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312 lines (271 loc) · 6.62 KB

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312 lines (271 loc) · 6.62 KB

The chanlenge is seperated into total 9 phases. It allows to skip phases to get to the phase about to solve. Answers to all phases needed to be wrapped with "DawgCTF{}" to be the flag.


Phase 1 is the easist one, checkout the code in ulong phase1(undefined8 param_1), it requires reversed input to match "Gn1r7s_3h7_Gn15Rev3R", so the answer is "R3veR51nG_7h3_s7r1nG".

  i = 0;
  sVar1 = strlen(__s);
  while( true ) {
    sVar2 = strlen("Gn1r7s_3h7_Gn15Rev3R");
    if (sVar2 <= (ulong)(long)i) break;
    sVar2 = strlen(__s);
    if (sVar2 <= (ulong)(long)i) break;
    if ("Gn1r7s_3h7_Gn15Rev3R"[i] != __s[(long)((int)sVar1 - i) + -1]) {
      local_34 = 0;
    i = i + 1;
  sVar1 = strlen("Gn1r7s_3h7_Gn15Rev3R");
  if ((long)i != sVar1) {
    local_34 = 0;


Here is phase 2, result of xoring input and 5 should be "Dk52m6WZw@s6w0dIZh@2m5a".

  local_30 = 1;
  __s = (char *)calloc(0x29,1);
  local_2c = 0;
  while( true ) {
    sVar1 = strlen("Dk52m6WZw@s6w0dIZh@2m5a");
    if (sVar1 <= (ulong)(long)local_2c) break;
    sVar1 = strlen(__s);
    if (sVar1 <= (ulong)(long)local_2c) break;
    if ("Dk52m6WZw@s6w0dIZh@2m5a"[local_2c] != (byte)(__s[local_2c] ^ 5U)) {
      local_30 = 0;
    local_2c = local_2c + 1;
  sVar1 = strlen("Dk52m6WZw@s6w0dIZh@2m5a");
  if ((long)local_2c != sVar1) {
    local_30 = 0;

So the answer was

>>> s="Dk52m6WZw@s6w0dIZh@2m5a"
>>> ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(ord(x)^5), s))


Phase 3 check

char * func3_1(char *param_1)
  char cVar1;
  if (('@' < *param_1) && (*param_1 < '[')) {
    *param_1 = *param_1 + -0xd;
    if (*param_1 < 'A') {
      cVar1 = '\x1a';
    else {
      cVar1 = '\0';
    *param_1 = cVar1 + *param_1;
  if (('`' < *param_1) && (*param_1 < '{')) {
    *param_1 = *param_1 + -0xd;
    if (*param_1 < 'a') {
      cVar1 = '\x1a';
    else {
      cVar1 = '\0';
    *param_1 = cVar1 + *param_1;
  return param_1;

char * func3_2(char *param_1)
  char cVar1;
  if ((' ' < *param_1) && (*param_1 != '\x7f')) {
    *param_1 = *param_1 + -0x2f;
    if (*param_1 < '!') {
      cVar1 = '^';
    else {
      cVar1 = '\0';
    *param_1 = cVar1 + *param_1;
  return param_1;
ulong phase3(undefined8 param_1) {
  __s1 = (char *)calloc(0x29,1);
  i = __s1;
  while (*i != '\0') {
    pcVar2 = (char *)func3_1(i);
    *i = *pcVar2;
    pcVar2 = (char *)func3_2(i);
    *i = *pcVar2;
    i = i + 1;
  iVar1 = strcmp(__s1,"\"_9~Jb0!=A`G!06qfc8\'_20uf6`2%7");

The expected string is "\"_9~Jb0!=A`G!06qfc8'_20uf6`2%7", as there were branches in func3_1 and func3_2, brute force seems simpler way to solve it.

s = "\"_9~Jb0!=A`G!06qfc8'_20uf6`2%7"
ans = []
for i in range(len(s)):
    for c in range(255):
        x = func3_1(c)
        x = func3_2(x)
        if x == ord(s[i]):
print(''.join(map(chr, ans)))

The output is D0uBl3_Cyc1iC_rO74tI0n_S7r1nGs.


Phase 4 ran func4 on each input, func4 was a function to get the nth fibonacchi numbers. So phase 4 was about to find indics of particular fibonacchi numbers.

long func4(int param_1)
  long lVar1;
  long lVar2;
  if (param_1 < 1) {
    lVar1 = 0;
  else {
    if (param_1 == 1) {
      lVar1 = 1;
    else {
      lVar2 = func4((ulong)(param_1 - 1));
      lVar1 = func4((ulong)(param_1 - 2));
      lVar1 = lVar1 + lVar2;
  return lVar1;

ulong phase4(undefined8 param_1)
  local_5c = 1;
  local_48[0] = 1;
  local_48[1] = 0x7b;
  local_48[2] = 0x3b18;
  local_48[3] = 0x1c640d;
  iVar2 = func4(10);
  uVar4 = 0x10157f;
  __ptr = calloc(4,4);
  getInput(4,param_1,"%d%d%d%d",__ptr,(long)__ptr + 4,(long)__ptr + 8,(long)__ptr + 0xc,uVar4);
  i = 0;
  while (i < 4) {
    lVar1 = local_48[i];
    lVar3 = func4((ulong)*(uint *)((long)__ptr + (long)i * 4));
    if (lVar1 * iVar2 - lVar3 != 0) {
      local_5c = 0;
    i = i + 1;

Implement function find_fibonacci_index to return indics of given numbers.

def find_fibonacci_index(values):
    ma = max(values)
    w = [0] * 100
    w[0] = 1
    w[1] = 1
    i = 2
    n = 0
    seq = [-1] * len(values)
    while n < ma:
        n = w[(i-1)%100] + w[(i-2)%100]
        w[i % 100] = n
            loc = -1
            while True:
                loc = values.index(n, loc+1, len(values)) 
                seq[loc] = i+1
        except ValueError:
            i += 1
    return seq

According to function phase4, the fibonacchi numbers to look for indices are values in list iVar3, kept the name in python code.

local_48 = [1, 0x7b, 0x3b18, 0x1c640d]
iVar3 = list(map(lambda v: v*0x37, local_48))

Finally, the output was [10, 20, 30, 40], find out corresponding lines in password list rockyou.txt.

$ head -10 rockyou.txt |tail -1
$ head -20 rockyou.txt |tail -1
$ head -30 rockyou.txt |tail -1
$ head -40 rockyou.txt |tail -1

Joined them with "_", the answer was "abc123_qwerty_anthony_123123".


Phase 6 swap the 4 higher bits and the 4 lower bits of each byte in input, then xor the result with 100, the expected output is in local_38.

  ret = 1;
  local_38[0] = '@';
  local_38[1] = 0x77;
  local_38[2] = 0x23;
  local_38[3] = 0x91;
  local_34 = 0xb0;
  local_33 = 0x72;
  local_32 = 0x82;
  local_31 = 0x77;
  local_30 = 99;
  local_2f = 0x31;
  local_2e = 0xa2;
  local_2d = 0x72;
  local_2c = 0x21;
  local_2b = 0xf2;
  local_2a = 0x67;
  local_29 = 0x82;
  local_28 = 0x91;
  local_27 = 0x77;
  local_26 = 0x26;
  local_25 = 0x91;
  local_24 = 0;
  local_23 = 0x33;
  local_22 = 0x82;
  local_21 = 0xc4;
  __s = (char *)calloc(0x29,1);
  i = 0;
  while( true ) {
    sVar1 = strlen(local_38);
    if (sVar1 <= (ulong)(long)i) break;
    sVar1 = strlen(__s);
    if (sVar1 <= (ulong)(long)i) break;
    __s[i] = (byte)((int)__s[i] << 4) | (byte)__s[i] >> 4;
    __s[i] = __s[i] ^ 100;
    if (__s[i] != local_38[i]) {
      ret = 0;
    i = i + 1;
  sVar1 = strlen(local_38);
  if ((long)i != sVar1) {
    ret = 0;

So the answer is bits_swap(local_38^100), implemented in Python as follow.

ans = [0] * len(expected)
for i in range(len(expected)):
    a = expected[i] ^ 100
    a = ((a << 4)&0xf0) | ((a >> 4)&0xf)
    ans[i] = a

print(''.join(map(chr, ans)))

The answer was "B1t_Man1pUlaTi0n_1$_Fun".