StyleGallery includes JourneyDB, a dataset comprising a broad spectrum of diverse styles derived from MidJourney, and WIKIART, with extensive fine-grained painting styles, such as pointillism and ink drawing, and a subset of stylized images from MultiGen-20M ( A subset of LAION-Aesthetics).
If your folder structure is different, you may need to change the corresponding paths in config files.
├── annotator
├── assets
├── ip_adapter
├── json_files
│ ├── stylegallery.jsonl
├── data
│ ├── JourneyDB
│ │ ├── data
│ │ │ ├── train
│ │ │ │ ├── train_anno_realease_repath.jsonl
│ │ │ │ ├── imgs
│ ├── wikiart
│ │ ├── images
│ │ ├── dataset_infos.json
│ │ ├── data.json
│ ├── MultiGen-20M
│ │ ├── images
│ │ ├── json_files
│ │ │ ├── aesthetics_plus_all_group_canny_all.json
StyleGallery is constructed by three open source datasets. Before proceeding with further processing, you need to download these three datasets JourneyDB, WIKIART and MultiGen-20M according to the guidance provided in the corresponding links.
The images on WIKIART lack corresponding caption descriptions; therefore, they must be labeled prior to use.
We develop a simple script to generate captions for images in WikiArt using the BLIP2 model:
import os
import sys
import json
import glob
import torch
from PIL import Image
from lavis.models import load_model_and_preprocess
device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
root = "./data/wikiart/"
jsonf = "./data/wikiart/data.json"
filenames = [os.path.join(root, "images", line['path']) for line in json.load(open(jsonf))]
savepaths = [os.path.join(root, "blipcaptions", line['path'][:-4]+".txt") for line in json.load(open(jsonf))]
model, vis_processors, _ = load_model_and_preprocess(name="blip2_t5", model_type="pretrain_flant5xxl", is_eval=True, device=device)
for idx in range(len(filenames)):
filename = filenames[idx]
savepath = savepaths[idx]
name = filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
raw_image ="RGB")
image = raw_image.resize((512, 512))
image_pt = vis_processors["eval"](image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
results = model.generate({"image": image_pt, "prompt": "Question: Describe this image in detail. Answer: "}, max_length=77)[0]
with open(savepath, 'w') as fid:
To enhance the diversity of styles in StyleGallery, we filter the style data from MultiGen-20M using the following script.
Initially, we created a style descriptor banks that incorporates descriptors from ./data/wikiart/dataset_infos.json, manually added descriptors and regular expressions for years (This was based on our observation that the inclusion of a year in MultiGen captions typically signifies a specific style associated with that period).
import json
with open('./data/wikiart/dataset_infos.json', 'r') as f:
dataset_infos = f.readlines()
dataset_infos = json.loads(dataset_infos[0])
Artist = dataset_infos['huggan--wikiart']['features']['artist']['names']
Genre = dataset_infos['huggan--wikiart']['features']['genre']['names']
Style = dataset_infos['huggan--wikiart']['features']['style']['names']
Banks = Style + Genre + Artist + ['watercolor', 'painting', 'paint', 'art', 'draw', 'drawing', 'abstract', 'neoclass', 'rococo', 'monet', 'cubism', 'portrait', 'engrave', 'ink draw']
Subsequently, we review the captions of each image in MultiGen to identify any style descriptors from our banks. Upon detecting a descriptor, the image is classified as a style image and documented in a newly created JSON file:
import re
with open('./data/MultiGen-20M/json_files/aesthetics_plus_all_group_canny_all.json', 'r') as f:
datas = f.readlines()
for data in datas:
tmp = json.loads(data)
caption = tmp['prompt']
if caption is None:
caption = ""
for b in Banks:
if b in caption:
caption = caption.replace(b, "")
flag = True
pattern1 = r'\d{4}'
pattern2 = r'\d{3}'
# years
if, caption) or, caption):
flag = True
tmp['content_prompt'] = caption
if flag:
with open('./json_files/aesthetics_plus_all_group_canny_all_content.jsonl', 'a') as f:
j = json.dumps(tmp)
flag = False
Finally, the style subset of Multi-Gen 20M includes 0.87M style images.
To improve the learning of style embeddings from StyleGallery, we endeavor to remove all style-related descriptions from the text across all text-image pairs, retaining only content-related text.
During the MultiGen filtering process, we have achieved de-stylization by replacing the style descriptors in the captions with an empty string "".
For WIKIART, we also employ style descriptor banks to achieve de-stylization by replacing the style descriptors in the captions with an empty string "":
import json
with open('./data/wikiart/dataset_infos.json', 'r') as f:
dataset_infos = f.readlines()
dataset_infos = json.loads(dataset_infos[0])
Artist = dataset_infos['huggan--wikiart']['features']['artist']['names']
Genre = dataset_infos['huggan--wikiart']['features']['genre']['names']
Style = dataset_infos['huggan--wikiart']['features']['style']['names']
Banks = Style + Genre + Artist + ['watercolor', 'painting', 'colorful', 'express', 'real', 'Impress', 'romantic', 'surreal', 'symbol', 'abstract', 'neoclass', 'rococo', 'monet', 'cubism', 'academic', 'pop', 'portrait', 'landscape', 'drawing', 'religious', 'cityscape', 'engrav', 'illustra', 'photo', 'poster', 'ink']
datas = json.load(open('./data/wikiart/data.json'))
# oversampling nine times
files = ['images/', 'images/', 'images/', 'images/', 'images/', 'images/', 'images/', 'images/', 'images/']
for data in datas:
tmp = json.loads(data)
with open(os.path.join('./data/wikiart/blipcaption/', tmp['path'][:-4]+".txt")) as f:
caption = f.readline()[:-1]
for b in Banks:
if b in caption:
caption = caption.replace(b, "")
tmp['prompt'] = caption
with open('./json_files/wikiart_with_caption.jsonl', 'a') as f:
for file in files:
t = tmp.copy()
t['image_file'] = file + t['path']
j = json.dumps(t)
We found that WIKIART contains only 80k images. To balance the style distribution within the dataset, we oversampled WikiArt to an augmented dataset comprising 0.73M images.
In JourneyDB, style descriptors are explicitly marked. Consequently, we simply replace the style descriptors in the captions with an empty string "".
import json
def get_content_prompt(data):
prompt = data['prompt']
prompt = ""
styles = data['Task1']['Style']
styles = []
for s in styles:
prompt = prompt.replace(s, "")
return prompt
with open("./data/JourneyDB/data/train/train_anno_realease_repath.jsonl", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
datas = f.readlines()
for data in datas:
data = json.loads(data)
content_prompt = get_content_prompt(data)
data['content_prompt'] = content_prompt
with open("./json_files/train_anno_realease_repath_content_prompt.jsonl", 'a') as f:
j = json.dumps(data)
To train our content-fusion encoder, we process content inputs using the HED detector, with additional thresholding and dilation steps, implemented in the ./annotator/ . Use the following script to process the content input:
import cv2
from annotator.hed import SOFT_HEDdetector
img_path = "content image.png"
detector = SOFT_HEDdetector()
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
content_input = detector(img)
We have uploaded our JSON files to the following URL. You can directly download them. Our JSON file, stylegallery.jsonl, consolidates JSON files from JourneyDB, MultiGen-20M, and WikiArt into a uniform format:
{"image_file": "", "content_prompt": "", ...}
{"image_file": "", "content_prompt": "", ...}
{"image_file": "", "content_prompt": "", ...}