Implement <noscript> and no-js fallback
Disabled fields and options
- material_select_js.html change tabindex to -1 if disabled
Rearrange error position to appear below field?
Test possible bug in clearable_file_input due to <a> instead of <label>
- <label> does not have mouse hover highlight due to MDC error when JS is activated. Seen in MaterialClearableFileInput widget.
- <label> does not have tab highlight. Seen in MaterialClearableFileInput widget.
- autofocus does not trigger help_text on field
- non-textfield focus does not trigger help_text field
- material select js fields do not allow alphabetical keyboard input
- material select js fields do not stretch to fit label fields
- grouped material select js will submit first valid value if not selected. create a title item with value=''