Validate NHG update in hierarchical resolution scenario
- Connect ATE port-1 to DUT port-1, ATE port-2 to DUT port-2, ATE port-3 to DUT port-3.
- Create a non-default VRF (VRF-1) that includes DUT port-1.
- Establish gRIBI client connection with DUT and make it become leader.
- Use Modify RPC to install entries per the following order, and ensure FIB
ACK is received for each of the AFTOperation:
- Add (default VRF) to NextHopGroup (NHG#42 in default VRF) containing one NextHop (NH#40 in default VRF) that specifies DUT port-2 as the egress interface and 00:1A:11:00:1A:BC as the destination MAC address.
- Add (VRF-1) to NextHopGroup (NHG#44 in default VRF) containing one NextHop (NH#43 in default VRF) specified to be in the default VRF.
- Ensure that ATE port-2 receives the packets with 00:1A:11:00:1A:BC as the destination MAC address.
- Use the Modify RPC with ADD operation to test NHG implicit in-place
replace (step by step as below):
- Add a new NH (NH#41) with egress interface that specifies DUT port-3 as the egress interface and 00:1A:11:00:1A:BC as the destination MAC address.
- Add the same NHG#42 but reference both NH#40 and NH#41.
- Validate that both ATE port-2 and ATE port-3 receives the packets with 00:1A:11:00:1A:BC as the destination MAC address.
- Add the same NHG#42 but reference only NH#41.
- Validate that only ATE port-3 receives the packets.
- Add the same NHG#42 but reference only NH#40.
- Validate that only ATE port-2 receives the packets
[TODO]: Repeat the above tests with one additional scenario with the following changes, and it should not change the expected test result.
- Add an empty decap VRF,
. - Add 4 empty encap VRFs,
. - Replace the existing VRF selection policy with
as in #2217
No configuration relevant.
For prefix:
- /network-instances/network-instance/afts/
- ipv4-unicast/ipv4-entry/state
- ipv4-unicast/ipv4-entry/state/next-hop-group
- ipv4-unicast/ipv4-entry/state/origin-protocol
- ipv4-unicast/ipv4-entry/state/prefix
- next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/id
- next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/next-hops
- next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/next-hops/next-hop
- next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/next-hops/next-hop/index
- next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/next-hops/next-hop/state
- next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/next-hops/next-hop/state/index
- next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/state
- next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/state/id
- next-hops/next-hop/index
- next-hops/next-hop/interface-ref
- next-hops/next-hop/interface-ref/state
- next-hops/next-hop/interface-ref/state/interface
- next-hops/next-hop/interface-ref/state/subinterface
- next-hops/next-hop/state
- next-hops/next-hop/state/index
- next-hops/next-hop/state/ip-address
- next-hops/next-hop/state/mac-address
- gRIBI:
- Modify()
- ModifyRequest:
- AFTOperation:
- id
- network_instance
- op
- Ipv4
- Ipv4EntryKey: prefix
- Ipv4Entry: next_hop_group
- next_hop_group
- NextHopGroupKey: id
- NextHopGroup: next_hop
- next_hop
- NextHopKey: id
- NextHop:
- mac_address
- interface_ref
- AFTOperation:
- ModifyResponse:
- AFTResult:
- id
- status
- AFTResult:
- ModifyRequest:
- Modify()
vRX if the vendor implementation supports FIB-ACK simulation, otherwise FFF.
Validate NHG update in Drain Implementation Test.
[ATE port-1] — [port-1 DUT port-2] — [port-2 ATE] Port-3]—-[port-3 ATE] Port-4]—-[port-4 ATE]
DUT port-2, port-3 and port-4 are each making a one-member trunk port (trunk-2 and trunk-3, trunk-4).
Configure a destination network-a connected to trunk-2, trunk-3 and trunk-4.
gRIBI installs the following routing structure (700 IPv4 prefix, NHG and NH numbers stays the same as the illustration), and expect FIB ACKs:
In the DEFAULT VRF: VIP1 -> NHG#1 -> [NH#1 {mac: MagicMAC, interface: DUTPort2Trunk}, NH#2 {mac: MagicMAC, interface: DUTPort3Trunk}] NHG#10 -> NH#10 {decap, network-instance: DEFAULT VRF} NHG#20 -> [ NH#20{ip: VIP1}, backupNH: NHG#10]
In a non-defualt VRF, VRF-1: IPv4Entries(1000 /32 IPv4 entries) -> NHG#20
Send 10K IPinIP traffic flows from ATE port-1 to network-a.
Validate that traffic is going via trunk-2 and trunk-3 and there is no traffic loss.
Send one gRIBI NHG#1 update to replace NH#1 and NH#2 with NH#3 pointing to trunk#4.
Expect FIB ACKs, and validate that all traffic are moved to trunk#4 with no traffic loss.
Send one gRIBI NHG#1 update to revert back the changes above.
Expect FIB ACKs and validate that the traffic is moved back to trunk-2 and trunk-3 with less than ms traffic loss.