Date : 25 September 2024
Time: 4pm UTC
Duration: 90 minutes
Call lead: Tajuddeen Gwadabe
Facilitator: Tajuddeen Gwadabe
Join the Zoom call:
Meeting ID: 814 6208 1794
Passcode: 752836
Are you an OLS-9 participant but can’t attend this call? The recording from this call will be updated on YouTube (OLS-9 playlist):
- Please note that this call will be recorded
- The video will be available on the YouTube channel ( in the next days
- Turn on your webcam if you don’t mind sharing your face (or off if you do!)
- Please edit your Zoom name (click on the three dots on the top right of your video) and add one of the following letters in front of your name:
- W for written reflection-based exercise in the main room
- S for Spoken Discussion Breakout Room This will help us assign you to the breakout room with the format of your choice
- If you are ok with both, please choose one for this week so that the hosts can assign you to a breakout room during the cohort call
- Say hello and introduce yourselves.
- Review our Community Participation Guidelines or Code of Conduct:
- Learn about your role as a mentee and start your OLS-9 journey as a project lead with assignments
- Identify tools to help you design your project in a clear way for newcomers to quickly understand what the project is about, who can be involved, and where the work is headed
- Fill the open canvas for your project to think through an open project strategy to develop a MVP
- Make and post a Roadmap for your project with milestones, tasks, and description
- Create your project vision statement
- Bring that statement to the call to share with others
- it’s OK to create this in your shared document with your mentor, google doc or a GitHub repository (if you feel comfortable) - whichever is most convenient at this point.
- Optional: Read this post on mentorability:
Name / Organisation / Project / social handles (twitter, GitHub, etc.) / _emoji mood _
Yo / OLS / OLS is also my project, what can I say :) / Emoji mood: 💖🚀🌱
Tajuddeen / OLS /
Rebeca / Universidad de Costa Rica / CABANAnet / rebcamsan / 😁
Seun / OLS/ Bioinformatics Outreach Nigeria/ @seunolufemi9/
Maria / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil/CABANAnet/Futuros Sustentáveis -EDI em Inteligência Artificial
Alfredo / UNITEFA-National University of Córdoba, Argentina - Project: TidyScreen
Brevin /Bioinformatics hub of Kenya/Deciphering the role of Phosphatidylethanolamine Transferase (PEMT) in Glioblastoma Multiforme Cell Invasion, Proliferation and Aggression/@BrevinOchieng
Malvika / OLS / Same as Yo! :D / ☕😍
Monsurat /MolerHealth/MolerHealth/Onabajo 3😴😴
Manifest MolerHealth (Write)
Fatma / Bioinformatics Hub of Kenya initiative / Enhancing Openness in the Prediction of Bacterial Pathogens in Yellowing Disease of Coastal Kenyan Coconuts through Machine Learning / Fatma366
Fadeyi / MolerHealth / MolerHealth / Abbyfade
Nihad / Kush Centre for Genomics and Biomedical Informatics /
Andrés / Institut Pasteur de Montevideo/ Latin America Bioimaging
Adolf Bioinformatics fellow Pwani University Bioinformatics hub of Kenya Initiative/Enhancing Openness in the Prediction of Bacterial Pathogens in Yellowing Disease of Coastal Kenyan Coconuts through Machine Learning/
Nilson - Universidade de Sao Paulo - Brasil/CABANAnet/Futuros Sustentáveis -EDI em Inteligência Artificial Susan Njuki /BHKI/Huji/Pemt and GBM
Icebreaker question
Share a recent song you like
Your name: Song name - artist, link to song
Yo / Right now I'm obsessed with Heartbeat by The Midnight, an incredible synthwave 80s-style band. I saw the live earlier this year and OMG!!!!
Malvika / I have been listening to Lola Young. Don't read too much into the lyrics - I just like her music: :D But now I need to go read the lyrics to see why you said that....
Seun/I love this the music by Joel Ogbege, Hallowed be thy name not sure who sang it
Maria / Linger/ The Cramberries/
Rebeca : Gonna be good - Taya
Karol G: - Si Antes Te Hubiera Conocido - "If I would have met you before"
Nihad: Vivo Per lei - Andrea Bocelli,
Host: Tajuddeen (20 min) [⏰ 20]
Welcome! The Open Seeds OLS-9 program helps researchers and potential academic leaders to become Open Science ambassadors.
We’re in Week 2 - this is the first group cohort call. Week 1 was your mentor/mentee introduction call.
This call is being recorded and transcribed!
- Please turn your video off if you would prefer to be off video
- You can follow the transcriptions here: live transcriptions 30-second demo.
Code of conduct and community participation guidelines
- If you experience or witness unacceptable behaviour, or have any other concerns, please report it by contacting the organisers - Bérénice, Malvika, Yo and Taj. (
- To report an issue involving one of the organisers, please email one of the members individually (,,,
Breakout room: Speaking and Writing:
- Indicate by editing your name on Zoom and add
- W for written reflection-based exercise in based breakout room
- S for Spoken Discussion Breakout Room This will help us assign you to the breakout room with the format of your choice
Even if you are ok with both, please choose one option for this call to help us assign you easily to one group.
4 keywords each
What’s your name, location; project name, most recent hobby
(follow roll call order, you’ll have time for longer introductions later in breakout!)
Host: Tajuddeen (10 min) [⏰ 30]
Presenter: Yo
Write your notes here
Intro from folks who introduced themselves in chat
- I'm Ahmed from Somalia, colleague with Susan, George and Brevin. Background: molecular biology and biotechnology. Hobby reading and soccer.
- I am Ruke /MolerHealth/ Research and Product oriented interest, Hobbies Cooking, Meeting New People and Traveling
- I am Nihad, from Sudan (Currently based at UAE), I am in the reading quiet phase these days as a hobby plus singing ofc to myself :
- I am Manifest, the lead software engineer at MolerHealth. I am from Nigeria 🇳🇬 and also based in Nigeria 🇳🇬. Hobbies is coding
- Maria. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. I'm from CABANAnet Project. My hobby is danc
- I’m Fatma, an MSc student in Biotechnology under the Bioinformatics Hub of Kenya Initiative in Kenya. Sharing a project with Adolf on creating a database for coconut yellowing diseases. I enjoy reading and talking about science.
- My Name is Fadeyi, I am from Nigeria. My project is MolerHealth and my hobby is football.
- Maria. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. I'm from CABANAnet Project. My hobby is dance
- Rebeca, currently in San José Costa Rica. I am from CABANAnet project. My hobby puzzles 🙂
- My name is Monsurat, I am from Nigeria, my project name is MolerHealth and my most recent hobby is singing even though I am terrible at it 🤣
- Hi, I am Nihad, from Sudan (Currently based at UAE), I am in the reading quiet phase these days as a hobby plus singing ofc to myself :)
- I am Nilson, from Sao Paulo Brazil. Im part of CABANAnet and my hobby is swimming.
Tajuddeen makes breakouts (15 min) [⏰ 45]
Break-out room (10 min, ~3 ppl per room)
This is our first group break-out room, so we will spend 1-2 minutes introducing Zoom breakouts.
- We will have S and W breakout rooms for spoken and written discussions
- If you haven't yet, please edit your Zoom name (click on the three dots on the top right of your video) and add one of the following letters in front of your name:
- W for written reflection-based exercise in the main room
- S for Spoken Discussion Breakout Room
- This will help us assign you to the breakout room with the format of your choice
- If you are ok with both, please choose one for this week so that the hosts can assign you to a breakout room during the cohort call
- If you haven't yet, please edit your Zoom name (click on the three dots on the top right of your video) and add one of the following letters in front of your name:
- If you need assistance in your breakout room, please click the Ask for Help; button at the bottom of your screen
- What was your path to this program?
- How did you get into working open?
- How has working open affected your leadership?
Breakout Room 5 - Written
- What was your path to this program?: I am the coordinator of the CABANAnet (teaching bioinformatics) project in Latin America. So we got invited to the CATALYST project to expand the impact of this project knowing that there are regions in the continent lacking computing facilities.
- How did you get into working open?: I work in a public university and we must share almost everything, however we are not well trained in open science. So, I try to do my best based on what I learned from other collaborators.
- How has working open affected your leadership?: we get in contact with more people everytime. Which is good but also complicated because of time constraints.
Ruke : I am the product manager for Molerhealth. We are participating to enable create impact through the development of our EMR MVP (Electronic Medical Records Minimum Viable Product ). We hope to unify medical record electronically and at an affordable rate for both patients and medics in Nigeria and beyond. I got involved in Open through MolerHealth work. For the 3rd question, we are learning to navigate our team collaboration processes better
Nihad: I do work for Kush Centre and as a part of it we're trying to build an open science community in Sudan as we're lagged a bit in this matter
- Working in H3ABiNet and ELwazi projects were the first step for to get involved in the open science community as one of their projects are concerned with OS plus in 2018 Mozilla OS Tour were held at our centre in Sudan so this is how it all started form my side
- It's going well collaboration wise for us at the centre
Notes *
Breakout Room 1 - Spoken
Names *
* -
Notes *
Breakout Room 1 - Spoken
Names *
* -
Notes *
Host: Tajuddeen (5 min) [⏰ 50]
Presenter: Malvika
Host: Tajuddeen (10 min + 5 min for questions) [⏰ 65]
Presenter: Malvika
Tajuddeen makes breakouts (5 min) [⏰ 85]
5 min, 2ppl/room
- Articulate your big idea, vision or dream that you want to achieve by working open, and experiment with expressing your vision in a short format.
- Add your project mission or vision below, we’ll share in breakout rooms
Any insights/thoughts/comments to share from your breakout room?
Host: Tajuddeen (10 min + 5 min for questions) [⏰ 80]
Presenter: Yo
Host: Tajuddeen (5 min) [⏰ 90]
- Make sure you are added in the OLS-9 Catalyst Civi mailing list, Google calendar and Slack channel (#ols-9-catalyst)
- Micro-grants:
- 📑 Open an issue on OLS-9 repo where you will be able to track your progress in this cohort:
- Create a GitHub account if you don't have one
- Click this to create an issue:
- Add title - edit the main text with information that it asks about your project and team)
- We can do quick demo: please stay on the call, or contact us on Slack or email and we will help you create an issue
- We will show how to open an issue after the call for those who are new to GitHub
- 🤔 Reflecting on our role as a mentee: Reflection exercise
- ⚖ Complete this compare and contrast assignment about current and desired community interactions and value exchanges
- 📝 Start working on your Open Canvas: Template, instruction and example
- Share the image/link on your GitHub issue and look up at least two other projects in the issues and comment on their issues with feedback on their vision statement.
- 🛣 Start your Roadmap and comment on your issue with your draft Roadmap: for after the call
Add them below. We will respond to these on Slack and also share them via an email
What worked?
- Tengo pregunta: comprendes la reunion? Mi español no es bueno, pero quiero ayudar (Yo/ "Yochannah" en español)
- Knowing the people, having access to the tools description so then we can appy it
- I used the Open Canvas before so it was easy to understand.
- Knowing people, engagement , ice break was nice
What didn’t work?
- I used the W option, but it wasn´t very interactive hehe. I would like to see the exmples of the Roadmap in github
What would you change?
Make the introductions shorter
What surprised you?
- That the Roadmap links didn't work hehe But no worries :)
Reference : Mozilla Open leadership Framework, Open Life Science
Licence : CC BY 4.0, Open Life Science (OLS-8), 2023