In general, several places in the code base need to be adjusted when upgrading a dependency to a new version.
This documentation contains notes about which place to fix, to make maintenance easier and less error prone.
This doc is only useful when up to date, so make sure to add details about missing parts if any.
Also, another good place to start when upgrading something to N+1
is to find the commit that upgraded to version N (use git blame
and inspect the commit for the last upgrade.
Dependency | Type |
opentelemetry-proto | git submodule |
prometheus-cpp | git submodule |
Unlike other opentelemetry SIGs, opentelemetry-cpp generates code from opentelemetry-proto as part of the opentelemetry-cpp build.
Only the source code of opentelemetry-proto is required, which is why this repository is used as a git submodule under third_party.
Code is generated by the protobuf compiler during the build, so that generated code is never checked in.
This allows more flexibility, should the compiler (protobuf) be upgraded even when the source code (opentelemetry-proto) is unchanged.
The repository for opentelemetry-proto is:
Check release notes at:
When upgrading opentelemetry-proto to a newer release, a few places in the code need adjustment.
In this example, we upgrade from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
You need to update the git submodule third_party/opentelemetry-proto, check Upgrade a git submodule for more details.
Update the line pointing to the opentelemetry-proto tag.
Typical change:
[malff@malff-desktop opentelemetry-cpp]$ git diff third_party_release
diff --git a/third_party_release b/third_party_release
index 0bbf67f3..7362473f 100644
--- a/third_party_release
+++ b/third_party_release
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ benchmark=v1.8.3
Please follow the guide Upgrade a bazel dependency for more details.
Update the tag in the CMake logic:
set(opentelemetry-proto "v1.3.2")
Typical change:
[malff@malff-desktop opentelemetry-cpp]$ git diff cmake/opentelemetry-proto.cmake
diff --git a/cmake/opentelemetry-proto.cmake b/cmake/opentelemetry-proto.cmake
index 19516c3b..dd6213c1 100644
--- a/cmake/opentelemetry-proto.cmake
+++ b/cmake/opentelemetry-proto.cmake
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ else()
"opentelemetry-proto=[ \\t]*([A-Za-z0-9_\\.\\-]+)")
set(opentelemetry-proto "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
- set(opentelemetry-proto "v1.3.1")
+ set(opentelemetry-proto "v1.3.2")
If opentelemetry-proto contains new files, the makefile needs to be adjusted to build the new code.
Depending on the actual changes in the opentelemetry-proto files, the C++ code in opentelemetry-cpp may need adjustments.
Typically, when opentelemetry-proto:
- defines a new message (for example, for profiling)
- adds new optional fields to an existing message (for example, trace flags)
the existing C++ code should work as is with the new opentelemetry-proto format.
In this case, it is better to:
- upgrade the opentelemetry-proto version independently with one PR.
- upgrade the C++ code later (to use the new message, of provide new fields) in a different PR.
When the C++ code requires a newer minimum version of opentelemetry-proto, make sure to document this, including in the release notes.
For bazel, two different methods to build exists.
First, the code can build using file bazel/repository.bzl
This option does not depend on bazel central.
Secondly, there is also a build using modules, with file MODULE.bazel
This option does depend on bazel central, and CI depends on it.
Some code in opentelemetry-cpp is generated automatically, namely files:
- api/include/opentelemetry/trace/semantic_conventions.h
- sdk/include/opentelemetry/sdk/resource/semantic_conventions.h
The semantic conventions C++ declarations are generated using:
- data represented in yaml ("semantic-conventions")
- a code generator ("build-tools")
This generation is not done as part of the build, it is done once by maintainers, and the generated code is added (checked in) in the opentelemetry-cpp repository.
The repository for semantic-conventions is:
Check release notes at:
The repository for build-tools is:
Check release notes at:
Semantic conventions and build-tools works together, make sure to use the proper version of build-tools that is required to use a given version of semantic-conventions.
When upgrading semantic-conventions to a newer release, a few places in the code need adjustment.
In this example, we upgrade from semantic-conventions 1.26.0 to 1.27.0
In this case, semantic-conventions 1.27.0 also require a new version of build-tools, because the yaml format for the data changed.
In this example, we upgrade from build-tools 0.24.0 to 0.25.0
Update the line pointing to the semantic-conventions tag.
Update the line pointing to the build-tools tag.
Typical change:
[malff@malff-desktop opentelemetry-cpp]$ git diff buildscripts/semantic-convention/
diff --git a/buildscripts/semantic-convention/ b/buildscripts/semantic-convention/
index 2bcd07e2..8ad3292e 100755
--- a/buildscripts/semantic-convention/
+++ b/buildscripts/semantic-convention/
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ ROOT_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../../"
# Repository from 1.21.0:
# repository:
This change alone does nothing, the next step is to execute the script.
If generation is successful, the generated code contains the new schema URL:
[malff@malff-desktop opentelemetry-cpp]$ find . -name semantic_conventions.h
[malff@malff-desktop opentelemetry-cpp]$ grep kSchemaUrl ./api/include/opentelemetry/trace/semantic_conventions.h
static constexpr const char *kSchemaUrl = "";
[malff@malff-desktop opentelemetry-cpp]$ grep kSchemaUrl ./sdk/include/opentelemetry/sdk/resource/semantic_conventions.h
static constexpr const char *kSchemaUrl = "";
Apply clang-format on the generated code, and check-in changes.
Depending on tooling changes, the script may need adjustments.
Depending on changes in code generation, the template used to generate code may need adjustments.
This template is implemented in file
Last, in some special case like name collisions for a given symbol, the template itself may need to be adjusted for special logic.
See for example how messaging.client_id
is treated.
The prometheus-cpp
library provides a C++ client for Prometheus,
facilitating the creation and registration of metrics that Prometheus scrapes.
is used as a git submodule under the third_party
for ease of inclusion in build system.
The repository for prometheus-cpp
can be found here:
Check release notes at:
When upgrading prometheus-cpp
to a newer release,
you’ll need to update a few key files in the codebase to reflect the new version.
In this example, we upgrade from v1.2.3
to v1.2.4
is a git submodule
so it needs to be pointed to the new release tag.
cd third_party/prometheus-cpp
git log -1
The current submodule should show something like:
commit abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12 (HEAD, tag: v1.2.3)
Author: John Doe <>
Date: Fri Apr 25 17:55:35 2024 +0200
Minor fixes for performance and compatibility
Pull new tags:
git pull --tag origin
Upgrade to the new tag:
git pull origin v1.2.4
Verify the new commit:
git log -1
commit 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678 (HEAD, tag: v1.2.4)
Author: Jane Doe <>
Date: Thu Jun 28 08:19:11 2024 -0500
Improved metrics handling for high concurrency
Return to the root directory:
cd ../..
git status
The status should display:
On branch upgrade_prometheus_1.2.4
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: third_party/prometheus-cpp (new commits)
Add the upgraded submodule:
git add third_party/prometheus-cpp
File third_party_release Update the line referencing the prometheus-cpp version.
Example change:
$ git diff third_party_release
diff --git a/third_party_release b/third_party_release
index abc1234..def5678 100644
--- a/third_party_release
+++ b/third_party_release
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ some-dependency=v0.8.3
In file bazel/repository.bzl locate the entry for prometheus-cpp:
# C++ Prometheus Client library.
name = "com_github_jupp0r_prometheus_cpp",
sha256 = "ac6e958405a29fbbea9db70b00fa3c420e16ad32e1baf941ab233ba031dd72ee",
strip_prefix = "prometheus-cpp-1.2.3",
urls = [
Update the URL to the new tag:
urls = [
Update strip_prefix to match the new version:
strip_prefix = "prometheus-cpp-1.2.4",
Download the new URL:
Calculate the checksum:
sha256sum v1.2.4.tar.gz
abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234 v1.2.4.tar.gz
Update the sha256
All the git submodule are under the folder third_party
We will use opentelemetry-propto
as example in this case.
This is a git submodule
, it needs to point to the new tag.
cd third_party/opentelemetry-proto
git log -1
The current submodule show something like:
commit b3060d2104df364136d75a35779e6bd48bac449a (HEAD, tag: v1.3.1)
Author: Damien Mathieu <>
Date: Thu Apr 25 17:55:35 2024 +0200
generate profiles proto for CI (#552)
In this case we can see the current tag is v.1.3.1
Pull new tags:
git pull --tag origin
Upgrade to a new tag:
git pull origin v1.3.2
Check the new state:
git log -1
commit 40b3c1b746767cbc13c2e39da3eaf1a23e54ffdd (HEAD, tag: v1.3.2)
Author: jack-berg <>
Date: Fri Jun 28 08:19:11 2024 -0500
Prepare changelog for 1.3.2 release (#563)
Co-authored-by: Armin Ruech <>
Go back to the root of opentelemetry-cpp
cd ../..
git status
On branch upgrade_proto_1.3.2
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: third_party/opentelemetry-proto (new commits)
Add the upgraded submodule:
git add third_party/opentelemetry-proto
Same as git submodule, we will continue use opentelemetry-proto
as example.
All the bazel dependencies are defined in repository.bzl and MODULE.bazel.
Locate the entry for opentelemetry-proto:
# OTLP Protocol definition
name = "com_github_opentelemetry_proto",
build_file = "@io_opentelemetry_cpp//bazel:opentelemetry_proto.BUILD",
sha256 = "bed250ceec8e4a83aa5604d7d5595a61945059dc662edd058a9da082283f7a00",
strip_prefix = "opentelemetry-proto-1.3.1",
urls = [
Update the URL to the new tag:
urls = [
Update strip_prefix to the new tag:
strip_prefix = "opentelemetry-proto-1.3.2",
Download the new URL:
Run a checksum on the new file:
sha256sum v1.3.2.tar.gz
c069c0d96137cf005d34411fa67dd3b6f1f8c64af1e7fb2fe0089a41c425acd7 v1.3.2.tar.gz
Update the checksum in file bazel/repository.bzl:
sha256 = "c069c0d96137cf005d34411fa67dd3b6f1f8c64af1e7fb2fe0089a41c425acd7",
Typical change:
[malff@malff-desktop opentelemetry-cpp]$ git diff bazel/repository.bzl
diff --git a/bazel/repository.bzl b/bazel/repository.bzl
index bac1e45b..508b95a3 100644
--- a/bazel/repository.bzl
+++ b/bazel/repository.bzl
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ def opentelemetry_cpp_deps():
name = "com_github_opentelemetry_proto",
build_file = "@io_opentelemetry_cpp//bazel:opentelemetry_proto.BUILD",
- sha256 = "bed250ceec8e4a83aa5604d7d5595a61945059dc662edd058a9da082283f7a00",
- strip_prefix = "opentelemetry-proto-1.3.1",
+ sha256 = "c069c0d96137cf005d34411fa67dd3b6f1f8c64af1e7fb2fe0089a41c425acd7",
+ strip_prefix = "opentelemetry-proto-1.3.2",
urls = [
- "",
+ "",
Remember, the link is different in your case. Replace
to correct target.
Make sure the new tag is available in bazel central:
If missing, file a PR to add it, or contact the maintainer:
Update the opentelemetry-proto
version to the new tag:
bazel_dep(name = "opentelemetry-proto", version = "1.3.2", repo_name = "com_github_opentelemetry_proto")
File MODULE.bazel
is used in the github CI for repository
opentelemetry-cpp, so using a tag that does not exist (yet) in bazel central
will break the CI build.
See the known issues section.
Typical change:
[malff@malff-desktop opentelemetry-cpp]$ git diff MODULE.bazel
diff --git a/MODULE.bazel b/MODULE.bazel
index 7b84c2b7..3161ffb1 100644
--- a/MODULE.bazel
+++ b/MODULE.bazel
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ bazel_dep(name = "bazel_skylib", version = "1.5.0")
bazel_dep(name = "curl", version = "8.4.0")
bazel_dep(name = "grpc", version = "1.62.1", repo_name = "com_github_grpc_grpc")
bazel_dep(name = "nlohmann_json", version = "3.11.3", repo_name = "github_nlohmann_json")
-bazel_dep(name = "opentelemetry-proto", version = "1.3.1", repo_name = "com_github_opentelemetry_proto")
+bazel_dep(name = "opentelemetry-proto", version = "1.3.2", repo_name = "com_github_opentelemetry_proto")
bazel_dep(name = "opentracing-cpp", version = "1.6.0", repo_name = "com_github_opentracing")
bazel_dep(name = "platforms", version = "0.0.8")
bazel_dep(name = "prometheus-cpp", version = "1.2.4", repo_name = "com_github_jupp0r_prometheus_cpp")