValueControl element when only desc attribute changed', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[1];
+      input.nullSwitch?.click();
+      input.value = 'myDesc';
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      expect(actionEvent).to.be.calledOnce;
+      const action = actionEvent.args[0][0].detail.action;
+      expect(action).to.satisfy(isUpdate);
+      const updateAction = <Update>action;
+      expect(updateAction.old.element).to.not.have.attribute('desc');
+      expect(updateAction.new.element).to.have.attribute('desc', 'myDesc');
+    });
+    it('update a SampledValueControl element when smvID attribute changed', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[3];
+      input.value = 'myNewType/ID';
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      expect(actionEvent).to.be.calledOnce;
+      const action = actionEvent.args[0][0].detail.action;
+      expect(action).to.satisfy(isUpdate);
+      const updateAction = <Update>action;
+      expect(updateAction.old.element).to.have.attribute(
+        'smvID',
+        'some/reference'
+      );
+      expect(updateAction.new.element).to.have.attribute(
+        'smvID',
+        'myNewType/ID'
+      );
+    });
+    it('update a SampledValueControl element when smpMod attribute changed', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[4];
+      input.nullSwitch?.click();
+      input.value = 'SmpPerSec';
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      expect(actionEvent).to.be.calledOnce;
+      const action = actionEvent.args[0][0].detail.action;
+      expect(action).to.satisfy(isUpdate);
+      const updateAction = <Update>action;
+      expect(updateAction.old.element).to.not.have.attribute('smpMod');
+      expect(updateAction.new.element).to.have.attribute('smpMod', 'SmpPerSec');
+    });
+    it('update a SampledValueControl element when smpRate attribute changed', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[5];
+      input.value = '4000';
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      expect(actionEvent).to.be.calledOnce;
+      const action = actionEvent.args[0][0].detail.action;
+      expect(action).to.satisfy(isUpdate);
+      const updateAction = <Update>action;
+      expect(updateAction.old.element).to.have.attribute('smpRate', '80');
+      expect(updateAction.new.element).to.have.attribute('smpRate', '4000');
+    });
+    it('update a SampledValueControl element when nofASDU attribute changed', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[6];
+      input.value = '2';
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      expect(actionEvent).to.be.calledOnce;
+      const action = actionEvent.args[0][0].detail.action;
+      expect(action).to.satisfy(isUpdate);
+      const updateAction = <Update>action;
+      expect(updateAction.old.element).to.have.attribute('nofASDU', '1');
+      expect(updateAction.new.element).to.have.attribute('nofASDU', '2');
+    });
+    it('updates the SampledValueEnable element when securityEnable changed', async () => {
+      const input = <WizardTextField>inputs[7];
+      input.nullSwitch?.click();
+      input.value = 'Signature';
+      await input.requestUpdate();
+      primaryAction.click();
+      await element.requestUpdate();
+      expect(actionEvent).to.be.calledOnce;
+      const action = actionEvent.args[0][0].detail.action;
+      expect(action).to.satisfy(isUpdate);
+      const updateAction = <Update>action;
+      expect(updateAction.old.element).to.not.have.attribute('securityEnable');
+      expect(updateAction.new.element).to.have.attribute(
+        'securityEnable',
+        'Signature'
+      );
+    });
+  });
   describe('define a select wizard that', () => {
     beforeEach(async () => {
       const wizard = selectSampledValueControlWizard(doc.documentElement);