The OpenTelemetry b3 propagator package provides multiple propagator implementations for systems using the b3 context format. See the b3 specification for complete details.
Single-Header Format:
b3: {TraceId}-{SpanId}-{SamplingState}-{ParentSpanId}
Multi-Header Format:
X-B3-TraceId: {TraceId}
X-B3-SpanId: {SpanId}
X-B3-ParentSpanId: {ParentSpanId}
X-B3-Sampled: {SamplingState}
- Required
- Encoded as 32 or 16 lower-hex characters
- 16 character traceIds will be converted to 32 characters by left-padding with 0s to conform with the OpenTelemetry specification
- Required
- Encoded as 16 lower-hex characters
- Optional
- Used to support the Zipkin functionality where the client and server spans that make up an HTTP request share the same id
- Not propagated by this library
{SamplingState} - Single-header
- Optional
- Valid values
- 1 - Accept
- 0 - Deny
- d - Debug
- Absent - Defer sampling decision
{SamplingState} - Multi-header
- Optional
- Valid values
- 1 - Accept
- 0 - Deny
{Flags} - Multi-header
- Optional
- Debug is encoded as
: 1. Absent or any other value can be ignored. Debug implies an accept decision, so don't also send theX-B3-Sampled
The default B3Propagator
implements b3 propagation according to the
OpenTelemetry specification. It extracts b3 context
from multi and single header encodings and injects context using the
single-header b3 encoding by default. The inject encoding can be changed to
multi-header via configuration. See the examples below.
const api = require('@opentelemetry/api');
const { B3Propagator } = require('@opentelemetry/propagator-b3');
api.propagation.setGlobalPropagator(new B3Propagator());
const api = require('@opentelemetry/api');
const { B3Propagator, B3InjectEncoding } = require('@opentelemetry/propagator-b3');
new B3Propagator({ injectEncoding: B3InjectEncoding.MULTI_HEADER })
The B3Propagator always extracts both the single and multi-header b3 encodings. If you need to inject both encodings this can accomplished using a composite propagator.
const api = require('@opentelemetry/api');
const { CompositePropagator } = require('@opentelemetry/core');
const { B3Propagator, B3InjectEncoding } = require('@opentelemetry/propagator-b3');
new CompositePropagator({
propagators: [
new B3Propagator(),
new B3Propagator({ injectEncoding: B3InjectEncoding.MULTI_HEADER }),
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