Unzip the package we get these three files.
files.zip __MACOSX malware.py
In files.zip
are four files with name endswith enc
CTF-favicon.png.enc flag.txt.enc malware.py.enc shopping_list.txt.enc
AES CTR encryption take key and iv to create keystream, xor
on keystream and plaintext to generate cipher text. So we can xor
cipher text(malware.py.enc
) and plain text(malware.py
) to get keystream. Once we have the keystream, to get plain text flag we need to xor
the encrypted flag (flag.txt.enc
) with it.
The encryption script use 16
bytes for one block, so we need to truncated cipher text and plain text into list of 16
byte blocks.
src = [src[i:i+16] for i in range(0, len(src), 16)]
enc = [enc[i:i+16] for i in range(0, len(enc), 16)]
enc_flag = [enc_flag[i:i+16] for i in range(0, len(enc_flag), 16)]
The iv
used to create each encrypted file is increamented by one for each file, so lets say the initial value for counter is v
, the jth
file listed after malware.py
would be using v+j
for encryption.
As the exact order of the four files being listed is not given, we could brute-force from 1 through 3. flag.txt.enc
is 38, so it needs 3 (round up 38/16
) blocks.
$ wc flag.txt.enc
0 2 38 flag.txt.enc
Sum this up to have the following loop to output the flag.
for i in range(1, 4):
flag = []
for j in range(3):
k = [x^y for x,y in zip(src[i+j], enc[i+j])]
flag.extend([x^y for x,y in zip(enc_flag[j], k)])