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Exercise 2: Bridging

In this exercise, you will be modifying the P4 program and ONOS app to add support for Ethernet (L2) bridging for hosts connected to the same leaf switch and belonging to the same subnet.


The ONOS app assumes that hosts of a given subnet are all connected to the same leaf, and two interfaces of two different leaves cannot be configured with the same IPv6 subnet. In other words, L2 bridging is allowed only for hosts connected to the same leaf.

The Mininet script used in this tutorial defines 4 subnets:

  • 2001:1:1::/64 with 3 hosts connected to leaf1 (h1a, h1b, and h1c)
  • 2001:1:2::/64 with 1 hosts connected to leaf1 (h2)
  • 2001:2:3::/64 with 1 hosts connected to leaf2 (h3)
  • 2001:2:4::/64 with 1 hosts connected to leaf2 (h4)

The same IPv6 prefixes are defined in the netcfg.json file and are used to provide interface configuration to ONOS.

Try pinging hosts

As a start, try to use Mininet to ping any two hosts of the first subnet. It should not work, since you have not implemented any bridging logic in P4 nor installed table entries for it.

On the Mininet CLI:

mininet> h1a ping h1b
PING 2001:1:1::b(2001:1:1::b) 56 data bytes
From 2001:1:1::a icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
From 2001:1:1::a icmp_seq=2 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
From 2001:1:1::a icmp_seq=3 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable

However, since h1a is expected to generate NDP Neighbor Solicitation (NS) messages to discover the Ethernet address of h1b, and since we have activated the hostprovider app in the previous exercise (remember the ACL flow rules cloning NDP packets to the CPU), we expect ONOS to discover host h1a. To check that, use the ONOS CLI:

onos> hosts -s
id=00:00:00:00:00:1A/None, mac=00:00:00:00:00:1A, locations=[device:leaf1/3], vlan=None, ip(s)=[2001:1:1::a]

The host MAC address, the location, and the IPv6 address have been learned by the hostprovider app by sniffing the NDP NS packet.

Exercise steps

1. Modify P4 program

In the ingress pipeline of main.p4, we have already defined some actions that you will need to complete the exercise -- namely set_output_port for unicast packets and set_multicast_group for packets that will be sent out of multiple ports, such as NDP NS messages. Multicast groups will be created by the ONOS app later. What is missing is a table that uses these actions.

The first step will be to create an L2 table with match on destination Ethernet address and actions mentioned above. There are two types of destination addresses that you will need to support:

  1. Broadcast/multicast entries: used replicate NDP Neighbor Solicitation (NS) messages to all host facing ports;

  2. Unicast entries: which will be filled in by the control plane (i.e. ONOS app) when hosts are discovered.

Unlike ARP messages which are broadcasted to Ethernet destination address FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, NDP messages use IPv6 broadcast/multicast packets that are sent to special Ethernet addresses specified by RFC2464. These destination addresses are prefixed with 33:33 and the last four octets are the last four octets of the IPv6 destination multicast address. The most straightforward way of matching on such IPv6 broadcast/multicast packets, without digging in the details of RFC2464, is to use a ternary match on 33:33:**:**:**:**, where * means "don't care".

Thought experiment: What type of match key will you use for this table (e.g. exact, LPM, ternary)? Will exact match work for multicast entries? Are there downsides to using non-exact for unicast entries? Our solution uses two L2 tables for each type of entry (exact for unicast, and ternary for multicast), but you can choose a different approach.

Note: To keep things simple, we won't be using VLANs to segment our L2 domains, but you can also add support for VLANs as an extra credit exercise.

After creating your L2 table(s), you will need to apply these tables from the apply block area of the ingress pipeline (IngressPipeImpl).

When done, you can compile the program using make p4 from the tutorial directory. Make sure to address any compiler errors before continuing.

At this point, your P4 pipeline should be ready for testing.

2. Run PTF tests

Tests for the L2 bridging behavior are located in ptf/tests/ Open that file up and modify wherever requested (look for TODO EXERCISE 2).

To run all tests for this exercise:

cd ptf
make bridging

This command will run all tests in the bridging group (i.e. the content of ptf/tests/ To run a specific test case you can use:


For example:

make bridging.ArpNdpRequestWithCloneTest

Check for regressions

To make sure the new changes are not breaking other features, make sure to run tests of the previous exercises as well.

make packetio
make bridging

If all tests succeed, congratulations! You can move to the next step.

3. Modify ONOS app

The next step will be to modify the ONOS app to control the L2 bridging parts of the P4 program modified before.

The source code that you will need to modify is located here: app/src/main/java/org/p4/p4d2/tutorial/

Modify the code wherever requested (look for TODO EXERCISE 2).

Complete methods implementation to insert L2 flow rules

This app component defines two event listener located at the bottom of the L2BridgingComponent class, InternalDeviceListener for device events (e.g. connection of a new switch) and InternalHostListener for host events (e.g. new host discovered). These listeners in turn call methods like:

  • setUpDevice(): responsible for creating a multicast group for all host-facing ports and inserting flow rules for broadcast/multicast packets such as ARP and NDP messages;

  • learnHost(): responsible for inserting unicast L2 entries based on the discovered host location.

To support reloading the app implementation, these methods are also called at component activation for all devices and hosts known by ONOS at the time of activation (look for methods activate() and setUpAllDevices()).

To keep things simple, our broadcast domain will be restricted to a single device, i.e. we allow packet replication only for ports of the same leaf switch. As such, we can exclude ports going to the spines from the multicast group. To determine whether a port is expected to be facing hosts or not, we look at the interface configuration in netcfg.json file (look for the ports section of the JSON file).

The starter code already provides an implementation of the method insertMulticastGroup(); you are required to complete the implementation of two other methods: insertMulticastFlowRules() and learnHost().

Enable the bridging component

Once you're confident your solution to the previous step should work, before building and reloading the app, remember to enable the component by setting the enabled flag to true at the top of the class definition:

 * App component that configures devices to provide L2 bridging capabilities.
        immediate = true,
        enabled = true
public class L2BridgingComponent {

Build and reload the app

Use the following command to build and reload your app while ONOS is running:

$ make app-build app-reload

When building the app, the modified P4 compiler outputs (bmv2.json and p4info.txt) will be packaged together along with the Java classes. After reloading the app, you should see messages signaling that a new pipeline configuration has been set and the L2BridgingComponent has been activated:

INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] Unregistered pipeconf: org.p4.srv6-tutorial (fingerprint=2e:39:f0:81:cd:a3:76:20)
INFO  [PipeconfLoader] Found 1 outdated drivers for pipeconf 'org.p4.srv6-tutorial', removing...
INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.p4.srv6-tutorial (fingerprint=2e:39:f0:81:1f:37:e6:82)
INFO  [PipelineConfigClientImpl] Setting pipeline config for device:leaf1 to org.p4.srv6-tutorial...
INFO  [MainComponent] Waiting to remove flows and groups from previous execution of org.p4.srv6-tutorial..
INFO  [MainComponent] Started
INFO  [L2BridgingComponent] Started
INFO  [L2BridgingComponent] *** L2 BRIDGING - Starting initial set up for device:leaf1...
INFO  [L2BridgingComponent] Adding L2 multicast group with 4 ports on device:leaf1...
INFO  [L2BridgingComponent] Adding L2 multicast rules on device:leaf1...
INFO  [L2BridgingComponent] Adding L2 unicast rule on device:leaf1 for host 00:00:00:00:00:1A/None (port 3)...

Understanding ONOS error logs

Before trying your solution in Mininet, it's worth looking at the ONOS log for possible errors. There are mainly 2 types of errors that you might see when reloading the app:

  1. Write errors, such as removing a nonexistent entity or inserting one that already exists:

    WARN  [WriteResponseImpl] Unable to DELETE PRE entry on device...: NOT_FOUND Multicast group does not exist ...
    WARN  [WriteResponseImpl] Unable to INSERT table entry on device...: ALREADY_EXIST Match entry exists, use MODIFY if you wish to change action ...

    These are usually transient errors and you should not worry about them. They describe a temporary inconsistency of the ONOS-internal device state, which should be soon recovered by a periodic reconciliation mechanism. The ONOS core periodically polls the device state to make sure its internal representation is accurate, while writing any pending modifications to the device, solving these errors.

    Otherwise, if you see them appearing periodically (every 3-4 seconds), it means the reconciliation process is not working and something else is wrong. Try re-loading the app (make app-reload); if that doesn't resolve the warnings, check with the instructors.

  2. Translation errors, signifying that ONOS is not able to translate the flow rules (or groups) generated by apps, to a representation that is compatible with your P4Info. For example:

    WARN  [P4RuntimeFlowRuleProgrammable] Unable to translate flow rule for pipeconf 'org.p4.srv6-tutorial':...

    Read carefully the error message and make changes to the app as needed. Chances are that you are using a table, match field, or action name that does not exist in your P4Info. Check your P4Info file, modify, and reload the app (make app-build app-reload).

4. Test L2 bridging on Mininet

Now that the app has been modified and reloaded and the ONOS log is free of potentially harmful errors, you should be able to repeat the same ping test done at the beginning of the exercise. This time it should work:

mininet> h1a ping h1b
PING 2001:1:1::b(2001:1:1::b) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:1:1::b: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.580 ms
64 bytes from 2001:1:1::b: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.483 ms
64 bytes from 2001:1:1::b: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.484 ms

Check the ONOS log, you should see messages related to the discovery of host h1b who is now receiving NDP NS messages from h1a and replying with NDP NA ones to them (remember that h1a was already discovered at the beginning of the exercise):

INFO  [L2BridgingComponent] HOST_ADDED event! host=00:00:00:00:00:1B/None, deviceId=device:leaf1, port=4
INFO  [L2BridgingComponent] Adding L2 unicast rule on device:leaf1 for host 00:00:00:00:00:1B/None (port 4)...


If ping is not working, here are few steps you can take to troubleshoot your network:

  1. Check that all flow rules and groups have been written successfully to the device. Using ONOS CLI commands such as flows -s any device:leaf1 and groups any device:leaf1, verify that all flows and groups are in state ADDED. If you see other states such as PENDING_ADD, check the ONOS log for possible errors with writing those entries to the device. You can also use the ONOS web UI to check flows and group state.

  2. Use table counters to verify that tables are being hit as expected. If you don't already have direct counters defined for your L2 table(s), modify the P4 program to add some, build and reload the app (make app-build app-reload). ONOS should automatically detect that and poll counters every 3-4 seconds (the same period for the reconciliation process). To check their values, you can either use the ONOS CLI (flows -s any device:leaf1) or the web UI.

  3. Double check the PTF tests and make sure you are creating similar flow rules in the Do you notice any difference?

  4. Look at the BMv2 logs for possible errors. Check files in /tmp/bmv2-<SW-NAME>-log or use the bm-log <SW-NAME> bash command.

  5. If here and still not working, reach out to one of the instructors for assistance.

5. Visualize hosts on the ONOS web UI

Open a browser from within the tutorial VM (e.g. Firefox) to When asked, use the username onos and password rocks.

To toggle showing hosts on the topology view, press H on your keyboard.


You have completed exercise 2! Now your fabric is capable of forwarding packets between hosts in the same subnet and connected to the same leaf switch.