diff --git a/doc/Analytics.xml b/doc/Analytics.xml
index 5ee0ee89b..618a443b5 100755
--- a/doc/Analytics.xml
+++ b/doc/Analytics.xml
@@ -254,6 +254,8 @@
<>ISO 3166-1:2013 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions -- Part 1: Country codes<>
+ JSON-LD 1.1 A JSON-based Serialization for Linked Data
+ <>Terms and Definitions
@@ -500,25 +502,12 @@
Radiometry types, modules and rules are defined in the RADIOMETRY Schema file http://www.onvif.org/ver20/analytics/radiometry.xsd.
- Service
- This section covers the following main areas of this architecture:
- Analytics Module interface
- Scene description
- Rules interface
- The analytics service allows fine-grained configuration of individual rules and individual analytics modules (see and ). introduces the XML-based scene description, which can be streamed as metadata to clients via RTP as defined in the ONVIF Streaming Specification.
- Scene Description Interface
+ Scene DescriptionOverview
- This specification defines the XML schema that shall be used to encode Scene Descriptions by a device. The scope of the Scene Description covers basic Scene Elements which can be displayed in a video overlay to the end-user as well as a framework for vendor-specific extensions. Annex A shows additional Scene Elements that may be used for processing vendor-specific rules.
+ This chapter defines the XML-based scene description, which can be streamed as metadata to clients via RTP as defined in the ONVIF Streaming Specification.
+ The scope of the Scene Description covers basic Scene Elements which can be displayed in a video overlay to the end-user as well as a framework for vendor-specific extensions.
+ Section defines an alternate JSON based representation.Frame Related Content
@@ -2204,7 +2193,492 @@
+ ONVIF Metadata in JSON over MQTT
+ Increasing demand in analytics use cases presented a need for
+ standardizing format and transport of ONVIF metadata to be consumed by
+ non-traditional clients (e.g. cloud vendors) to bridge gap between
+ traditional surveillance systems and IoT ecosystems. For easy
+ consumption in such systems ONVIF metadata can be published in JSON
+ format over the MQTT protocol.
+ MQTT is a pub/sub messaging protocol centered around topics.
+ Consumers can subscribe to topics published by producers to get
+ continuous updates on the data content. ONVIF metadata, like video
+ analytics scene descriptions, can be published to an MQTT broker and
+ subscribed to by a consumer.
+ Metadata publish sequence
+ This is sequence of operations to set up the metadata flow:
+ An ONVIF client calls AddEventBroker in the device's Event
+ service to set up:
+ Address and credentials to the MQTT broker to use
+ A unique TopicPrefix for the device
+ A MetadataFilter listing topics to which the device
+ shall publish
+ The producer (ONVIF device) connects to the MQTT broker and starts publishing
+ data on the selected topics.
+ The consumer connects to the MQTT broker, specifying which topics
+ that it wants to subscribe to. A consumer can be any MQTT capable
+ client, for example, an event engine like Node-RED, IoT cloud
+ platforms, VSaaS platforms, etc. Multiple comsumers using
+ different topics are possible.
+ The consumer receives updates on subscribed topics and can
+ implement actions like statistics aggregation and complex
+ analytics rules with data from multiple sources.
+ The following sections describe how topics and payload shall be
+ structured by an ONVIF metadata producer when published to an MQTT
+ broker.
+ MQTT Topic Structure
+ This section describes how an MQTT topic is structured based on
+ metadata type and source expressed as ABNF rules according to RFC
+ 5234.
+ Topic = TopicPrefix "/" PayloadPrefix "/" MetadataType "/" MetadataProducer
+ Note that special characters like, ‘/’, ‘#’ and ‘+’ shall be omitted from the topic.
+ with
+ TopicPrefix - uniquely identifies the producer and is
+ configurable through the AddEventBroker command in the Event
+ service. It shall not be empty.
+ PayloadPrefix - signals in what format the data is
+ published. See below for
+ possible values.
+ MetadataType - signals what type of metadata it is. See
+ below for possible
+ values.
+ MetadataProducer - specifies additional source information for the metadata. The
+ format depends on the metadata type. See below
+ for definition.
+ MetadataType categories with corresponding MetadataProducer
+ MetadataType
+ MetadataProducer (template in ABNF)
+ Description
+ "VideoAnalytics"
+ ProfileToken "/"
+ AnalyticsModuleName
+ ONVIF metadata from a VideoAnalytics module
+ active via VideoAnalyticsConfiguration included in Profile
+ configuration
+ "AudioAnalytics"
+ ProfileToken "/"
+ AnalyticsModuleName
+ ONVIF metadata from an AudioAnalytics module
+ active via AudioAnalyticsConfiguration included in Profile
+ configuration
+ "PTZ"
+ ProfileToken "/" PTZConfigurationToken
+ ONVIF metadata from a PTZ node included in
+ Profile configuration
+ with
+ ProfileToken = The media profile token
+ AnalyticsModuleName = The name of the analytics
+ module
+ PTZConfigurationToken = The PTZ configuration token
+ JSON Payload Structure
+ Instead of creating a full fledged schema for XML to JSON
+ conversion, provided below are a set of generic rules that devices
+ shall need to implement to express ONVIF metadata in JSON
+ format.
+ ONVIF Metadata XML to JSON conversion
+ ONVIF XML Element
+ Representation
+ Description
+ <xmltag/>
+ “xmltag”: null
+ Null tag
+ <xmltag>text</xmltag>
+ “xmltag”: "text"
+ Simple tag with value
+ < xmltag name="value" />
+ “xmltag”:{"@name": "value"}
+ Tag with attribute
+ <xmltag name="value">text</
+ xmltag>
+ “xmltag”: { "@name": "value", "#text": "text"
+ }
+ Tag with attribute and value
+ <xmltag> <tag1>text</tag1>
+ <tag2>text</tag2> </xmltag
+ “xmltag”: { "tag1": "text", "tag2": "text"
+ }
+ Tag with multiple child tags
+ <xmltag> <tag1>text</tag1>
+ <tag1>text</tag1> </ xmltag>
+ “xmltag”: { "tag1": ["text", "text"]
+ }
+ Tag with multiple child tags of same type
+ (similar to minOccurs > 1)
+ All extension elements and attributes shall be included within
+ the same parent JSON object.
+ Namespace prefixes for ONVIF defined namespaces shall be
+ dropped, i.e. elements and attributes that belong to the following
+ namespaces:
+ http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema
+ http://www.onvif.org/ver20/analytics/humanface
+ http://www.onvif.org/ver20/analytics/humanbody
+ http://www.onvif.org/ver20/analytics/radiometry
+ XML elements and attributes that belong to a different namespace
+ shall have their names prepended with their corresponding namespace
+ prefix joined by a ':' as shown in the example while defining
+ the namespace in the "context" object as per JSON-LD specification.. See specifically the acme:ColorName
+ exampe.
+ Example
+ Sample metadata frame in XML format:
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<tt:MetadataStream xmlns:tt="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema"
+ <tt:VideoAnalytics>
+ <tt:Frame UtcTime="2021-10-05T15:13:27.321" Source="MyClassifier">
+ <tt:Transformation>
+ <tt:Translate x="-1.0" y="-1.0"/>
+ <tt:Scale x="0.003125" y="0.00416667"/>
+ </tt:Transformation>
+ <tt:Object ObjectId="15">
+ <tt:Appearance>
+ <tt:Shape>
+ <tt:BoundingBox left="20.0" top="80.0" right="100.0" bottom="30.0"/>
+ <tt:CenterOfGravity x="60.0" y="50.0"/>
+ <tt:Polygon>
+ <tt:Point x="20.0" y="30.0"/>
+ <tt:Point x="100.0" y="30.0"/>
+ <tt:Point x="100.0" y="80.0"/>
+ <tt:Point x="20.0" y="80.0"/>
+ </tt:Polygon>
+ </tt:Shape>
+ <tt:Color>
+ <tt:ColorCluster>
+ <tt:Color X="213" Y="135" Z="126" />
+ <tt:Weight>0.9</tt:Weight>
+ <acme:ColorName>White</acme:ColorName>
+ </tt:ColorCluster>
+ <tt:ColorCluster>
+ <tt:Color X="102" Y="176" Z="119" />
+ <tt:Weight>0.5</tt:Weight>
+ <acme:ColorName>Blue</acme:ColorName>
+ </tt:ColorCluster>
+ </tt:Color>
+ <tt:Class>
+ <tt:Type Likelihood="0.8">Human</tt:Type>
+ </tt:Class>
+ <tt:HumanFace>
+ <fc:Gender>Male</fc:Gender>
+ <fc:Age>
+ <tt:Min>20</tt:Min>
+ <tt:Max>30</tt:Max>
+ </fc:Age>
+ <fc:Accessory>
+ <fc:Opticals>
+ <fc:Wear>True</fc:Wear>
+ </fc:Opticals>
+ <fc:Hat>
+ <fc:Wear>True</fc:Wear>
+ </fc:Hat>
+ </fc:Accessory>
+ </tt:HumanFace>
+ <tt:HumanBody>
+ <bd:Clothing>
+ <bd:Tops>
+ <bd:Category>LongSleeve</bd:Category>
+ </bd:Tops>
+ <bd:Bottoms>
+ <bd:Category>Shorts</bd:Category>
+ </bd:Bottoms>
+ </bd:Clothing>
+ <bd:Belonging>
+ <bd:Bag>
+ <bd:Category>Backpack</bd:Category>
+ </bd:Bag>
+ </bd:Belonging>
+ </tt:HumanBody>
+ </tt:Appearance>
+ </tt:Object>
+ </tt:Frame>
+ </tt:VideoAnalytics>
+ This data will be published under this topic:
+ MyDevice/onvif-mj/VideoAnalytics/1/MyClassifier
+ Where "MyDevice" is the given TopicPrefix and "1" is the
+ profile token. Shown below is how the sample metadata
+ frame is formatted in JSON:
+ {
+ "Frame": [{
+ "@UtcTime": "2021-10-05T15:13:27.321",
+ "@Source": "MyClassifier",
+ "@context": {
+ "acme": "http://www.acme.com/schema"
+ },
+ "Transformation": {
+ "Translate": {
+ "@x": "-1.0", "@y": "-1.0"
+ },
+ "Scale": {
+ "@x": "0.003125", "@y": "0.00416667"
+ }
+ },
+ "Object": [{
+ "@ObjectId": "15",
+ "Appearance": {
+ "Shape": {
+ "BoundingBox": {
+ "@left": "20.0", "@top": "20.0", "@right": "100.0", "@bottom": "30.0"
+ },
+ "CenterOfGravity": {
+ "@x": "60.0", "@y": "50.0"
+ },
+ "Polygon": [{
+ "@x": "20.0", "@y": "30.0"
+ }, {
+ "@x": "100.0", "@y": "30.0"
+ }, {
+ "@x": "100.0", "@y": "80.0"
+ }, {
+ "@x": "20.0", "@y": "80.0"
+ }]
+ },
+ "Color": {
+ "ColorCluster": [{
+ "Color": {
+ "@X": "213", "@Y": "135", "@Z": "126"
+ },
+ "Weight": 0.9,
+ "acme:ColorName": "White"
+ }, {
+ "Color": {
+ "@X": "102", "@Y": "176", "@Z": "119"
+ },
+ "Weight": 0.5,
+ "acme:ColorName": "Blue"
+ }]
+ },
+ "Class": {
+ "@Likelihood": "0.8",
+ "#text": "Human"
+ },
+ "HumanFace": {
+ "Gender:": "Male",
+ "Age": {
+ "@Min": "20", "@Max": "30"
+ },
+ "Accessory": {
+ "Opticals": {
+ "Wear": "true"
+ },
+ "Hat": {
+ "Wear": "true"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "HumanBody": {
+ "Clothing": {
+ "Tops": {
+ "Category": "LongSleeve"
+ },
+ "Bottoms": {
+ "Category": "Shorts"
+ }
+ },
+ "Belonging": {
+ "Bag": {
+ "Category": "Backpack"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }]
+ Service
+ This section covers the following main areas of this architecture:
+ Analytics Module interface
+ Rules interface
+ The analytics service allows fine-grained configuration of individual rules and individual analytics modules (see and ). Configuration description languageThis specification introduces a description language which is used to configure rules and analytics modules. Beside configuration parameters the config description additionally contains an event description according to the OASIS topic notification.
@@ -3091,7 +3565,7 @@
+ GetServiceCapabilitiesThe capabilities reflect optional functions and functionality of a service. The information is static and does not change during device operation. The following capabilites are available:
diff --git a/doc/Core.xml b/doc/Core.xml
index f08f1248b..c87decf59 100644
--- a/doc/Core.xml
+++ b/doc/Core.xml
@@ -7231,6 +7231,10 @@ http://www.onvif.org/ver10/tev/topicExpression/ConcreteSet
MaxEventBrokers Maxiumum number of event broker configurations that can be added to the device.
+ MetadataOverMQTT
+ Indicates that metadata streaming over MQTT is supported.
@@ -7606,8 +7610,16 @@ http://www.onvif.org/ver10/tev/topicExpression/ConcreteSet
- Concrete TopicExpression to select specific topics to publish, see section . Example TopicExpression: "tns1:VideoAnalytics//.|tns1:RuleEngine//."
+ Concrete Topic Expression to select specific event topics to publish, see section . Example TopicExpression: "tns1:VideoAnalytics//.|tns1:RuleEngine//."
+ If PublishFilter is empty, then device shall send all events but not metadata, for e.g. "MyDevice/onvif-ej//." .
+ MetadataFilter
+ Concrete Topic Expression to select specific metadata topics to publish, see section . Example TopicExpression: "tns1:VideoAnalytics//. |tns1:AudioAnalytics//. |tns1:PTZ//."
+ If MetadataFilter is empty, then device shall send metadata from all active providers, for e.g. "MyDevice/onvif-mj//." .
+ QoS
diff --git a/wsdl/ver10/events/wsdl/event.wsdl b/wsdl/ver10/events/wsdl/event.wsdl
index a53c83b9f..706b4e471 100644
--- a/wsdl/ver10/events/wsdl/event.wsdl
+++ b/wsdl/ver10/events/wsdl/event.wsdl
Maxiumum number of event broker configurations that can be added to the device.
+ Indicates that metadata streaming over MQTT is supported
- Concrete Topic Expression to select specific topics to publish.
+ Concrete Topic Expression to select specific event topics to publish.
+ Concrete Topic Expression to select specific metadata topics to publish.
+ Quality of service level to use when publishing. This defines the guarantee of delivery for a specific message: 0 = At most once, 1 = At least once, 2 = Exactly once.